Round Yellow Pill R 34 (Top voted first)
UpdatedAre the 1mg tabs the strongest? My Doc put me on this and said to take only half a pill at a time.
13 Replies
@Post #4,
Are you a doctor??? No you are not you are a wanna be dr... How dare you post that 1mg is not enough, 2mg is better and some people need to take up to 20 mg which is a lethal you take 20mg?...If you are going to give advice why not advise people to follow the doctors orders on what he prescribes...guess you never thought to do that because you are too busy making your own dosage choices and advising others to follow what you say...I strongly suggest you get help asap and fyi younger people read this as well so basically you are telling a young adult that mat be looking to party that it is okay to take 20 mg and keep in mind they might be drinking as well as following your stupid ass suggestion to take 20 mg., by the way I called poison control about your genius dosage of 20 mg and they said a doctor would never prescribe a 20 mg dose. They come in one and two mg pills so you are advising people to take 20 1 mg pills or ten 2 mg pills which again the poison control center says that a 200 mg dosage could be lethal and at that the very best anyone that followed your stupid dosage instructions needs to get to the hospital right away. Please stop playing doctor!
I take 2 mg twice a day. A one mg taken half at a time is crazy .5 mg would not do anything for me.
Re: John (# 7)
I've taken these for quite a while and the Most important thing is that for whatever reason and I know what is said about generic drugs being "almost" the same. I think 74% of what name brand strength is. BUT it isn't the case especially with these pills. Name brand is the best but most insurances will not pay for it. In that case if you can the green 1 milligram pills seem to be the best as long as you're not the blue ones the blue ones are horrible they're like half the strength I can take two of them and they're just don't feel like I took anything and that's coming from one green one will knock me out all day and two of these blue ones are like I didn't take anything so if you're new to this I can see how somebody can be confused but telling somebody to take 20 of them or stupid advice that that person above gave was really dumb you need to talk to your doctor about your dos and what kind you took and research it and maybe you just have a very generic pill or brand of pills it happens all the time and pharmacies It's Not Unusual or rare. I know this pharmacist was honest with me about saying that when they had the blue kind they had gotten probably over 100 call backs on them so that alone tells you that it's not one person it's everybody saying that they don't work and if the FDA was doing a study on the medication I am pretty sure that would probably you know raise some eyebrows or they would take that into consideration it's like taking a placebo. 1 mg is more than strong enough and the thing is you can't take more you will grow a tolerance to these that's why it's important that you be honest with yourself when you need to take them honestly and do not take more than what you need because as soon as you do that one time the next day you're going to be in trouble and the one going to work so you cannot raise your milligrams yourself because you're basically setting yourself up for disaster you're going to run out of your medication early your tolerance is going to be higher and it's just a mess and you're likely going to have a seizure down the road when your doctor kicks you off 4 not following directions and drug seeking Behavior. I'm just kind of kidding on that one but take it from me I've not follow directions with them I've done it my way and it doesn't work I've also had two seizures because of Xanax I've been there been on the wrong side of things I've learned that if you do have generalized anxiety and you really do need to take these things then you need to do it properly the right way and if your anxiety is bad enough that pill will make it tolerable you just need to wait till the next day things will get better this too will pass as everything else does so take a walk if you took one milligram that's enough to help you a walk or swim something to get your mind off of whatever is causing the anxiety I know post-traumatic stress doesn't times but I have it still taking her mind off of things helps and 1 mg of that medication will definitely help enough so you're not losing your mind or yellow kind if it's those blue ones you're in trouble and you need to call your doctor and tell him what happened be honest and take it from there. And don't listen to anybody. Believe me I remember a time I've met so many drug store pharmacist on the street it's not even funny everybody who takes a pill thinks their pharmacist and they know what to do and how to take them and give advice like this numbnuts anyway good luck and don't get addicted whatever you do you don't want that monkey on your back. Good luck
You are right that person dosent care about anyone!! I have been on klonopin for a while i am 6' 3'' and weigh 295 and 1mg is plenty enough
Re: kimmie (# 5)
I take 3 mgs at the same time every day and I don't feel anything. They were for anxiety and they work but I don't get a buzz and don't want one.
Re: Frank (# 8)
I was on Xanax for a good while and it was a non stop need. Then I was recommended to use clonazepam instead so I weaned myself from one to the other, with my doctor on board of course, and was totally amazed at how I was no longer on the Xanax roller coaster. Clonazepam had none of those horrible side effects. Get off Xanax, they are horrible.
Re: joeythomas (# 2)
I was in the hospital for 7 1/2 weeks on 80 mg of methadone and on 5 mg of kolonopin, and in the A.M. i got 30mg of methadone with 2 mg of kolonopin, and at noon i got 20 and 1mg of kolonopin, and at bed time i got another 30 and 2, and when i got out they wouldnt give me anything so i tried getting on the methadone and they told me that the doctor that was perscribeing me the methadone and the kolnopin should be tapering me off slowly, but it wasnt my family doctor it was an emergency doctor. The one that comes and talks to you before you go up to your room and that doctor said he couldnt perscribe me anything to go home with. So i was pretty sick for the next month or two. Are there any attorneys that read these or any friends of attorneys that read these? {edited for privacy}. Thank you.
Re: Frank (# 8)
Hi Frank, That is so true. The less you take the better off you are. Benzodiazepines are very addicting so please, take as directed and if you find its not helping ease some or most of your anxiety, contact your dr and be honest with him. Like Frank said; you may not have meant it the way people are talking it may have been misunderstanding on the persons end but if so I hope they correct themselves. I know what you mean by some do not work as well as the green ones that’s been my experience. But my dr put me back on Xanax 0.5mg TID(3 timesper day.). I’ve been very honest with him in that 0.5 mg is like taking nothing but Frank your so right in the fact that if u take more than prescribed we run out of our meds early then ur in trouble. Anxiety will hit hard. But once again Frank, we all need to fight thru this by going for a walk, reading from Gods word. Psalm 91 over fear. Read it out loud and personalize it and if u believe, ur anxiety will cease. U may have to read it over and over. Not just once. And place your bible close to you opened to psalm 91. It will protect you thru the night. I’m not trying to push this on anyone, just a great way to rid ur self of fear. But u have to have faith. We all need to be very careful to not play dr or pharmacist. And I’m wondering if that person didn’t know the danger and maybe didn’t realize the harm she could be causing I hope she makes an apology and hopefully she can delete it and start over. Being very careful as to what she says. But yes if someone is given 1 mg that’s all they should take. And if still feeling anxious, read, take a bath and try to relax pray, praising God even when your feeling ill,will take that anxious feeling away. If you do not believe in God, get a journal and write how you feel and things you can do to help rid you of it. Sometimes just getting on the phone to a dear friend that you trust and ask them to please talk to you. Tell them you are having anxiety and need to talk. That has helped me so much in the past. And present. We all must be very careful in what we write on sites like this. And we cannot play pharmacist nor Dr. thank you Frank for sharing
This tablet contains 1mgs of Clonazepam, the active ingredient in Klonopin, it is a Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.
And no, it is available in a 2mg tablet, as well.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability.
Learn more:
Are there any other comments or questions?
Is yellow round 34 pill blank on the other side consider a 10 or a 5 mg as a whole not broke in half?? Just wondering
Clonazepam are powerful but the two milligram pills are the strongest; the one milligram pills aren't really that strong. One milligram is the usual dose for someone going to the dentist to remove a tooth. Someone who has to take them regularly I would say 75% of the time one milligram is nowhere near enough but everyone is different. Some people can only take half a milligram some people can take 20 milligrams. Take one pill see how you feel. If you think you can take another one do it but tell your doctor he is an i****.
Re: kimmie (# 5)
Hey chill the F**k out! He did not suggest for anybody to take 20mg. He simply is saying some people can and do. You are right that is a lethal dose for most people who do not have tolerances to central nervous system depressants. The first thing he says if you would actually read his post is tha clonazepam is a strong substance! His actual advice is sound and reasonable if you read the post. I would suggest to this person to never increase their dosage by any more then half a pill in any single instance. The doc said break em in half so do just that. But Kimmie maybe you could use a script of clonazepam yourself. You took what he posted and twisted it to fit the weird little tirade you went on. Read the post more carefully next time before you go getting all critical of someone else's opinion. That's what post are, opinions with the occasional fact thrown in. I'm sure the writer of the original post is not just going to read one person's reply and treat it as gospel so again, Chill the f**k out!
Re: kimmie (# 5)
Thank you very much!! You cleared up a lot of confusion for me.
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