Prozac Nation? Are We Addicted To Antidepressants? (Top voted first)
UpdatedWe live in a nation where drugs are created for every conceivable human feeling. Do you ever wonder if these feelings are normal and not meant to be drugged away? What if your depression and anxiety were you body's natural way of telling you something is going on with you, that you need to pay attention to something inside of you? Seriously, how else would our mind and body alert us if something is wrong, if not through our depression and anxiety? Are we then actually harming ourselves by medicating away our body's natural reaction to stress? I like to hear your thoughts on why we should or shouldn't stop taking drugs.
Ellie Zarrabian, Ph.D.
California, United States
4 Replies
You are so correct with this statement. Our bodies are telling us it isnt working right, but most doctors are too quick with the ink pen to try to find the cause. I had a headache for 17 months straight. Went to 5 different doctors and got 5 different diagnosis before I found the cure. I refused to take the drugs prescribed because I wanted to know the cause. Had MRI, and CAT Scan with no luck. Even pissed off one Neurologist cause I told him to just keep his prescription, I was gonna find out why my head was hurting and not just try to mask the pain.It ended up being vitamin e deficiency. Headache is gone now and I am on NO medications and almost 50 years need to listen to your body and dont accept every diagnosis.
Just look what the GPs did with anti biotics creating MRSA, I wonder what they're creating at the moment handing out anti depressents if someone has lost a family member... That isn't depression, it's a natural course of events called grieving!
This is the first post by someone that actually has layed it on the line! I have thought tis way as well for a long time. I'm 39 years old and started Prozac when I was 15. I have severe OCD and have suffered from the disorder since I was 10 years old, experiencing my first anxiety attack. Sure I had depression along with it but that was derived from the madness of my compulsions and daily rituals running my everyday life. I felt alone, weird and an thought I belonged in a nut house! It never seemed that anyone suffered from this that I associated with which made feel not like the rest of the kids. I kept it a secret for 4 years, thinking everyone would think I was crazy (I knew it had to of been crazy, considering such off the wall rituals that had to be done in order to keep my loved ones safe. I felt I controlled them and it was up to me to keep them safe. It's a lot more detailed than this, but in a nutshell this is what I have suffered for 29 years. I have taken just about everything and not one prescription has kicked or even helped my OCD. I want to stop but the withdrawals are horrendous! I have tried many times and I can't get through it long enough and I end up going back. I fear my natural serotonin is now out of wack and was wondering if anyone has had any problems like this after stopping the meds. I have lived and accepted my OCD after all if these years and there is no medication to help. I need some advice if anyone suffers from OCD and if they have found anything that helps that particular disorder. It's beginning to affect my marriage and my children! Holding down a job is difficult, living is difficult. Please respond if someone has any input. I am desperate for help and desperate to bring my family back together again.
I'd rather die than be on antidepressants again.
I was a shell of a human being, literally living each day with no feeling, completely empty inside.
It was the worst feeling ever. I am something of a creative (albeit nothing special) and I lost all inspiration or joy in anything I did. It killed a part of me, I was dead behind the eyes.
I am truly lucky that my wife stood by me through it all; it ruined our engagement and (for the most part) the run up to our wedding. Thankfully I got off the medicine I was prescribed and recovered enough to enjoy our wedding day but I still suffer from my spell of antidepressants two years on.
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