Refilling My Valid Xanax Prescription Early (Page 30) (Top voted first)


I only see one doctor and he gives me a 3 month supply of xanax. When I went the last time he wrote me out a prescription but I still had two refills. I had a friend and her husband passed away and I gave her some of mine thinking I would have no problem re-filling the prescription. I had sense enough not to go to the same pharmacy and not to give my insurance information. So I go to this small drug store by my house and I had to fill out paperwork such as dob, name and my DL #. Well they paged me to the front of the store and advised me that it was 7 days to early for them to re-fill. So my question is where can I go to re-fill a prescription that is valid written by the same doctor. I only tried one place, I'm guessing they must have a data base if you try and refill your prescription early (even without your insurance) does anyone have advice on where I can go to get this filled?

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I hate to sound as if I am criticizing you but for your own good and that of your friend you should not have shared this medication! I have a lot of compassion but you should have offered to take your friend to a doctor instead of giving them a prescription medication that was not written for them!

You will not be able to get a refill until it is time because of the Federal Database that tracks this and other types of medications!

I am truly sorry for the position that this has put you in as it is a hard way to learn about the new Data base that has been put in place to try and keep prescription medication from being abused! Again I am truly sorry!

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No they will not it's the same medication and the time is three days early.

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You can get your Rx a week early at CVS Pharmacy's. But smaller pharmacy's are a little anal about filling them early.

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As Xanax works on your mind and having to chase the refill every 30 days or so, it has helped me now take less. Much like our marijuana stores, now that they are there I have stopped, let the kids buy it up. I will say the only way I was able to obtain a collection was continuing to see the Doctor who save my life in the Hospital and he tripled my dose. No way would I take that amount, thus the extra supply. Thanks for your kind words!

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Not a narcotic nurse, if u are a nurse.

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Terri that's crazy and sorry to hear about that! Well, your best bet right now would be to file a police report if you feel so inclined and also get in touch with your prescribing doctor and tell them what's going on Asap. The last thing you want is to get your name flagged in a database for doctor shopping or anything like that. Medically speaking your ex husband could be putting you at risk if you get flagged and are unable to get your legitimately prescribed meds. Also find out the name of the other doctor he called and notify them. You should probably consider getting a new set of contact info for the doctors to have on you (such as new phone number or something to verify your identity that the ex wouldn't be privy to). Best of luck and let us all know how it goes for you!

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Nurse, Why dog on the dude that shared His Xannax? He DID wrong. It's unlawful & inappropriate but Xannx IS NOT a Narcotic. It's a Benzodiazepine.

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@BL, if a patient has documented proof of a legitimate injury and pain and their doctor fail to provide them with care or refer them to someone who can provide them with managed care. That patient most definitely can report that doctor to the board of medical ethics. Of course there will be an investigation. Every health care professionals are govern by an ethical committee. Nurses, are govern by the State Board of Nurses. Doctors are govern by a Medical Board of Ethics Committee. The pendulum swings both ways. Just like they are able to hold a doctor responsible for over prescribing. They most definitely can hold them responsible for under prescribing. Those actions can fall under negligence.

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I get my Xanax refilled 4 days early every month because i always run out early . And the 4 days is only determined by my insurance still covering it.

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@BL, I agree that you have people who might be in pain and because their doctors didn't order opiates like they wanted they can say their pain was not address. People who go in specifically asking for Opiates is a Hugh red flag for physicians. The physicians are not stupid. I am talking about the doctor not addressing the patient's needs at all. Once the doctor develop a treatment plan specific to that patient and outline various methods that was utilize they will be OK. The plan
does not have to include opiates then they are on. Opiate abuse has become a epidemic in society that it should be the last resort for chronic pain suffers. In fact chronic pain suffers really should be taking anti-inflammatory medications. Taking Percocet. Oxy and things like Vicodin is really not good to treat chronic pain suffers. The

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This is untrue. In some states (IL is one,) a prescription for a CII prescription is good for 90 days from the written date. CIII-CV are good for 6 months. So, using your example, you could get a rx written for something like Vicodin or Percocet that was dated 2/15/16 until 5/14, something like Xanax could be filled until 8/19.

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The law has changed! Every pharmacy can see every rx you've had filled. Unfortunately you will just have to wait a few more days.. Thank Obama for that.

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You have to wait 7 days because it's all on computer now and don't give them out anymore.

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You're wrong. I'm a psychologist and Xanax IS a narcotic! No where in the US can you refill prior to 28 days. As for Vicodin it is off the market in most states. It is illegal to try and fill a prescription again without insurance in an attempt to fill early and you WILL be caught. Get your facts straight. Ps it's. A class 3.

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Wrong. ALL controlled substances are consider narcotics. It is a benzodiazepine but also a narcotic. And it's a class 3. Do your research before answering questions.

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You are correct in the fact that Xanax is a schedule 4 I made a typing error. And no, psychologists do not write prescriptions. Only a psychiatrist can.

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Streetpharmacist, You are thinking about Lorcet, not Lortab, Vicodin or Norco. Lorcet did have 650 mg Acetaminophen. Lortab, Vicodin and Norco all had 500 mg Acetaminophen until the manufacturers had to lower the Acetaminophen to no more than 325 mg for prescription drugs. Lortab, Vicodin and Norco are all Brand Names, all contain hydrocodone/325 mg acetaminophen and will be filled with a generic substitute, unless the prescription is specifically marked for No Substitute.

Brand Name Vicodin, has only 300 mg Tylenol and they still make it. No substitute would have to be specifically stated on the prescription for a patient to get Vicodin, Vicodin ES or Vicodin HP and not hydrocodone/325 mg acetaminophen

Some drs will write Lortab, Vicodin or Norco when they write a prescription, BUT the ingredients are the same no matter what brand name they write it for, hydrocodone/325 mg acetaminophen. For example, a prescription bottle will have Hydrocodone 5 mg/325 mg Acetaminophen, substituted for Lortab.

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Will you please tell me a Dr name who will prescribe me xanex

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anxiously waiting, no one can tell you the name of a doctor that will prescribe you xanax.

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I understand that but I found the tone of the response to be very demeaning, and that's one of my triggers for sounding off. My point is this. In some form or another, a social safety net has always been a part of America, however ill-practiced, because if for no other reason than all the screeching one hears about how this is a nation built on Judaeo-CHRISTIAN ideals. I'm not even going to go there.

We are a nation built on ideals, though, and one is to look out for the less fortunate. Just to set the record straight I live on less than $14K annually, excluding other financial help (not in cash form), in an expensive city called Chicago. I believe I ask for no more than I gave.

Please be aware, I am not ragging on you. I am old enough, however, to hear "welfare queen" (to quote Ronald Reagan in one of his infamous lies) when I hear it.

Pudman56 is a he, just for clarification.

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