R 351 Generic Adderall- Does It Give The Same Effect?


I was recently switched from 10mg ir generic Adderall which was a round blue pill, and am now taking the 20mg ir white generic Adderall pill R 351 and feel that it doesn't give me any effect. It feels like I am not taking anything which is resulting in low energy and motivation as well as a very slim focus.
Is the R351 pill legitimate or why might I not be getting an effect?

2 Replies

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Hi Hailey,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I think if your prescription of Adderall (R 351) is from a licensed pharmacy then it should always be legitimate. However there may be many variables attributing to its efficacy or how well the pill metabolizes in your system. Changes in the "inert" ingredients (binders/fillers) could very well be suspects here.

My findings state that this tablet is manufactured by Actavis (who was recently acquired by Teva). Perhaps you could try contacting them directly regarding this issue or consider filing a report via the FDA's MedWatch Program at: fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/default.htm.

A possible solution to prevent this from ever occurring again is to have your doctor specify a particular manufacturer's name on the prescription itself; this way the pharmacy will fill according to the doctor's orders and not necessarily just based on whatever they have in stock.

I hope this helps!

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Hailey, search for "generic Adderall" or better yet "problems with generic Adderall" and see all the results that come up. If you're not familiar with this problem yet, you will be! It is SCARY!! I am so sick of having anxiety/fear every month when I go to refill my RX because you never know what JUNK they'll give you now!! I had a terrible experience with MYLAN about a year and half ago, and the reason I'm typing this right now is because I'm having a similar experience now with AUROBODINO. In between I have been taking the ones from COREPHARMA which are mediocre but I will take those any day over MYLAN and now over AUROBODINO. SOMEONE NEEDS TO INTERVENE AND DO SOMETHING TO HELP US! ADHD IS REAL! IT SERIOULSY IMPACTS OUR DAILY LIVES AND THIS MEDICATION IS SUPPOSED TO HELP US! NOT DO THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!

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