Roxicodone Generic 30mg Bright Blue With V Mark (Top voted first)
UpdatedYes, can anyone tell me why the generic Roxicodone 30mg with the V mark is not as strong as the R-215 or the M-30 brands of the same medicine? It does nothing for my pain!
I know which kind your taking and your right those one are JUNK ! i take the mallonkrot i'm not sure if its spelled that way but those are best. I take 1 tab 8 X a day i get 240 tabs every month. I also get Oxycontin 80 mg 1 tab every 8hrs for pain. I hate the new Oxycontins , what ever they did to it its not the same.
YES! These dark blue Roxy's are NOT THE REAL DEAL or they have some kind of coating like the new Oxycontin OP which doesn't break down in my system. It will come out in your bowel movements. BAD STUFF> I will not take it and since we have no idea what is REALLY in any of this s***, I'll stick with the light blue that don't make me puke my guts up or not help with the pain. It's all a huge scam and I'm so sick of it all...don't know why anyone would WANT to take these meds and then we are treated like less than human for wanting pain control. Down will Qualifast or whatever that manufactuer is. I wrote the Drug Administration about it, you should do the same and never get that formulation again!
just got to try and quit cold turkey. have severe gout and when outbreaks were frequent had to take them daily, now i take 2 a day minumum and cant stop either, so quit while you are on one. good luck
The brand matters --- every tasted off brand food that isn't the same thing; or off brand detergent that makes your clothes stink? Well after you've taken any cheaper or generic medication you''ll realize the same thing... Just find a pharmacist that finds the ones that work for you - I find the white or very light light blue (they are white to me with blue speck you can barely see) work the absolute best --- like 3 times better and the dark blue's aren't worth taking....
You're absolutely right ---- just find a pharmacy that carries them and start using them....
This is for hydrocodone, perkisets, etc.... so pay attention cause I get so mad i felt like I was wasting money and meds and stillhurting til I realized generic isn't same thing.
I have taken many forms of the 30 mg roxi s and i have found that the m box 30 are very inconsistent in potentcy many times i felt nothing even tried taking 3 at the same time to no avail. However once i got one that had the proper feeling . Its a gamble with these anf the v 30 s . And others . However i can say with 100% backing that a215 are constant always dead on . I also have had no problem with the 54199 . And the 15 mg roxies most constant i found are a214 and 187 they both look just like the a215 but they are green
I'm a parapalygic, only 26 years old. I've been taking prescription opiates. And IV in intensive care for 4 years now.i take 330 mg a day of, 3, 80 mg OxyContin a day, and 90, 30 mg oxycodones for breakthrough pain. I have to take all three of my oxycodones everyday. I find the ones with the cursive type looking V on it is called the qualitest brand. When I've got these, I withdrawl, and get no pain relief from them what so ever. I made my dr write a note on my scrip that I cannot take qualitest brand. I would request this to your dr to with whatever brand you hate the most. They will do that for you if you have a decent relationship with your P.M. Dr. The fact is that there are two reasons certain brands effect people negatively. 1 the FDA will approve any pill that is 20% off, either being higher, or lower mg dose. Obviously every generic brand is going to not give you more than 30 mg. they'll give less. Reason #2. Is because even though the ignorant people say every pill is the same. There not! Every different brand has different fillers inside them. This can mess people from metabolizing the drug that you need in it. Doctors have told me, as well as pharmacists. You can even go onto each generic brand site. And it will state the fillers. And each brand has different fillers. So those are the two reasons that happens to people a lot.
While generics do contain the same active ingredient or an ingredient that works the same as the name brands, they are allowed to have some differences.
The FDA considers these differences to be acceptable therapeutic windows. However, they can differ by as much as plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient.
This means that not all generics will have as accurate of a dosage as the name brands, nor will they all necessarily have the same dosage as the generic made by a different company.
You can try requesting that your pharmacy fill your prescription with the tablets from a different manufacturer, or call around and see is another pharmacy carries them.
had tha K 9's, had tha M n M's, get tha A's, tried V's.......... thought it was just me thinking that sum r weaker or got a lil more filer then the actual drug... i've come to find the A's are tha best.......... im ready to get off these, i regret tha day i took my first petty 5, im only on like one 30 a day tho so i guess thats not even comparable to bad? but i wanna b done with them, wake up its all i think about, go to work all i think bout, nighttime take more because we're vulnerable to feeling it; so on so forth with what comes... any advicee? f*** subs
I have taken a survey! You are absolutely correct! They claim the fillers are identical! No, still have pain!
I feel for you my girlfriend had same thing happen to her and pain management would not replace hers also. The only thing she could do was go to the emergency room when she could not tolerate the pain. Hide your meds good, trust no one.
Does anyone live in arizona ???
yes does anyone on here live in huntsville,al its impossible tp find roxys or morphine here and this is a big place i dont understand it at all...!!!!
Still looking ???? It's really a small place
I can't believe the world nowadays. I am 60 years old and just got robbed by someone outside the pharmacy. Now I called the doctor and tried to explain what happened, but nope won't replace em. I broke my back almost and almost broke the nerve and would have been paralyzed.
I live around Huntsville Al! I could be of help kitten. It's a bigger city than it seems. There are some great doctors and a lot not so much.
Its strange how many do not like qualitest 30mg roxicodones. This is my favorite brand out of all the ones ive tried, and ive probably tried 75% of them. Someone mentioned throwing up on them, which for the first 3 days taking them, I too get sick but it passes after the 3rd day. What I started doing was keeping track of each brand's fillers and found that in the brands that felt like I was just taking a placebo ended up having the same fillers in them. I also found that not one brand ever had the full 30mg oxy in it, and that almost all are only reported to have approximately 26mg of oxy in them.
When I told my PM that its becoming harder and harder to find these, he suggested to only use the local pharmacies and stay away from the chains such as CVS and Walgreens because both stores are strictly monitored by the DEA and have very strict regulations due to being slapped with a 30 million dollar fine for over filling fraudulent rx's and allowing them to be filled. So there are a lot less restrictions and the policies are less restrictive at the local level pharmacies. He said the mom and pop pharmacies usually have them, and not only do they have them, but usually have multiple brands in stock. The other stores mentioned are Giant Food Store, Costco, Walmart, Target, Shoppers Food. These would be considered local and dont have the restrictions or limitations on them from the DEA.
Hope this helped some in some way.
I've already posted the answer to that question here. But i'll repost for you, this is the reason:
I'm a parapalygic, only 26 years old. I've been taking prescription opiates. And IV in intensive care for 4 years now. I take 330 mg a day of, 3, 80 mg OxyContin a day, and 90, 30 mg oxycodones for breakthrough pain. I have to take all three of my oxycodones everyday. I find the ones with the cursive type looking V on it is called the qualitest brand. When I've got these, I withdrawal, and get no pain relief from them what so ever. I made my dr write a note on my scrip that I cannot take qualitest brand. I would request this to your dr to with whatever brand you hate the most. They will do that for you if you have a decent relationship with your P.M. Dr. The fact is that there are two reasons certain brands effect people negatively. 1 the FDA will approve any pill that is 20% off, either being higher, or lower mg dose. Obviously every generic brand is going to not give you more than 30 mg. they'll give less. Reason #2. Is because even though the ignorant people say every pill is the same. There not! Every different brand has different fillers inside them. This can mess people from metabolizing the drug that you need in it. Doctors have told me, as well as pharmacists. You can even go onto each generic brand site. And it will state the fillers. And each brand has different fillers. So those are the two reasons that happens to people a lot.
I agree I take also 8 30mg oxy a day, which is 240 of them and 4 a day of the 80 mg er oxycontin which I do no like they have 80 on one side and op on the other also im prescribed the 100 mc Fentenel patch 15 a month I no to much. I can not walk to good from real bad back problems . just strange the same as you almost.
Hi There- I wanted to reply to a statement I often see (I'm quoting the above poster)
"... the FDA will approve any pill that is 20% off, either being higher, or lower mg dose."
That is blatantly incorrect, and false information. I'm perplexed as to how this myth started circulating. Without giving away my job, I work at an independent lab who evaluates generic drugs. I'll briefly explain it in layman terms: For a generic to be approved it MUST show the same contents / dosage in the bloodstream as it's brand name equivalent, in multiple studies. A 20% difference (higher or lower) is MASSIVE, and would easily lead to multiple deaths / unintentional overdoses, especially in controlled medications.
In both generic medication and brand name medication, dose *will* vary batch to batch. A 2.0% / 2.5% difference (higher or lower) of the drug's original strength is deemed acceptable, and expected.
For those who continue to perpetrate the 20% myth, I encourage you to site your sources. I'm assuming someone saw the 2.0% statistic and mistook it for 20%.
Anyone in Florida? Having hard time down here. New Roxy gelling up. Lighter blue than normal. Any advice?
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