Right Dose Of Citalopram (Top voted first)


8 weeks ago my mom was given 10mg citalopram for anxiety. she did not feel any side effect in the first week but afterwards starting having insomnia, upset stomach, tremor, agitation, etc. The psychiatrist increased teh dose to 20 mg daily but this did not solve anything. Today, in the 8th week she could not sleep at all in the night (she felt fresh when going sleeping even she was working the whole day) and in the morning she is feeling needles in the whole body, she is shaking + many other bad feelings. Can be that the dose is too high for her age (74 years old)?. I am afraid not to be the symptoms of a high level of serotonin.

2 Replies

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Those can all be side effects of Celexa. Insomnia is a classic side effect, though some people get sleepy from SSRI's. Seems to depend on the person. There are serotonin receptors in the intestinal tract, thus excessive serotonin can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, rumbling stomach. I would say that Celexa is NOT the drug for your mom. In fact, that whole class of drugs, SSRI's may not be for your mother. As her body and brain become tolerant to the drug, the serotonin receptors will down regulate and become more tolerant to the effects. However, this class of drug (SSRI -prozac, paxil, zoloft, etc) may not be the right one for your mother. Is she on them for depression?

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I’ve been on 10mg Citalopram for a few months now. I’m currently going through a stressful time and my doctor has suggested that I take two 10mg doses a day to make it 20 while I go through this time. I currently take it at night. Can I take two at the same time or do you need to stagger them?

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