Rumoquin Nf U.s. Equivalent Wanted (Page 4)
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I have a Mexican pill for back pain or arthritis and am wondering what the U.S. equivalent is?

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Be careful and drink plenty of water. Stay out of the sun as much as you can. Do not work to the point of overexertion as it is possible to dehydrate and you could suffer renal failure.

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I've been taking Rumoqiun N.F. for about six years and I also have high BP. and take Lisinopril & Pravastatin. I just take Rumoquin in the morning and the BP meds at night. I haven't had any problems. But different Meds affect different people in different ways. I just know that without my Rumoquin, I wouldn't be able to get up and go to work everyday.

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Today I went to a Botanica del Carmen in Paramount Ca. They have Rumoquin N. F. Their phones are:
562-799-2409 and 562-577-8066
I hope you guys can get what I got. Relieve from a terrible pain within minutes. Good luck to you all.

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How many pill can't
take a day
For pain of goat

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I bought some in Mexico, 30 for $5.50 and some gel too for $5.99

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Look, I've also suffered from gout, and years ago a doctor in Mexico recommended Artridol and works great but also Ardosons and it's a lot cheaper you could find it in the similiares farmacys in Mexico same drugs and all. gout only hits a nite when you feel a little different about 8pm take one and it will be gone!!

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The Rumoquin-N.F. contains Dicofenaco sodico 75mg,
Metocarbamol 200mg, Dexametasona0.75mg

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as of Feb 2010 the ingredients are:
Diclofenaco 75 mg
Metocarbomal 200 mg
Dexametasona .75 mg

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I take heart medication and am wondering if this medication will interfer with that medication????

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You might want to try looking at the flea market where they sell natural herbs and remedies. That's where I found them for $15/20 tablets.

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My brother in law gave me some of the cream he told me about the pills also. I used the cream because my shoulder was hurting felt good after using cream. My sister brought me the pills and cream from Mexico and yesterday I hurt my back picking up a pan from the stove. I went to my chiroprator and helped with the pain but by the end of the night I was hurting again. I applied the cream and it helped temp... well this morning I was in so much pain I took the Rumoquin.N.F. and the pain was gone... I say I went about 8 hours pain free.

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rumoquin was given to me for arthritis/knees 4yrs ago & the doc in mexico said after 10yrs of daily use was all he could recommend w/o side effects. its been great, no side effects till the new rumoquin n.f. has come out. i see the fenilbutaxona has been changed to diclofenaco sodico, which is voltaren pill. this is a nsaid used for arthritis. any rhuem.doc in the states will give an rx or the cream to use, but now i'm feeling side effects. i wish i could find the old rumoquin.

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I am not a doc.but use with care , you can damage organs useing works great on pain. great stuff also the gel is good.

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I am currentylygoing through horriblr withdrawls fro heroin, so i went down to mexico to find and alternative to suboxone...hell with methodone,but when i got the pills and got back to the states, I found out that these pills are for arthritis...anyone know of any suboxone or related dt meds in northern sonora?

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Bought this med in Mexico. Hoes anyone know what the us eqvaven'y used it yet because I can't find the ingredients listed on any site so I am concerned about effects it has on you. Does anyone know the us equivalent for this stuff?

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I am wondering if there are any side effects to the Mexican medicine for arthritis called Rumoquin N.F.???

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I will like to know if they he a telephone number so we can call to ask them if they can send it by mail,of coursr I am talkin about Rumoquin

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Bought this medication in Mexico. Was suppose to be the equivalent of Fioricet but now reading it is not. Has anyone used this for migraine headaches?

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I was about 18 years old when I first tried Rumoquin N.F.
I was in so much pain. My back hurt, my knees hurt, and I beleive I had some sort of rheumatoid problem in my hands, whenever I used to go in the cold, my hands would hurt. And worse, when I came in contact with to much heat they would hurt even more.
So one day one of my uncles who was visiting from Mexico, heard me complaining about the pain, and how I was becoming addicted to tylenol, and how I was allergic to Advil. So he gave me one, and wow, the pain went away so fast, that I thought he had drugged me or something.
well he showed me his prescription, I took the info down, and had a friend who was going to visit family in Tijuana, buy me some. Well I would only take one purple pill, every other week, sometimes one every month.
I just thought they were a blessing because I was only taking one a month, compared to 6 tylenol tablets everyday.
I have never had an allergic reaction to this medication, so I guess it is rather safe..
I'm down to my last pill, and will order more.

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for gall stones 1 grapefruit or 2 lemon juice and olive oil half the amount of the juice every morning about one hour before you eat anything it worked for my grandfather.

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