Riboflavin Side Effects (Top voted first)


I have been taking 200 mg. of riboflavin for 6 days. I developed a rash on my arms thats has now spread to my legs and back. Small red bumps that look like welps. I haven't taken any for 3 days. could this be the cause of my rash? If so how long will it last? It is extremely uncomfortable.

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Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in and of itself is not reported to pose risk of side effects. Depending on the brand you're taking, it could very well be that you are reacting to one or more of the inactive ingredients or fillers within each tablet.

Deficiency of riboflavin is not common in the United States because this vitamin is plentiful in the food supply. Symptoms of a severe deficiency include:

Mouth or lip sores
Skin disorders
Sore throat
Swelling of mucus membranes

Because riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, leftover amounts leave the body through the urine. There is no known poisoning from riboflavin.

Read more: umm.edu/ency/article/002411sid.htm#ixzz1vF9rn8BZ

In the meantime, I would refrain from taking the one your currently on since it seems to do more harm than good. If you decide to try another brand, there's a good brand I take called Garden of Life Raw B-Complex, which has no fillers or binders; just the raw vitamins in their natural state.

I hope this info helps!

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Have you consulted a doctor?

This sounds more like it might be an allergic reaction, rather than a side effect. Riboflavin is a nutritional supplement, so you may be allergic to this form of it, or some other ingredient in them. However, only your doctor is going to be able to help you determine that.


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