Psychotic Break After Klonopin 1 Mg. Stopped Abruptly (Top voted first)


I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and major depression in 1994. After being on Ativan and Xanex, in 2007 my prescribing doctor switched me to Klonopin. She claimed it was not as addictive as the other 2 and easier to get off of. I am living proof that this is not true. After attempting suicide in June 2012, I began seeing a psychiatrist. She played around with many different meds for insomnia and depression. She decided to stop my Klonopin completely w/o tapering me off. She put me on 60 mg of Prozac and Buspar 2x daily. I had complained on my last 2 monthly visits that I was not feeling right at all, I was experiencing a lot of deja vu and weird thoughts. She changed nothing. In June 2013 I called her office on a Monday and requested to see her, stating I was feeling very very anxious. The following day I left work @ 1130 am for lunch and got lost in my hometown for 5 hours. I would not turn on my phone, gps or radio as I felt there was a conspiracy against me to kill me and that my own boyfriend has placed a tracking device in my vehicle the prior day when he picked up my car to go wash it. I did turn on the phone @ one point to request assistance from the police to get me home and they refused. Once the gas light on my car came on, I turned my GPS on long enough to get me home. Once home, I apparently suffered a psychotic break and lost 2 days. On the 3rd day, I had it in my mind that all my neighbors were in a conspiracy to kill me. I felt the only way to get help was to cause a diversion to get the authorities to my home. I thought starting a small fire would do that....I am now being charged with Arson 1 and no one seems concerned that the psychiatrist I was seeing stopped the Klonopin abruptly, although the attorneys and case workers I have spoken to know of the dangers. I suffered a seizure disorder as well as psychotic break. Am now facing prison if my case workers can't get me into Mental Court in Oklahoma

2 Replies

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Hi MeShelle,

Wow, I am terribly sorry to hear about this! It's ridiculous that your psychiatrist would allow for you to stop taking this medication so abruptly. Didn't it raise a red flag when she allowed that? Did you not realize the dangers at the time? It's important for many to know that even if your doctor or psychiatrist allows certain things, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do. Sometimes it's best to do the research ourselves and listen to our intuition since there are so many horrible mistakes made by the medical professionals many of us look up to. I hope that you will come out of this and that your psychiatrist will be held liable in some way. I also hope that in the future you will do your own research and learn how to take a different approach towards treatment.

Good luck!!

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Sorry to read this. My Doctor also put me on Klonopin and I have found out it is just as hard to discontinue as Xanax, so I'm back on Xanax. I never burned my House down so I hope they don't charge you!

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