Meridia Forums
Recently active Meridia forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Meridia and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Este medicamento tiene como ingrediente primario uno que se llama Meridia plus sibutramine, es un medicamento que no sale en su oja de contenido pero esta ahy, el FDA descontinuo el uso de Meridia ya q estaba ligado a unas 26 muertes por ataques al corazon y este producto lo esta utilizando de forma anonima como ingrediente principal aunque no sale em sus ingredientes Si alguna persona a padecido de mareos nauseas alta precion palpitaciones, es tu deber reportarlo al FDA, si quieren saber un poco mas del producto se pueden comunicar por e-mail a {edited for privacy} ## wow! asi mismo me sentia en verdad hay q reportarlo. Obvio como es nuevo dicen q no tiene efectos secundarios porq aun nadie lo ha reportado! ## Hola y gracias por publicar. La razón Sibutramina como genérico o ...
Lo empecé hace 6 días y lo deje pq me empezaron a dar muchas palpitaciones, mareos, náuseas y dolor en el cuerpo ## Hola, Indiara! Cómo estás? Lo siento, pero esto es un producto de suplemento natural que se reclama, pero no está probado para ayudar a perder peso y, como un producto natural, no ha sido evaluado por los efectos secundarios. ¿Te sientes mejor, o todavía experincing ellos? ## Saludos Yo las empecé y me da dolor de estomago. Y como dijo otra por ay ni orino mucho y ni lo otro, realmente como funciona ,no lo se. ## Tienes los efectos secundarios del medicamento secreto llamado Meridia o Sibutramine ya han muerto 26 personas por el uso de Meridia, hay q reportarloal FDA ya que al quejarte en la pagina te bloquean y te borran para q...
my measure : 170 my weight: 130kg need to lose weight with Meridia !!! ## Hello, Kamila! How are you? I'm sorry, but this website does not manufacture, prescribe nor sell any medications, it is an information only website. Have you consulted your doctor for assistance? How tall are you? How old are you? What types of foods do you eat?
I have had meridia in the past and it was alway in capsul form either blue and white or yellow and white but it was way too expensive so i ordered it online and got small orange pills with no writing on it but one side has an octagone imprint around the outside edge. I am concerned I don't have generic meridia. Is this ligit? Should I worry? ## light blue pill 44 386 ## I use Meridia and I find it very useful. I follow a low calorie diet and some daily exercises :) Never had any side effect. ## where do u get your meridia from? ## I'm sorry, but I can't provide any assistance in regards to purchasing Meridia, since Sibutramine has been removed from the market in the U.S., Canada and most other countries, due to the risk it caused of cardiac dangers. Learn more Sibutramine de...
Hello, I hope this is not too long but I would like to share my experience and knowledge with you. I wanted to loose weight and was prescribed a diet drug known by the names MERIDIA, REDUCTIL, SIBUTREX, SIBUTRAMINE AND SIBUTRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE. At the time I was in a lawyer in a high pressure area, successful, enthusiastic, fit and rather conservative in nature. I did not know that this drug was structurally related to AMPHETAMINES ("New Drugs". Australian Prescriber 25 (1): 22. 2002). The taking of this drug resulted in me becoming MANIC, irrational, impulsive and a large risk taker. I felt euphoric, full of energy and somewhat indestructible. I developed major insomnia needing sleeping pills to get some sleep. I didn’t realise what I was doing and regret ma...
I was on Meridia for 8 years and while I thought at the time it was a life saver (it definitely does work for weight loss and mood stabilization) I now fear it could have had a negative impact on my fertility. Has anyone heard of this as a side effect or suspect it could be a possibility? ## Meridia contains the active ingredient Sibutramine and that is quite a long time to take it and it usually causes the opposite in regards to mood issues. However, since it is not intended to be used for that long of a time period, there have not been any studies done on the long-term possible effects on female fertility. It is also highly unlikely that they will ever be done, because it has been removed from the market, due to the extreme risk it caused of cardiovascular dangers. Have you talked to ...
I am 52 years old.someone recommended I take sibuslim 15 to help with weight loss but I would like to know side effects before I start. ## There is very little information available, however, since the active ingredient is the same as that in Meridia (Sibutramine), and SibuSlim-15 is just a new trade/brand name it is sold under, then to find the side effect information as well as usage information, you can refer to the Meridia drug monograph: Meridia Info: Since the active ingredient is exactly the same, the side effect information and safety information, as well as usage, will not change, just because it is being marketed under a different name. There are many drugs, sold under many different trade and generic names, however, when the main ingredient is the same thing, then the monogra...
is this like Meridia? ## i want sibutramina or orlistat,or meizitang bay ## I am sorry, this site does not sell nor prescribe medications. Have you tried consulting a doctor? ## I would like to Meridia or Sibutrime in South Africa, please can you advise how do I go about this. I hear it is excellent wieght loss pill if you are obese. Awaiting your earliest reply
the FDA banned many supplements that contained sibutramine (meridia). I would like to test some of the nutritional supplements myself, but don't know how. or could I just do one of those drug test at home kits that tests for amphetamines? If I do detect it, is there a way to tell how much is in a pill?
UpdatedI found these pills in my dresser and I need to know what they are they are orange they are a capsule shape, but not a caspule, they are orange coated with white inside. they are blank on one side, and on the other there is a line. help ## mylan 4010 small orange capsul
Round orange pill one side, other side no writing ## i got what was supposed to be generic meridia and it has always been capsule form and now it is 10mg small orange (called sunset yellow but looks orange) no writing but there is kind of an octagone around the edges on one side. I am concerned this might not be what i was told ## If there are no markings, then it is not a legal U.S. prescription drug and there is no way to be certain what it is.
IS THIS THE SAME AS SIBUSLIM-10 NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS/ ## Yea definitley i can relate.. ive been on fluoxetine (Prozac) 20- now 40mgs for 7mos...I honestly must say i do feel gradually better, but I have gained weight.19lbs....( From 129lbs to 148lbs .) i know that doesnt sound like alot, but being know as a small scrawny, skinny, 5'8 tree limb, thats a dramatic change.. Sometimes i think its kinda defeating the purpose , I feel very embarrased cause of my weight. Im starting to get man boobs, i have a gross looking pot belly- So Unatractive & my face looks wide & chubby cheeks as is. So I told my doc. about it, & she said that was odd, because most people loss weight , told her yea but ive did my research & people do gain weight from it as well, but she insisted tha...