Proliau (Top voted first)


After the forth shot of Prolia I am experiencing leg pain. I will stop taking the injection but are the side effects able to reverse?

4 Replies

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Side effects I had were terribly expensive. Nerve damage in neck, had to have radiofrequency ablation. Altered PTH, ended up with parathryoids tumor, and tumor on thyroid, had surgery to remove tumors. Right after injection, I had terrible pain in hip, I could not get around for several months. Had accupuncture, pain meds, two and one half years later I am having pain continue, and electric shock pain down my leg, indicating more nerve damage. $13,000 worth of dental work. And more. That was after one shot.

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Hello, Estelle! How are you feeling? I am very sorry about the problem that you've run into.

You are not the first to complain about Prolia and I am expecting many more still to follow, it just doesn't seem to work well for many people.

And yes, though it will take time, most side effects do eventually wear off.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Ive had 2 shots so far 60 mlgs in 12 months. My dexa scan was very bad all over me . since shots my bonescache 5x worse and head aches cant sleep anxiety. An more. I have other medical problems. Scared not sure if i should stop are go on and do the other 4 shots he ask me to take..... Idk

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Re: Diana (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I am supposed to be starting this drug for very low bone density but I am terrified from what I have read over the years about these drugs so have refused to take them. I was thinking this year after my recent low bone density I will have to start but from what I am reading on various sites I don't know what to do. I was told about low bone density at 30 & I am now 55 so was thinking I have no choice any longer but dont know what to do. I cant do high impact exercises because I hurt my hip & shoulder 6 years ago lifing my father after a fall

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