Prolia Side Effects (Page 156)
UpdatedI would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.
Re: JenjiOz (# 3100)
Thank you for your comments. I am a firm believer in not taking anything long term. (I won't put my cat on any long term flea meds) and yet... I have had bad results from Fosomax...fractured my spine with six months of coming off Boniva IV. Prolia gave me the bony tumor but it also increased my bone density by 12%. I just don't know what to do. On my behalf my rheumy has ordered Prolia twice before and I chickened out. I tried Forteo but it made the tumor hurt more. Strangling my intestines is at the top of my list of auto immune fears. I'm just trying to determine if I am opening another can of worms. I am 76 years old...(can't believe it!) Not sure which direction to head in. :)
Re: Daisy (# 3101)
I have been taking Actonel with no apparent ill-effects for the past 3 years. I am due for a Dexa test in a couple of months. I really hope the Actonel is doing what it is intended to do. At least it has done no harm.
Good luck with whatever you decide on! A very difficult decision indeed.
On another note, I had my first dose of anti-Covid vaccine today. I had Astra-Zenica, which is what most people here in Australia will receive. I am a bit apprehensive, due to so many weird responses to a variety of relatively ordinary medications and foods post-Prolia. But so far, so good.
Re: Darcy (# 3095)
Hi there. I never had more than on shot of Prolia and still suffer side effects 2 years later. Mostly the stomach issues sporadically, joint pain and angioedema like face redness especially right side and my right ear. The right side of my face look as like I have had a minor stroke or Bell’s Palsy. Anyway I was torn about the vaccine but finally in April 25th at 10:00 am had the Pfizer vaccine. No reaction at the time but that evening sore arm and fatigue which was normal. Then 2 days later my BP went up and the angioedema redness but no swelling again and just feeling generally ill like when my reaction happened to Prolia. So far that is all and I am hoping nothing more. I am not regretting getting the vaccine and I did my homework on this one. You see I have asthma and Prolia reaction also did a real number on my lungs so not getting the Covid vaccine was not a choice as if I god Covid I would most certainly not survive it. This is my journey so far.
As I have stated many times, Prolia was a horrible drug for me. It aged me by at least 10 years or more, and my body and the damage this drug did to me, I will never be the same. It is a form of CHEMOTHERAPY! Wish I had known and been told that before I ever had the first shot. A deadly and horrible drug!
Hi y'all,
Has anyone had an issue with a bulging lumbar disc in relation to taking Prolia? I have that and a lymph node enlargement in the abdominal aorta. Both of these were found two days ago.
I try not to immediately think has Prolia done this to me now but it is hard.
Thanks for the help!
Re: JenjiOz (# 3102)
Vaccination update: second shot was barely noticeable, not a single side-effect.
Re: Dawn (# 3103)
Hi Dawn,
I have asthma and asthma-related COPD and like you got the vaccine for the same reason. I would love to find a way to reverse all the damage Prolia has done. Hugs to you!
Re: Gloria (# 3105)
From my experience the medicos don't tell us what the likely side effects are, neither will they, in general not recognize that the side effects we do experience have any relation to this poison. My GP refuses to believe that my problems are related to this vax at all. He says that the side effects disappear after 6 months. If only that were true. He is just going by the belief that the good affects last for 6 months and then we need another shot. In many people the bad reactions last a lifetime.
Re: Marion (# 3109)
I would dump that GP ASAP personally. How insulting, especially after you’ve already told him of your Prolia side effects. I have moved to a different state, and I have now have to advise all my new doctors about Prolia issues. But this I will do because everybody needs to understand the old Prolia, or the newly minted Eventy as just plain old bad news.
Re: Marion (# 3109)
My GP told me none of his patients had any side effects before I got the shot. When I called him about my side effects he said it was not due to the shot. When I researched and mailed him the written statements that this was a cancer med, and that hair loss affected many, and bone pain was not uncommon, he just chose not to respond. I don't get it. Why would a doctor not even consider the possibility that there was a problem with this drug?
Re: Darcy (# 3110)
I can’t agree with you more. I, too, was told by my specialist that my side effects were caused by stress and not prolia. She went on to say that she’d never had any other patients have any side effects. The final straw was when she said that she worked closely with the drug company who produced prolia. That did it, I dropped her. So yes, there are side effects and I lost a front tooth to prove it as well as sores in my mouth which developed after my 2nd injection. The moral of this story is, “do your research before you take a drug” and keep informed.
Re: Lizzie (# 3111)
Lizzie, my rheumatologist told me the same thing. I was the only one who'd said anything about side effects and what I was experiencing couldn't be due to Prolia. This was quite upsetting.
Re: Judy (# 3112)
Judy: My rheumatologist is into research. After years of recommending prolia and after I developed a boney tumor over my eye, my rheum told me the cases they were studying produced many boney growths in the jar. Serious stuff. Not sure what to recommend as I have been on nothing and now have 6 rods in my spine from fractures. We really can't win.
Re: Daisy (# 3114)
Daisy, I no longer take anything except for 4000iu of vitamin D. I exercise, eat calcium rich foods and, frankly, don’t think I ever was a candidate for prolia. I’m convinced that my gynecologist prescribed it as I’m a small boned person and she did research for some drug companies. I had been on actonel previously, it had helped with no side effects and my GP had taken me off as I had been on it for 7 years and needed a break. I’ll be 80 this year and so far have had no problems. Touch wood!
Re: Daisy (# 3101)
I think I a small improvement with my bone density on Prolia but not much. When I found out it wasn't doing much I had to fight to get my rheumatologist to take me off of it. I flat out refused. All of these drugs make me nervous with their drastic side effects.
Re: Lozza (# 3117)
The website lists a range of of serious infections, including bladder infections, which can be side-effects of Prolia. I have read elsewhere of UTIs being caused by Prolia. I didn't experience them myself but had many other side-effects of various kinds.
Re: Lozza (# 3117)
I had frequent UTI's after the Prolia shot-- they continued on and off ( mostly on) for about two years after I stopped the shot. However, it is difficult to establish a link to Prolia and I honestly did not think about Prolia being the possible cause. I have not had this problem for quite some time since stopping the shot, so perhaps, if this is a side effect, it diminishes in time.
Re: Lizzie (# 3119)
I was doing great but a new DEXA test tells me I’m into osteoporosis deeper than I thought. Do not -will not - take any more Prolia or the like. Does anyone have suggestions in our collective bone loss issues, that will help me select a good supplement or exercise that is effective? Need to STOP this bone loss if possible. -3.6 !!! Yikes
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