Resuming Pain Meds After 1 Year Break
UpdatedPersonal decision to discontinue pain meds a year see if I could without. I did it, but having 24/7 pain is no longer tolerable and am going back to pain doctor to see if he will RX meds again. Am unable to take anything with aspirin, anti-inflammatory meds, or Fibro meds made for this condition of Fibro. Opioids are the ONLY meds I have ever been able to tolerate, & most doctors will not go this route. So my condition is about to become intolerable AGAIN !. I look & feel like a zombie trying to ambulate. I have reactions to all Fibro meds & to aspiring and antiinflammatoies. So am very limited in what , if any meds, I CAN tolerate. There aren't many meds out there for someone like me. But cannot envision spending the rest of my life in this chronic pain. I'm a 24 yr Fibro/Chronic Fatigue patient, & a senior citizen. Any thots or ideas?
2 Replies
Depending upon where you live, you may be out of luck FINDING your meds...Roxicodone is NON existent these days....look at all the forums devoted to the medicine "shortage"
Good luck.
Your best bet may be to talk to your doctor about using the Fentanyl patches for pain, they are very potent, but harder for people to abuse, so it may be easier to get someone to prescribe them.
You can learn more here:
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
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