Rhodes Vs Mylan Buprenorphine (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was just switched from the Mylan brand of Buprenorphine to the Rhodes brand. I haven’t taken any of the Rhodes brand yet. I have taken Mylan bupe for several years and totally love it. The only other bupe I have tried is the hi-tech and it made me extremely depressed and I couldn’t function at all, just felt so much anxiety and wanted to crawl in a hole! Who here has taken Rhodes and/or Mylan?? Any experience, please share! I have a couple days left of my Mylan and then I’m on to try the Rhodes. (This is only happening because Mylan brand got thrown on long term backorder and Mylan says they still have no update on when it will be back)

57 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Sinner85 (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

A lot of people seem to prefer the Rhodes over the Roxanne 54 411... I DO NOT. The 54 411’s are really inconsistent but still better than the Rhodes for me.

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Re: Christina (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

no way i jave both generics and rhodes are identical in ingredients to brand name subutex and made by purdue at high quality and are pretty much the same as brand name. i also have the 54 411 ones from roxanne also westward and the himkas. roxannes were great but are gone now and ive tested all 4 and any 54 411 compared to brand name rhodes are much weaker. the rhodes last two times longer and are two times stronger easily and this is me having taking and compared and tested with the 54 411 which were great but now garbage. but everyone is different in body chemical make up. rhodes though are identical to hrand subutex in ingredients so if u get rhodes you are pretty much getting the brand name subutex that is no longer available so i got to disagree. rhodes are same as brand name and the 54411 AR certainly not even comparable in ingredients to the old brand name Subutex but Rhodes is identical so I disagree but everyone is different God bless

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Re: Charlene (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Ya rhodes is quality made by purdue and is brand name subutex, just look up the ingredients, they are identical. I'm so sorry this happened! Go get them rhodes and if you need help finding any lmk.

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Re: goozer (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Hi goozer, what I was referring to is that I love Rhodes brand it's all I have been getting ever since I have been following you Rhodes blog on a different medschat group..what happened is my normal mom n pop pharmacy didn't get there shipments in.at the time of my refill..I stuck it out waiting because I didn't want to accept anything different..I finally had to cave in. I didn't know what to do. So the only choice I had was while shopping in Walgreens I ALMOST handed in my scripts which meant I'd be stuck with actavis orange half moon..my but was sick of the thought..so all of a sudden I thought damn I never thought of trying cvs because I never shopped there for medicine. I had no idea what brand do they carry..I needed my medicine now.or nothing. And I went in they had hikma 54 411..so I did accept that..it took my body almost a good week to adjust....what I EXPERIENCED was yes Rhodes is better..we all used to choose the 54s, but like I said for a good week my body was or seemed to be going through slightly W/Ds. Nothing major of course..but obviously noticeable....I'm ok now .but I sure hope my pharmacy has Rhodes my next refill..we all looked so hard for them....so my experience is oh yes Rhodes seem to be stronger and those are the ones I want. See ya next time..my dear Friend you are to me.

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Re: Goozer (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Oh how I'm with you on this topic about Rhodes being fantastic! Even though I have been able to get them at my small mom n pop pharmacy, my last script they didn't get there shipment in..so I waited almost another week stretching out what I had left, I had to except hikma brand. Or o would have nothing at all. So I had to get them at a CVS here in Florida..my refill will be due soon so I'm praying they get them I could transfer my scripts..its to bad some of the other pharmacy's will just wake up and start to carry them to make them more available..it's a very affordable drug for pharmacy's to order. Every time I ready for a refill my mind is wondering and hopefully they are in. Thats one thing I found out about buprenorphine its always a what if,??? I hope they have either Rhodes is first choice, then hikma.. it used to be for me anyway here in Florida the only one around was orange half moon..those are bottom line for me anyway always felt like in w/d. Until finally Rhodes came about. Since them my health has improved..just if more pharmacy's would not make us hint for them lol

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Re: Goozer (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Are u still around?

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Re: Goozer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Question, the Rhodes brand ones are they supposed to be solid and shiney or chalky and dull? The ones that I got from the pharmacy the other day are not what I expected and feel kind of sick. Not only that, I feel really tired and noticed I have some trouble breathing. Any advice?

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Hello I have also been using Bup 8mg the Hikima brand for about 8 yrs now since I have been on the med for so long I have had my fair share of different manufacturers. Hi tech gave me severe side effects like shortness of breath, anxiety and my heart raced quite frankly I felt like I was withdrawing so awful! I’m clean from opioids for 8 yrs Now and I have been taking Bup every since I’m praying that with the strength of god I will kick the sub as well. It’s not just u or in your head like my old doctor told me about the hi tech brand I experienced same symptoms. Have a blessed day!

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Re: Goozer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on hikma for a while and recently feels like they ain’t doing nothing. Wondering to try Rhodes. Do you still feel the same about them?

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Re: Goozer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I was hoping to hear this. Saw Subutex name brand was discontinued, was given x60 Rhodes this time vs x45 Hikma. I had a feeling these were more effective/clean/efficient and boy are they fresh!

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Re: Christina (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Roxanne brand is the best

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This reply changed my life!! SOO many pharmacists told me "all brands are identical." This is PROOF that ingredients DO vary and make a huge impact in the lives of people!

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Re: Goozer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Does this still hold true to best generic? I tried the ones from Hikma 54/411 last month. I’m trying the Rhodes this month. Trying to find my preferred generic.

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Re: Goozer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Rhodes a while. Tiny hard little pill. I dropped to 2mg in 2019 from 10 years at 8. I planned on jumping. But it's noticed at this point. Anxiety. I was recently given Actavis. Hated it at first. Couldn't feel. But in two days I adjusted well and actually felt cleaner. Now just filled the next 30 back to Rhodes. Surely has a dirtier feel to them if that makes sense?

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The Orange Book specifically states that an AA rated generic can be within 83% of the efficacy of brand name. All Generics are in fact NOT the same. They have to reinvent the formulation every time they get a patent!

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Re: Ted B (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

That should have said "AB" rated. All generics are AB rated because there are NONE that can be rated AA. That would mean they are 100% as effective as brand name. There isn't a single Buprenorphine generic that has the AA rating.

The Orange Book specifically states that an AB rated generic can be within 83% of the efficacy of brand name. All Generics are in fact NOT the same. They have to reinvent the formulation every time they get a patent.

A company has to buy the rights to the original formula to use the brand name.

The other ingredients in the pills, and the slight differences, are miniscule when compared to the entirely different formulations that you CAN'T see in those ingredients lists.

All the Generic Buprenorphines are rated AB and they don't show you the actual efficacy of each. Sadly.

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Re: goozer (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve tried them all and Rhodes is like buying Jolly Green Giant peas over cheap generic vegetables. Only on 2mg twice a day for over 15 years & still going strong for a 72 year old.

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