Rhodes/purdue Buprenorphine Hcl 8mg Rp B8 Vs Roxanne 54 411 (Page 2)
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I have made the switch from the 8mg films to 8mg buprenorphine tablets only. With all the research I've done and experience I do my best to stay away from actavis mylan and nowadays sandoz. I noticed everyone has enjoyed the Roxanne now westward generics amongst hi-tech coming in second/mylan. I have no experience with mylan bup and don't want to take the risk even as mylan has always been a waste imo. I'm not a fan of allergan (actavis) taking over watson so depending on the drug dispenses I most stay away. There are as of now 7 manufacturers of generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg (generic subutex). They are in order of my preferred with not much experience except with brand name: *roxanne (now westward pharma)- 54 411 *hi tech- 8 ^(arrow) *mylan- M924 *teva (allergen/activas owned) crooked b 799 *actavis- moon 153 *sun pharma- 460 white round [And the brand new released generic made by Purdue and distributed by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals the new Rhodes generic] *RP b8- white round bevelled and pretending edges. I currently have had a smooth switch to the Roxanne/westward and declined mylan, actavis, teva, hi tech, sun pharma as most research and reviews conclude the Roxanne/westward generics the 54 411 seem to be best reviewed. I was unable to find the Purdue/Rhodes pharma newly released generic RB b8 imprinted generic. All I know is Rhodes and Purdue are professionals in the process of making quality meds and not just quality meds but pain relief medication, as they even were the company to CREATE oxycontin. I was able to come across one image of them on the web and they look very similar to the Roxanne 54 411s in size color and mostly shape except for the rhodes/Purdue ones protrude or kind of pop out on each side beyond the bevelled edges. They look really well made and on one side they have RP and otherside b 8 which the b and 8 are fairly far apart. I have been doing great from switching from brand films to the Roxanne westward 54 411s so far. I'm hoping to get some feedback by next month on these newly released rhodes/Purdue generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg. They are the newest and just released October 2017 and look very shinny and quality made. I'm hoping someone here who has tried both the Roxanne/westward and the new Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8 tablets. I am going to try and have my pharmacy special order the new Rhodes generics made by Purdue again imprinted RP b 8 white round shinny tablets fairly similar to the Roxanne but look better quality imo but do not have much experience with generic just brand and am very well versed on pharma companies and their medicine and their quality each one has. Has anyone tried these new rhodes/Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8? How would you compare them to the Roxanne 54 411 tablets... I hope for a response or it will be trail and error for me when ordering Rhodes next month if i stay on this route and will see how they compare to the Roxanne/westward but will not be til a month away. Please if you have any experience with these generics and especially the new rhodes/Purdue one let me know. Again I was able to locate only one image of them and they look great. They do not look small like hi tech more like a combined Roxanne and mylan with the shininess and how they pop out on each side..they look a little larger like the mylan and Roxanne not small like hi tech or teva or activas they are round tablet imprints RP b8 with b and 8 fairly far apart. Any feedback would be great and I would want to switch to rhodes/Purdue from roxanne (now westward being a factor) generics as they make quality are new just released and approved this year 2017 of October and no one how even mentioned them yet that I can find. With westward buying out Roxanne and them making changes a new generic made by Purdue may be just the one we have been waiting for and needing..again on the 54 411 ones now and looking for feedback on the new Purdue Rhodes ones and if the switch from Roxanne westward to rhodes/Purdue would be better maybe with better quality as they have always been a great and reputable company who makes outstanding drugs. Any feedback would be great.

1157 Replies (58 Pages)

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Re: Civichris (# 1132) Expand Referenced Message

They call methadone liquid handcuffs cause you're basically stuck with that doctor in that location and can't really go anywhere unless they like you and give a month supply, which is not your standard protocol. They usually give you a week's worth if not less at a time.

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Re: Gina (# 1125) Expand Referenced Message

This would be amazing!

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Re: Civichris (# 1134) Expand Referenced Message

I sure hope so!! Don’t know how since they did fraud Medicare. Unless they sell to another company. It sucks. I miss those, they really helped!! The 54/411 don’t and the R9’s don’t help either! Just gives me more anxiety!!!! None of them are from the good old days, not one!!! More depression too!! I will pray!!

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Re: Gina (# 1125) Expand Referenced Message

Is this true? They’re going to bring the small ones with the arrows back?

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Re: Vic (# 1047) Expand Referenced Message

Can’t find these anymore unfortunately. They were my favorite also. Made by Hi-tech and later by another company that went bankrupt.

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Re: Melissa (# 1046) Expand Referenced Message

Same exact story here! I’ve been on the 8m arrows forever and loved loved loved them! Now I’m struggling to find something to compare. Was thinking methadone now, but I don’t like the idea, but I also refuse to go back into my old lifestyle. I’ve been clean now 5 years because of those little subs. Now I’m struggling to find something that works as well!

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Re: Crystal (# 1130) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I liked the 54/411 as well! So I got it this time and it did nothing for me made me feel I was detoxing!!

The ones you mentioned the Rhodes I believe are better I miss the little ones they were the best!!! For me!!

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Re: Goozer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I currently take the Rhodes b 8 RP 8 MG and although they don't make me break out in hives, they're not as potent as the 54 411's, not even a little bit. I'm so fatigued. Can anyone help me plz? I need to figure out what's so different about the 54 411's and why they give me this huge boost of energy and focus, plus they suppress my appetite.

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Re: Goozer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yup. Just as good dude! I noticed this month and last month they were the b8 by Purdue instead of 54 411. I like em.

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I have been getting the 54411 for like 2 1/2 years. I just got a script of the b8. I like em both

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Re: Chris (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Eww the tiny ones!!?? No wayyyy.

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Re: Goozer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve taken both and they’re pretty much exactly the same.

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Re: Bup User of 6 years (# 1113) Expand Referenced Message

So I contacted Akorn who was the ones that made the Hitecs and they told me they will be making Hi-Tecs still because that company itself was separate they just have to set up a new assembly line and it has to be inspected thoroughly because of it being a controlled substance. So they are bringing them back just wont be until closer to October they said! I have been a mess none of these other brands work for me!

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Re: Habbo (# 1120) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on the hi-tecs for 4 years and I haven't had them since June I have called the company and they said although akron went bankrupt they will be making the hitecs by late September they are in the process of setting up a new assembly line which has to be completely approved because it is a controlled substance. I hate all of these other brands they are awful!! Especially the sun pharma the only ones I can even stomach is the Hikma and they don't work very good at all!!

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I like the RP b8’s the best. After that, by second choice is made by Roxane with imprint 54 411.

Unfortunately, it’s been harder and harder for pharmacies to keep a certain brand in stock.

Now I’m having to try the Sun Pharma with a blank side the 460 on the other.
I hope it works right ??

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Re: Mindy (# 1115) Expand Referenced Message

They don’t want us to feel good, it’s to help you get off the pain pills and to be short term! Now with lawsuits against Subutex and Suboxone with claims of teeth being rotted out it will be more difficult to get any at all!

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Re: Habbo (# 1120) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, the hi tech were the best! The company illegally charged Medicare way too much for bogus claims. They the company went bankrupt! It stinks as they were the best. I like the 54/411 but they were yanked after one time:(! Now it’s the RP I dislike immensely!!

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Re: Bup User of 6 years (# 1113) Expand Referenced Message

You literally read my mind, I was gonna say the same thing. Everyone is talking about searching everywhere for Rhodes or Roxanne or Purdue, but y'all really need to b looking for Hi-Tech. I been on subs for about 5 years, n started with the 54 411s. They worked fine n I didn't have any complaints, until I was in the hospital to get my gallbladder removed and they were giving me Hi-Tech subs the 10 days I was in the hospital. They are so tiny compared to the rest, but have all the strength and longevity of all the others everyone else here has mentioned. It took me a couple months to find a Walgreens that was willing to special order them for me, and I had been taking the Hi-Techs every single. Just this month though, I called to have them order my subs as I always do a few days before I see my doctor and they told me they no longer are available. I am not looking forward to having to use those giant pills again, but I have no choice.

Y'all are worried about the size and think because they are small that they won't be the same as ur giant 54 411s or ur RP b8s, but they are way better than both. Maybe if more ppl had been using them, they wouldn't have stopped making them. Size is not always better, unless u like waiting hours for a giant pill to dissolve, or if ur one of those ppl who abuse em and think the more powder the better. It's not better! U shouldn't be abusing them anyway, that's why u have withdrawals when u switch brands. If u just take them as prescribed, u would see that size is actually a con not a pro. The longer it takes to dissolve, the longer u have to sit there and wait for it to dissolve, and if u need to work it's not so easy to do without being a mute and not being able to speak. God I miss those Hi-Techs already and I still have another few days left of them before I have to go get the big boys, smh.

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Re: Goozer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I got the Rhodes 8mg bup and they work pretty well. I just don’t think they last as long as name brand suboxone. I get mine from Walgreens and with insurance from my employer which isn’t great it only costed me 20$ for 40 pills.

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Re: Mindy (# 1117) Expand Referenced Message

Pursue Pharmacy

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