R-cinex Medicine (Top voted first)


My gf is having R-cinex from last 1 month i just waana know what is R-Cinex? Pls reply me soon as possible

16 Replies

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I'm taking r- cinex since 4 months because of lymph node tuberculosis.unfortunately yesterday I missed my dose first time.should I need to take double dose today?

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i m 27 years old and want to be pragnent since last 2 years.and from t last 1 year i m under doctor consultation. doctor adviced me for mycobacterium turberculosis test in last year that was at border line as TB IgG comes as 228 SU,TB IgM as .65 NV and TB IgA as 257. after this doctor adviced me to take R Cinex 600mg for 3 months. now doctor adviced me for ESR PPd test that comes positive and doctor again advice me R Cinex 600 mg for 9 months. please advice me what should i do. and one more problem is there with me that R Cinex causes black rashes on my face.

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I have TB and I have been taking r cinex 600 for the last 6 months and have started getting ache all over my face. I need to take r cinex 600 for another 3 months. How should I put an end to the ache?

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I am going to start R - CINEX 600 my docter told me that i have Mycobacterium Turberculosis.
Can any body answer how much time i will take to recover from Mycobacterium Turberculosis

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My doctor gave me R-cinex after 15 days of laproscopy, though the TB pcr for endometrium was negative. He said sometimes when in initial stage cant be ditected. I continued R-cinex twice a day after meal. But every time after 2 hrs I felt like nausea, and even I vomitted everything I had. Is this symptoms says I have TB in uterus. We dont have children and having treatment for the reason. pls answer my query as soon as possible b'cos if I am having TB in uterus then for how many days I will have to take R-cinex? I'm also suffering from classic PCOD synrome.

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Starting date:18.2.2010.i m taking AKT4 for 3 months and then started R Cinex 600 and combutol 1000 for6 months and then continue R Cinex 600 till date. Please tell side effects of these medicine.

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Dear Sir,

I am Bone TB Patient with a problem in my neck & spine. My medicine was started on 8-jan-2014 to date.

up to 6 months AK-4
next 6 to 9 months AK-3
9 to 18 months R-cinex

As per last MRI resolved the spine but still some remain in my neck.

Now I am not fully fine.

Kindly advise me.

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I'm taking r cinex 600 since 4 months because of lymph node tuberculosis , I have loosing my weight low blood level, constipation pain in stomach feeling fever low iron cough, all this side effects how much time should take this medicine?

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R-Cinex contains Isoniazid and Rifampin.

Side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea.

As to whether or not you have TB, this site is not medical professionals and cannot possibly give you an answer to that question.

Only you doctor can do that, after having done the proper tests.

Have you spoken to them, again, about your concerns?

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My daughter age 13 yrs and weight 45kg has prescribed 3tab of Rcinex ez
Kindly clarify me the exact doses of the medicine.

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Dear sir
I have ankylosing spondylitis from last 4 years doctor inject me excmptia biologics & suggested R-Cinax 600 O D
What are the side effects?

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After taking Rcinex600, nausea n vomiting comes.is der any preventive medicine for such vomiting.

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I am on ATT useing Rcinex 600, Have the problem of acne and i am diabetic and my face is getting pimples and i am suffering from low suger levels

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I have a very small minor lump in a epididymis... I have been advised to take 2 months worth of: R-cinex, levofloxacin, P-Zide and mycobutol... It's been 17 days and i'm recovering very fast but i'm in a relationship.... and I want to use viagra.... Can i skip my doses for 2 days and take viagra instead of my medicine? Is it possible or is it harmful? I'm very confused... It's been a month since I've been with my partner. Please help me ASAP... I'm waiting for your reply.

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I m taking rcinex600sincethree months, now I m suffering vision problem and drowsiness what is the reason behind it

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Dear sir, I take R-Cinex capsule for TB. I have a problem in swallowing capsule. So can I open the capsule and mix the powder inside the capsule in water, then drink the whole mixture?

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