Rezira Forums
Recently active Rezira forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Rezira and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have a persistent and nagging cough that has lasted over a month. My family Dr. presribed Rezira for me 2 days ago. I was coughing my brains out and desperately downed the small sample bottle he gave me before I had even made it to the ground floor on the elevator in his building. As I drove home, the cough subsided without a doubt, but I would say within 15-30 minutes of drinking the little bottle (it was one dose per bottle) I felt a really euphoric high. Each time I've taken it since, I've noticed the same "feel good" that it creates. I believe the active ingredient is Codeine, which I've had in a pain reliever like vicodin before and never noticed this effect. Is there a reason that in the cough syrup formula it would cause this feeling, vs. when it's in th...