Punched In The Gut Feeling For 3 Weeks Straight


Took Linzess intermittently for the last few months from doctor provided samples, didn't work great but no real issues. Filled my first 30 day supply on June 11th and have been in agony ever since. feel like I've been punched in the gut, kidney area pain, bloating, distention, and fatigue. Doc said it wasn't from Linzess, so I kept taking it. Tested liver, pancreas, everything is normal but these stomach pains will not go away. Only thing that helps is sticking to a clear liquid diet, but I can't do that forever. Last 2 nights woke up around 4am and ran, literally ran to terlet and experienced a Dumb and Dumber type "evacuation". This morning I decided to stop the Linzess. Rather be constipated. I'll post an update. May not be the Linzess causing the issues but I guess I'll find out. Prior to these problems I've had an iron gut. Nothing upset my stomach, I could chew on battery acid like a German Shepard puppy and was fine. This is the first time I've had diarrhea in 6 years. 23 days of pain. Over it. Weight gain is interesting, I feel like I should have lost a ton of weight over this but have not, so maybe there is something to the weight gain thing.

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Had same problems, have to off the pain especially on left side feels like a constant spasm. Hope it will not take too long to get back to where I was. Usually 4 tablespoons of Citracell, plus 1 to 2 tablespoons of Metamucil mixed together worked better than anything. You just get tired of having to take all this crap just to do what used to be so natural.

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Hi Nick,

Sorry to hear about your experience with Linzess (Linaclotide). I just wanted to add that NIH.gov does list the following side effects as being associated with this medication:

unusual or severe stomach pain
swelling/fullness/pressure in the stomach area

Ref: nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a613007.html#side-effects

Based on this info, I'm led to believe that your doctor might've been lying to you when he said those symptoms weren't caused by Linzess... Go figure.

Personally, when it comes to constipation..I find raw fruits & veggies, digestive enzymes, probiotics, epsom salt baths and other types of natural supplements to have a more subtle effect than certain medications. Perhaps that realm of treatment would be worth looking into (for future reference) if Linzess didn't end up working out for you...

One last thing I wanted to note is that I've recently experienced similar symptoms as you after having what was thought to be a stomach infection of some sort possibly due to some dairy products I ate the night before...I was fatigued for several days just after new years 2015 and felt like my bowels detoxed (evacuated) all of 2014 in a period of 4 days, where I was going to the bathroom for what seemed like 20 times a day LOL. I had also felt like I was punched in the stomach with constant bloating and an overall feeling of uneasiness... so much that I couldn't lay down for too long either. It didn't last forever, thank God, but man was it a dreadful experience. I feel for you!

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