Pyribenzamine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am looking for tripelennamine. As a pharmacist I clearly remember 60mg then sr 100mg tabs being available. Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra together could not work as well pbz. I worked at smoke filled bowling alley back then and pbz with Sudafed were required.

57 Replies (3 Pages)

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Correct. That means that one 100 mg tablet would cost $194 just for the API!! I actually still have a few left. I treat them like gold and save them for the very worst days.

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Do you know where they get the tripelennamine? I think novartis in canada still makes it. Have you ever contacted them?

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Id be interested in that deal too.I live in the sinus Capital. PBZ was the very best. Nothing has come close.

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you must have missed the message that said the pharmacy that I got tripelennamine from no longer does compounding

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There is a pharmacy here in Brevard that does ONLY compounding.

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Sara - If all the pharmacy in Brevard does is compounding, then they are familiar with the process of acquiring an active agent and compounding it into a drug. Can you ask them whether or not they can source GMP-grade tripelennamine and compound it for us? They would do the searching and purchasing of the drug and factor that into the cost.

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Can you ask them if they'll do tripelennamine? Can you ask them if they'll do tripelennamine?

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I can ask. The name is Metcalf Pharmacy. Steve Metcalf is the owner/pharmacist.

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Hi Debbie... I just found this posting & would be interested in new info as it is added. I also took pyribenzimine as a child & teen & remember it working really well. My seasonal allergies have expanded as I've gotten older & now stretch from March to October! I'm in southern NY. If a reliable source is found I'd be interested.

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I'm waiting to hear from saraconr. I live near woodstock. Are you nearby?

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No, I'm on Long Island & we're having a monster allergy season already, and it's only May! I'm currently using either Flonase or Claritan, neither of which make me sleepy, but I'd prefer to go back to the pyribenzimine if possible.

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I just heard this is a particularly bad season. I have indoor allergies and they're all year round. I lived in Elmont from birth to 4.

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I will see my primary care tomorrow and will ask for a prescription. Sorry I sort of faded away for awhile. My chemo and radiation took their toll and I am sleeping about 16 hours a day! Metcalf is here in Brevard.

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No need to apologize. Will metcalf compound tripelennamine?

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Yes. My primary care wrote me a prescription for 100 mg time release. Christie at Metcalf spoke with my doctor and then called me. Since they cannot sell over state lines, they have the name of their source (they use four companies but only one can supply the chemical). Your compounding pharmacist can get the info (I think Dr. Bob called them and got the info from Christie so I'd ask him first). This way, whatever state you live in, you can get it in that state. Christie actually asked me if I knew the person who called about it and I told her I don't. I told her about this website and that I found it on a search for pyribenzamine.

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Good for you SaraConr. Let us know what happens. [Sorry to learn that you have other more compelling issues, than allergies.]

I've located a local NJ compounder and will go in to discuss. Then, I will pursue the prescription.

Anyone else in NJ?

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The buy Pyribenzamine link does not seem to offer any options for buying. Christie at Metcalf is experiencing some delay in obtaining the chemical but will stay in touch.

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I found a New Jersey-based compounding pharmacy. They are currently working on accessing the powdered pribenzamine from PCCA and will make me 100 mg SR capsules. SaraCon - In which state do you live?

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I am still waiting to hear back from Metcalf as they are waiting to hear back from their supplier.

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P.S. I shall try to follow your example and find a "compounding" source in Pacific Northwest, where they are planting more of these pollen producers along freeways!

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