Psychiatrists In The Eau Claire Wisconsin Area
UpdatedI need help finding a Psychiatrist in the Eau Claire, Wisconsin area who can prescribe Adderall (or something along those lines), a higher dose of anti-anxiety medication, & an anti-depressant. I am a single mother who is having a VERY hard time focusing right now & dealing with some issues of high anxiety & severe depression with my daughter & her 'father', my EXTREMELY abusive ex-husband, who is now abusing his new family & beginning to start on our teenage daughter. I cannot afford a decent attorney but also cannot receive any help because I make too much money. I need help getting through this tough time & my current Psychiatrist has completely changed from when I first started seeing him about 2 years ago. He used to let me just talk to him about anything & now, he harasses me for the strangest things (i.e. why I remove my sunglasses when I come into his office!?!? I suffer from chronic migraines as well, but have a wonderful Neurologist who helps me with those! I still generally have to wear sunglasses on really sunny days otherwise I get an instant migraine. I removed my sunglasses one day in my Pshychiatrist's office because I had a broken nose piece on them, he became almost belligerant & demanded to know why I had removed them if I had even a slight migraine. I was absolutely dumbstruck! At my last appointment, he was hounding me on why I hadn't been in for a while & I responded that I had to reschedule because the Clinic had called me right before my previous appointment & said that he went home sick. He told me that he NEVER gets sick! When he finally looked up the date, he had to basically eat his own words. He then decided to cut my anti-anxiety medication back to just once a day & then cut that one dose in half! I still have no idea why because he wouldn't give me a straight answer. I am still on a anti-depressant but I cannot go back there & am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with him! I don't understand how a doctor in the Behavioral Health field can end up treating a patient with depression & high anxiety like this? I am so completely baffled by this experience because he came highly recommended!) I do already see a counselor at a different facility who I adore but it is just a counseling facility, no Psychiatrists. Anyone who could give me any information/help, IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED BY MY DAUGHTER & I BOTH! We have a LONG battle ahead of us & I need to be focused & as strong (and as well, physically, which I pretty much am, & emotionally as possible) to get us both through this so I can keep her safe from ANY HARM! She is my world & has been through enough! It's my job as her Mother to protect her! PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU!
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