Round White Pill With An Imprint That Says Nordin
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Round white pill that says Nordin and another round white pill that says Merch. Anybody have a clue of what kind of pill this is?

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I am actually taking these right now, I got them in Mexico and It is for sore throat and they actually work extremely well

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Beat pill for sore throat in my opinion I got to the point I count breath that's how bad it got but these pills helped slot you can find them in your nearest mexican/salvadorean store in your area

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it's an antibiotic

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Hey just saw your post about nordin round white pill- my friend took some of these for a sore throat once - they are some kind of anti-biotic she got from mexico for sore throat infection and she says take 1 every 6 hours. I was looking it up as well to see.

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It is a pill from Mexico for sore throat... You put it in your mouth and suck on it like a candy. It relieves sore throats m swellness . The taste pretty gross but the effect is quick n great.

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So I have a question :)..i have this pill for soar throat and instead of chewing it can I drnk it with water like a regular pill???plz help!!:)

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How many do you take ??

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Its for soar throats.. don't worry but I would ask her where she got it cause I get them from Mexico

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its for a sore throat, it does help =] i have some right now! lol i was doing research on exactly what it does, and i came across this page.

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Nordin is a strong tylenol given for sore throat. You chew it and it tastes terrible but coates your throat so it can heal. My in laws bring thes back for me when they go to Mexico.

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Its a Mexican brand of tylenol. Look up nordinet for more info

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i think its like a contraception pill since if you type on google nordin it is some company that makes contraception pills

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I found some of those in my daughter's room. Does anyone have info on what they are for? I try google-ing it, but don't find anything that gives me a use description.

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ROUND, WHITE, SCORED, and NORDIN is the imprint.

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