Rhodes/purdue Buprenorphine Hcl 8mg Rp B8 Vs Roxanne 54 411 (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have made the switch from the 8mg films to 8mg buprenorphine tablets only. With all the research I've done and experience I do my best to stay away from actavis mylan and nowadays sandoz. I noticed everyone has enjoyed the Roxanne now westward generics amongst hi-tech coming in second/mylan. I have no experience with mylan bup and don't want to take the risk even as mylan has always been a waste imo. I'm not a fan of allergan (actavis) taking over watson so depending on the drug dispenses I most stay away. There are as of now 7 manufacturers of generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg (generic subutex). They are in order of my preferred with not much experience except with brand name:

*roxanne (now westward pharma)- 54 411
*hi tech- 8 ^(arrow)
*mylan- M924
*teva (allergen/activas owned) crooked b 799
*actavis- moon 153
*sun pharma- 460 white round
[And the brand new released generic made by Purdue and distributed by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals the new Rhodes generic]
*RP b8- white round bevelled and pretending edges.

I currently have had a smooth switch to the Roxanne/westward and declined mylan, actavis, teva, hi tech, sun pharma as most research and reviews conclude the Roxanne/westward generics the 54 411 seem to be best reviewed. I was unable to find the Purdue/Rhodes pharma newly released generic RB b8 imprinted generic. All I know is Rhodes and Purdue are professionals in the process of making quality meds and not just quality meds but pain relief medication, as they even were the company to CREATE oxycontin. I was able to come across one image of them on the web and they look very similar to the Roxanne 54 411s in size color and mostly shape except for the rhodes/Purdue ones protrude or kind of pop out on each side beyond the bevelled edges. They look really well made and on one side they have RP and otherside b 8 which the b and 8 are fairly far apart. I have been doing great from switching from brand films to the Roxanne westward 54 411s so far. I'm hoping to get some feedback by next month on these newly released rhodes/Purdue generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg. They are the newest and just released October 2017 and look very shinny and quality made. I'm hoping someone here who has tried both the Roxanne/westward and the new Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8 tablets. I am going to try and have my pharmacy special order the new Rhodes generics made by Purdue again imprinted RP b 8 white round shinny tablets fairly similar to the Roxanne but look better quality imo but do not have much experience with generic just brand and am very well versed on pharma companies and their medicine and their quality each one has.

Has anyone tried these new rhodes/Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8? How would you compare them to the Roxanne 54 411 tablets... I hope for a response or it will be trail and error for me when ordering Rhodes next month if i stay on this route and will see how they compare to the Roxanne/westward but will not be til a month away. Please if you have any experience with these generics and especially the new rhodes/Purdue one let me know. Again I was able to locate only one image of them and they look great. They do not look small like hi tech more like a combined Roxanne and mylan with the shininess and how they pop out on each side..they look a little larger like the mylan and Roxanne not small like hi tech or teva or activas they are round tablet imprints RP b8 with b and 8 fairly far apart. Any feedback would be great and I would want to switch to rhodes/Purdue from roxanne (now westward being a factor) generics as they make quality are new just released and approved this year 2017 of October and no one how even mentioned them yet that I can find. With westward buying out Roxanne and them making changes a new generic made by Purdue may be just the one we have been waiting for and needing..again on the 54 411 ones now and looking for feedback on the new Purdue Rhodes ones and if the switch from Roxanne westward to rhodes/Purdue would be better maybe with better quality as they have always been a great and reputable company who makes outstanding drugs. Any feedback would be great.

1157 Replies (58 Pages)

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Re: Goozer (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

That's WONDERFUL news!! Lmk how you do with them! I actually just spoke w/ my pharmacy today. The pharmacist recommended that I either drop my rx off a day or 2 ahead of the day I need refills, just in case he needs to order them. He specifically orders my Rhodes Pharma for me in advance each month. So just a heads up for you to do the same with your pharmacy. I "normally" drop my bup rx off the day I see my doc. (3-5 days b4 refill is due), but this month (Monday this week) I went to my doc, but held on to my rx til my refill is due tomorrow. (Thurs) So, he called me out of concern to ensure that I was planning to pick bup up tomorrow since I hadn't dropped off the rx yet. (Great pharmacist!) I'm curious to get your input on the the Rhodes vs 54 411. I've not tried that brand....only the garbage Mylan and the so-so 8 w/ arrow brand...(can't recall manufacturer name at the moment.) I just know that the RP 8's melt away smoothly instead of the M 924's that leave undissolved crumbs in my mouth, and simply do NOT work! I LOVE my RP 8's!! Best wishes, and lmk asap!!

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Re: Tim (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

They should be available at most pharmacies this week. Try a harmons pharmacy or like a good in store or in hospital pharmacy..they need the buisness. And I tried on of the 411s after being on Rhodes for good few weeks and Rhodes kicks 411s out of the park.. Rhodes 5stars 411s 3.5 stars

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I have been on subs 11 yrs, I have had every brand they make and I assure you, the only difference is taste and size. If you take 2 every day your levels wouldn't ever get low enough to feel wd's. It's all psychosomatic. The comment about Purdue being great because they created oxycontin was a mind blower. They lied and falsely promoted it causing the need for the maintenance drugs of today. I don't think they should even be allowed in business, they were complicit in the deaths of millions and paid a pittance in fines. When you are in recovery, you shouldn't be so obsessed with your medication. You never hear anyone discussing ad nauseam their preference of blood pressure pills or insulin. It just adds to the stigma that it's just another pill/addiction.

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Re: DawnInOhio (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Oh the generics do differ. And it's not something in my head but truth. I tried them all as well. And others people have the same issue. Generics differ. "Follow the money". Quality. Keep me posted on any discontinued information.

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Re: Goozer (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have tried all the brands and BY FAR the Rhodes b8 RP are the best subutex I've ever taken and I've been on narcotics for over 20yrs. Quality pill!

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Re: Charlene (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone is different, but I just do not understand the hype around the Rhodes brand. As I said I’ve been on bupe since the beginning when the only brand was Subutex and then came the generic Teva. I wish both of those were back because a forth of a tab would last all day. All of the generics that came later are awful, though some are a little better than others. 54-11’s being the best probably. Also, I’m on this for pain and am prescribed 45 monthly.

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Re: Tara (# 312) Expand Referenced Message

Im so sorry. As I said, if you really get in deire straights even though a hospital may be far away, that could be your only alternative. A hospital will help you and refer you to a doctor to help you get your medication until you find someone on you

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Re: 2thless (# 463) Expand Referenced Message

See, now you're on this discussion thread talking about xanax?? U just balled me out on a different thread about this subject. Those who get xanax actually need it, and are not abusing it. We, on this site get very good advice on generics..and I have become pretty close with a few people here that I call my friends.

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Re: 2thless (# 482) Expand Referenced Message

My small mom n pop pharmacy that I got to order my Rhodes said they are a very affordable generic to order from like $2 something a pill. And another pharmacy Also said it's a very good generic and very affordable. I could not get any chain pharmacy in my area to order it from because usually CVS, Walgreens, Walmart they all seem to basically get the same cheap generic in the cheapest they can..I don't like chain pharmacy's anyway..it says that reckitt & colman, now rickitt..Benckiser..put out the first buprenorphine.. so I don't think it was Purdue.. anyway it doesnt matter..what matters is we now have a very good buprenorphine and its about time. They are very smooth tasting and dissolve somewhat fast..I have tried every generic even original brand name subutex since 2005..the only two I will except is the hikma or Rhodes. But its Rhodes for me..I should have gotten my script filled 2 days ago, out of laziness I waited for today..I only took one yesterday and today. On any other generic I would have been crawling out of my skin. And I can't believe it I'm fine. It goes to show they have to be best and stronger I just experience they are. Let us know how u liked them. Thx friend

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I get b8 every month from Presque Isle Maine. My pharmacy switched all of a sudden from the 54411 to b8. I hope I never see the 411s again. The b8 are way better and cheaper.

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Re: Best sub generic Hunter (# 619) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I get the whole Purdue trying to rape everyone they got hooked oxy for a second time with this product by increasing the price. I was just saying that they shouldn't if they want to keep having a popular product. Not that buprenorphine only medication is super high in demand in the US anyway. These companies always treat us like crap mostly because they can because there are no quality control protections put in place by the FDA. Once s drug goes generic it's the Pharmacutical companies just kind of make them however they want with whatever quality they want. Then they turn around and Jack up prices... Rhodes production facility is in the town next to where I live now and I worked doing security for the plant at the entrance gate years ago. I was happy when I heard that they put out a product and that it was pretty good. I'm not sure if phamacys here in Rhode island need to honor a doctor asking for a certain brand of generic on a script? I've been getting subs since 2006 and Subutex since 2010 and most pharmacies around here won't even order things for you. They just give you attitude and will either say we don't have that or if you ask what brand it is when they do you get a that is the only one we get kind of response. Most chain pharmacies that I've gone into randomly to fill my script over the years the Pharmacy techs don't even know what Subutex is and have to ask someone else. I really miss the old days where you had brand name Subutex and the old Roxanne and Teva..! That's it . All of them were good so you didnt have to worry about getting a awful medicine. I am just so sick and tired of hunting down certain brands of meds because of there are do many garbage ones these days( and it seems to be s problem that's getting worse) I drive 45 minutes into the city every month just to get my script filled now and I still have to call them a week before to see if they have it or if they can order it. That's just for my buprenorphine. It's the same kind of thing for Adderall now also. The generics back in 2011 when I went on it were really good then I stopped for a few years and we t back on last year and now there are all new awful generics and the ones that were good before have either sold to other companies that changed them to crap or the original company changed the formulation to where they are no good anymore. This is a big problem. We should not have to worry about getting a medication at the pharmacy that won't work or is such low quality it is nothing like the brand name that all these generics are supposed to be the equivalent to.

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Re: Goozer (# 689) Expand Referenced Message

I'm with you goozer...the old Roxanne looks perfect...and wow another oldie just caught my eye are the old teva, I didn't ever think I'd get another view of those again, it's shameful what these pharmaceutical companies have done to us. I mean as far as starting out back in my day of buprenorphine use 2007 giving me the best and now many years later skimping with ingredients and actually making us hunt like an animal to find our generic of choice,...I mean I did that already with pain pills, got addicted and now I have to hunt for good bup.....you said ask questions..I have one...I have read people say in other medschat groups, that pharmaceutical companies read groups like this to see what people prefer or don't? What do you think? I mean if some really do, how come they don't correct the problem?...and keep a good bup on the market without making a hunt...now I have also read another strange theory...it was in a pain management medschat,....one guy said this opioid crisis is all part of our corrupt government plan to get rid of all the junkies. In general people like me who abused medication. (make them suffer and wipe out) clean up the over populated earth...now I know it might sound crazy but I believe in some of those types of theories.

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Re: Bobby (# 738) Expand Referenced Message

Goozer started all this talk he’s awesome! You have to be careful what u say why?! U need to be smart to figure that out just in case you can go on this link and so can everyone else!! Do research on your own as we have as everything has changed! Everything is different now! Have your own pharmacy and what they have to offer and if you aren’t happy w what they got move on until u find one, like I did! The beginning of 2019 and even the even the end of 2018, there were warnings that everything will be different and it has! Read the full conversation! Good luck!

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Re: Bobby (# 738) Expand Referenced Message

I don't believe goozer works for any pharma company!,..he has done nothing wrong but support all of us here on His thread!...seriously!.if it was not for him guiding us on medication, we all would have to be doing all the research on our own...he deffently is a very knowledgeable guy, thx goozer!????..I happen to think Rhodes are a very good, let me rephrase that..great generic compared to what we have to choose from. The 54-411, are the next best generic we have to choose from...its ok to state your own opinion, however if you don't like the Rhodes,..don't take them..I'm sure you have your own preferred generic,..so just take that one..and if you look up on btodrems you can find all the information you need that has to do with buprenorphine... goozer never said that Rhodes was EXACT, his wording were identical...to original brand name subutex.....not to mention this is His thread so he can say what he feels like, I for on have learned so much from him, and I'm thankful for his great knowledge and expertise!..

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Re: Vic (# 739) Expand Referenced Message

Well said friend!. Kudos,..I agree with you..goozer,.has shared his knowledge and expertise, and has supported all of us on his thread here...if it was not for him I would not have the knowledge I have as far as the generics of buprenorphine we have to choose from...as far as the Rhodes generic I probably would not even know they existed..I'm in southwest Florida where it's just about impossible to find this generic..I have only been able to get one pharmacy to be able to get them ordered..in port Charlotte Florida there is only a handful of pharmacies that are a mom'pop type who would go out of their way to order them...I'm hopeful that as more retaile pharmacy's chains will eventually get them in...I usually end up picking up my buprenorphine from CVS and have been getting the hikma 8mg 90 and they come in 3 original sealed bottles...it's hard for me to make a long drive to hunt for the Rhodes..that's why I said I'm hopeful more pharmacy's get get the Rhodes in...I have a lot of Walgreens in my are however I avoid them at all costs..they always have the orange half moon in stock for ever now..

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Re: Goozer (# 743) Expand Referenced Message

Lol! I like you Goozer and if it hadn't been for you I don’t know what I would have done!

I enjoy this thread as we are people who learn from each other!!

You like Rhodes I understand but I had to use it for the month I had it and it just wasn’t the same as others!

Take care you all!

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Boozer, rated them right. That's just what I would have said.
I hate these new RP 8 pills. It's like taking a aspirin. I'm terribly disappointed!!
I want my meds back. Old faithful 54/411

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After being a part of this thread for ahwile now I’ve come to a conclusion. Maybe some would agree and some won’t. I’ve been taking bupes since 2010. First started with name brand suboxone orange stop signs, then 8 mg film for a couple years. To be more cost efficient I went to generics about 3 years ago first with Roxanne and since then I’ve taking hi tech, Actavis, Hikma and now I take Rhodes and this is what I’ve found...

I'm prescribed 3 tablets a day so 90 a month. There has been plenty times when I’ve had different bupes from different manufacturers at the same time, there has been times when the hi techs were better then Roxanne at the same time there were more times that the roxannes were better then hi techs, there were times that hikmas felt better then Rhodes and as crazy as it sounds there’s even been times where the activas felt better then roxannes and what Im experiencing is that with me it’s a case by case basis, right now I’m taking Rhodes and my morning dose didn’t do much for me but tomorrow it will. If next month I end up getting the hi techs I have no doubt that the first week taking them will be good, the next three weeks not so much. As we get higher tolerance to drugs I think the same happens with manufacturers we build tolerance for certain bupes then we get another type of bupe and it’s good at first.so with this I’ve had good feelings for most bupes though some more often and better then others. Just my opinion.

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RP b8 suck compared to the 54 411’s for sure!

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Re: Goozer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I've been getting the same old brand until last month and I got these Rhodes Purdue S8 I must say I noticed instantly just looking at the pill and obviously it looks like it's been pressed or however its held together way higher quality, for me that is a great start but what I really like is they dissolve like a true sublingual pill and perhaps not nearly as bitter.....this may all be in my head after all I am in recovery and the science and quality does make a difference. Bottom line after 8 years on this medication to wit I started at 8mg three times daily. I learned this medication works better for me at lower doses and I later read there is scientific evidence supporting this even by the manufacturer who wants to sell more not less so I have to believe it. I am now on between 6 to 8 mg daily as follows I break my 8 mg into 1/4's and take 2 mg 3 to 4 times daily.....I accidentally found out they were more effective at lower doses when I didnt have insurance for prescriptions and 90 subutex could be as high as 150.00 in my city. I naturally lowered the dose on my own and after conferring with my doctor I was able to lower it immediately from 24 mg daily to 8 mg or less daily. Good luck out there all you good people getting your lives and families back together.....if your on this site and reading this thread you will likely understand exactly what I'm sharing....happy Thanksgiving.

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