Refuse To Prescribe (Page 4)
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I live in a very small town and the number of doctors here is limited. The number of good doctors is almost nonexistent. I'm finding that calling for an appointment as a new patient the office staff says right away, "We don't prescribe pain meds"! Also have heard "We don't take fibromyalgia patients"! This is said before I ever state what I need to be seen for. Assuming I did have pain, do I no longer have the right to have my pain relieved? I'm so offended by this. If you have chronic pain you are treated like a leper. Apparently it is automatically assumed you have a drug problem. Going to other towns is the same. No wonder people self medicate. Is this happening all over the country?

70 Replies (4 Pages)

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I had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago and took oxycodone and then vicodin. I've had nausea from surgery and for the entire two weeks. I've stopped taking all narcotics for two days but still have nausea. When can I expect the GI upset to go away? ## Hello, Carmen! How are you feeling? Has the nausea eased, yet? Both the anesthesia used during the surgery and the medications can cause nausea that may linger for quite awhile, even after you stop taking them. However, after being off of it all for a week, or so, it should start to improve. If it doesn't, then you should consult your doctor. The FDA classifies this medication as a analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constip..

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This is to BL, you seem to either have all the answers, or affiliated with the health field industry or a current or previous patient who seems very angry with other's who need medication or there questions answered, preferably by someone who isn't so disrespectful and doesn't know the person's whole story. And if you did I'm pretty sure that your attitude won't change. And I truly feel for you, even though, you could give a ___ about it. There's just so many better ways these so called PROFESSIONALS could handle this situation's. Doctors, Pharmacists, Pharmacy staff, Pain management team, PT, Dea team, etc. It stars with these educated Professionals to not speak among themselves or send letter's, notices about changes, but to educate the patient about what you may ask. Well when I'm sick or hurt I go to see a doctor. He is not only the first Professional I'm in contact with, but the most important Professional that not only is going to try and help me, but someone I can trust my health with, so I need to be educated by my Dr. and when I say educated I mean explanation of every thing that will help me to not only understand all the procedures at the Dr. office, but I need to be informed about what happens when I take a prescription to the pharmacy and run into some kind of new law, why wasn't I given a copy of this so called new law. That was supposed to be given to me or verbally, but I prefer in writing, because there is to many finger pointing or he said she said baloney. Coming right out the mouths of our Professionals, that's why I would like everything in writing. Because the insurance companies that collects our monthly premiums and let me tell you these premiums are high, so I expect from the Professional Dr. a education about my whole appointment today I want to know everything that has changed, the way I know it can be done new laws new policies what I can do if I run across any problems especially at the Pharmacy where I believe God resides. Because my monthly premium should get me a satisfying Dr. appointment that includes fully being informed of any new procedures that has to do with the doctor, Pharmacy Staff Pharmacist or even God. I don't want to leave this Dr. Office because the next patient is here for their appointment. Dr.'s should make sure the patient they are seeing has enough time to not only be treated but to be educated, we pay for our appointment,and you Dr.'s are compensated nicely. One word sums it all up Educate Me you see that's two words. I need to be educated from a Professional Doctor.

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I'm laughing so hard.

I had a traumatic back injury and two surgeries for it.

They sent me to a pain clinic.

He didn't do s***.

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It's really sad that when you have pain, you can't always receive the meds that your body needs because of people who abuse meds. I take Tramadol, Flector patch and Voltaren gel for osteoarthritis. I also do aquatics about 4 hours a week and yoga. Try meditation and walking on even surfaces, sit in the sun for limited time with sunblock. (I also have basal cell carcinoma) Pain meds can't always help make us pain free, sometimes we need to try anything else that will help relieve our pain. Good luck!

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That's most unfortunate that Doctors now bow down to the government. I went through the exact same thing, so my comeback concerning the pain meds was, who do the drug companies make pain meds for a secret society? It's a sham

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Having your pain addressed doesn't always mean.receiving pain meds. Just because you don't agree with your Dr doesn't mean that your pain isn't being addressed in a medically accepted manner.

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No Paddle You said it, You have the right to have your pain addressed, but its up to the doc to decide what treatment he is willing to prescribe. If you dont agree with his treatment plan you dont have to follow it. That just means you have to go somewhere else. Unfortunatley we all dont have doctorates to prescribe medicine. And Yes this is crazy when we know what works best for us, but the docs have protocols and they say they must start at the least amount first and work up from there. Very frustrating. There is no good answer. When I hurt, I hurt, I want what I want and I want it now! Sound familiar. Do the best you can and keep on looking and praying you'll find a doc that will listen to you.

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It clearly states in government department of health, quote: "As a patient it is your right to have your pain addressed by your health care provider."

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You never had the right to be prescribed pain meds. There are no.laws stating drs have to prescribe pain meds. If you need meds for chronic pain, you need to see a pain management Dr to manage your pain and other drs to treat other aspects of your health conditions.

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Unfortunately yes, it is. Many people, all over the country, are having problems getting medications prescribed to help with pain.

The DEA issued some new directives last year to try to further curb prescription drug abuse and over prescribing, but it has just seemed to create more problems, so far.

People that have chronic pain are expected to see specialists to help get better control of it, but many of them are also worried about what and how much they prescribe of anything.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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