Prozac Side Effects (Page 2)
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I was on 10mg and just went up to 20mg 5 days ago. My jaw hurts, sinuses are blocked and my mouth feels sore like I ate too much salt. I also feel foggy and off. Is this normal? How long will this last?
Verwon is right it will get better
Yes, it usually does aggravate anxiety for a short period of time, but you should experience an improvement, soon.
When I started taking it, it hit pretty bad about the 2nd and 3rd week, then finally eased off.
How are you feeling?
I would also like to point out that my axiwty seems worse this week as I'm avout to get my period. Ugh
Thanks for the information! I dropped down to 15mg tabs and my depression and the jaw/sinus issues are better but my anxiety seems to be worse. It's awful!! Hoping this will even out over time. Any advice on this?
Yes, I can assure you both that such side effects only last for a few weeks, it was about 3 weeks for me, whenever I adjusted my dosage. They do improve and eventually go away completely. If they don't, then it might not be the right medication for you.
Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight loss.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I just got on prozac 20mg. 4th day today i have all the same symptoms as you besides the jaw. its all normal yoga girl. The weird things is that its hard to get mad. That's a plus i guess. I hear that the foggy feeling get weaker as time. no worrys
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