Psydipam Diazepam (Top voted first)


I recently filled a prescription for diazepam and got Psydipam Diazepam. Anyone had these before? Says they're generic. Marketed by psypher inc.

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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I also ordered and got these...I have taken first one... Normally only take half as they are 10mg...but iv taken a whole as I don't feel any different.. Hmm not sure they are any good

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well I took 20mg and had no anxiety and slept for 12 hours!

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Yup aside from no guarantees at all it's very dangerous for sure I promise you. I can go right now and make up a company and a website for pharmaceuticals. I don't trust the internet for stuff like that, it's misinformation I promise. Plus like I stated before and if you need more information regarding my credentials so you feel more comfortable then just ask? Any type of home kit you have are very unreliable regarding these medications! In fact it takes a 9 point test done in labs like a Quest Diagnostics if you live on the West Coast or something like that so a regular pharmacist wouldn't be able to give you or tell you a test to take home that would give you accurate results? So assume this is poison unless you know exactly where it comes from so numbers and lot numbers mean nothing from outside of the United States. Especially from IOP ECT. Hope that helps. It's just is hard for me sick as I am with stage 4 cancer to even make posts but I feel an obligation and also I'm laid up because of my cancer to ignore this information that certain people probably unknowingly give out. It can result in death very easily.

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they definitely do something please let me know how you get on

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OK so maybe more of a delay then as they are starting work.

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Yep seems to me they do work. Not a fan of generic meds but if it keeps my anxiety away, that'll do for me

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I also got the same pack of 10's the same time by the sound of it stamped date in red ink .

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It doesn't mean they're diazepam, LOL. What means is that it has something that makes you sleep. Well unless you bought them somewhere overseas just because there are no markings doesn't mean it's a generic and has no correlation? If you fill a prescription in the United States generic or brand it always has a imprint on it for identification. Most you guys have no idea how dangerous it is to obtain medication on the internet? And it has nothing to do with being a generic just because you said there is no stamp and you don't identify with the name? There's so many bathtub operations out there and you can get very ill from taking any of these meds especially diazepam and other benzodiazepines which are most widely poison because they're so cheap. Not just making a statement I'm speaking from years of experience doing the same thing and I've been a pharmacist 20 years. There's so many ways to get those meds and make sure that they're not fake? If you have any questions just ask me. I would rather help you then you end up dying off this. Majority of you have no idea what they put in there to try to make you feel a little sleepy and think you're taking diazepam or Alprazolam or any other benzo.

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On your comment I'll just say that the people making these most likely do so in India or Pakistan which is where the worst meds come from. That's not coming straight from my ass, I have complete knowledge of all this and if you want to ask me I'm glad to let you know the hows and the whys, ECT? Bottom line is their main thing, it's the most money possible, I promise you that. Just do some homework and you don't even have to do very much? But seriously one of the biggest companies in India is Cipra (that makes most of these meds ECT. Maybe not this exact one but the majority, just making a point.) Doesn't matter what it says in General on their blister packs. In fact it costs more too pay for the blister packs to put them n than the actual drugs. Totally crazy but makes sense for the consumer. So Alprazolam and diazepam the two most common drugs in the world, top 10 actually prescribed! I've had tons of that exact Med evaluated in my lab, not some cheap diagnostic, so I'd like you to know that usually they are using an analog of a benzo but never will it be alprazolam and very rarely diazepam? there are so many research chemicals that are very close and analogues and legal. There are too many of these drugs and benzos I speak of that they use for those meds and others for sure. So be careful and stay safe please. I've been on every side of the coin overseas pharmacies ECT. I'm sorry if everything's a run-on sentence but I'm sure you get the gist of it? I'm laid up in bed like I said for the past 12 years but I'm a pharmacist MD. The Affordable Care Act limits and punishes what various doctors can do as far as prescribing. {edited for privacy}.

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Sounds like we all have the same batch. they are the real deal for sure. the product list the company produce is very easy to find if you look for Pyshper Inc. they are ISO accredited and GMC compliant (according to their website) - they originate from India.

I too supplement my NHS 2mg !! script which is ridiculously low going through what I am at the moment.

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I think we might have ordered from the same place! Are they light blue with just a score mark down the middle in a blister pack of 10?

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Hi, thanks for your reply. I had these analyzed with a kit and they do come up positive for the active ingredient.

I have also chased the supply chain to the best of my ability to a legitimate company, but you are right, there are no guarantees at all.

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Mine are exactly as you stated. I have an eight week, 28/5mg Diaz, NHS script and I simply supplement this. These look OK to me. The scare stories have to be taken in context. Benzodiazapems are very easy to replicate, there is little need to include unnecessary ingredients, particularly those which may be dangerous. Let's not forget...the people who supply these have a vested interested in the product working as is intended.

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How may one get them filled and make ensure they are not fake then please?

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Excuse the previous message, I know it sounds like pigeon English.. I'm on night shift and very tired but I got some of these (exact brand) with blue printed writing on. My question was aimed at John. M the pharmacist.

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There not the best.i think that's very unusual you got them from a pharmacy something not right there.that also depends on where your living there produced in India.generally when you get diazapam here in the UK they usually come in boxes of 28.andcthe brands are usually activis brand,tena or crescent brand

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Sorry kids, when you receive medications from unlicensed pharmacies this is what you run into. Been there & tried that. You never know what you get and if it is even safe. These are from India, good luck!

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I just received Teva from the same pharmacy. They are much much better.

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I have the same psydipam 10mg blue plain on one side other side line through the middle

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Be careful recently several reports of emergency department admission for cardiac and respitory arrest in young users with no history. Residual packing materials later found confirmed they were the pharmaceutical agent most likely safe....

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