Questions About Adderall 30mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhen I was younger in I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Adderrall 30mg,(in Philadelphia) now I live in New Jersey near Wildwood, I haven't yet found a doctor. I'm back in nursing school and finding it hard to concentrate. Does anyone have a suggestions?? Please help!!
5 Replies
Hello, Destini! How are you?
Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you'll need to see a specialist, if you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis.
Do you have a PCP that could refer you to someone? That would likely be the easiest way to find the help you need.
Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?
I know a very good Doctor in Marlton, NJ right on Rt. 73. His name is Dr. Joel Glass and he would address the Medication and the issues that you are speaking of!!
I recently was diagnosed with ADD and was prescribed vyvanse I took it the first day 40 mg and it worked wonders, the next day i took the same dosage and felt nothing, so i took 60mg the next and nothing happened. My doctor switched me Adderall XR 30 MG once a day I started it today its been three hours since I took and I have had no effect (no focus, no energy,not even the slitest bit of any effect) I have took Adderall in the past on occasion XR and IR and it has always worked. What would cause this not to work I know I do not have a tolerence considering other then the Vyvanse I have'nt took any type of amphetemine in over a year.
Does anyone know what could cause this? Could I possibly be immune to the medication? I know that drinking orange juice or anyting with vitaminic or amino acids in it can effect it so I made sure not to have any vitamin c or amino acids this morning when I took it; I have not ate all i have had with it is a protein bar and protein shake.
Please anyone with any sugggestions I NEED Help, I am going to end up loosing my job because I cannot focus at all, and I am also exahuasted.
I was recently diagnosed with ADD I am 24 years old and have had it for years however it didn't effect my life to much until Recently.
My doctor started me on Vyvanse 40 MG the first day I took it worked wonders and then the second day it didn't help at all, so the third day I took 60 Mg and still nothing, so the third Day i Tried 40 once more and had it no effects once again.
So my doctor switched me to Adderall XR 30 MG once a day, I have took it in the past on occasion and it has always worked great for me; However this morning I took it at 6:45 and its is now 9:45 and I am feeling no effects; Good or Bad (no focus, no energy, nothing at all)
I have also tried Concerta one day before starting the Adderall and felt absolutely nothing.
This morning when I took my adderall I made sure not to have any Orange Juice or anything containting Vitamin C or Amino Acid, Ive had no caffein today, and did havent hate before I took or since I took. All Ive had is a protein shake and protein bar the shake right after I took it and the protein bar around 45 minutes after taking it. The only thing I am feeling is a little tired but other then that I am having no effects or side effects.
Does anyone Know what could cause this, I have no tolerence to Amphetemines Other then the Vyvanse and Concerta I had not took any amphetmine in over a year or longer. I do not understand why it is not working as I have took it in the past and it has worked and When I took the vyvanse the first day it worked wonders I am completly confused.
Can someone please help me understand why this may be happening or If there is anyting I can do to increase the the strenge' or make it kick.
Also i havent took any other medication today.
I know this is a weird qustion but is there some way I have built a immunity to amphetimes even tho I have never took them more then once a week and up until a week ago hadn't took them in at least a year probably longer.
Please HELP I am afraid I am going to loose my job because I cannot focus at all, can barely stay awake, and my anxiety is out of control.
Please any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Re: JerzeyDevil (# 2)
Dr. Joel Glass has had his medical license suspended due to improperly prescribing opiates.
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