Prolia Side Effects (Page 132)
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I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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I have had two injections of Prolia. Now feel a achy all the time. Plus constantly hungry. I was probably given the same dose as well and weigh in the low 80's. Not too much weight gain yet, but I think it is due to bone loss as my size is bigger. Have always had constipation problems but now definitely worse. Should I take a third shot as scheduled? HELP PLEASE!

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My dentist told me hyperbariatic chamber was ONLY thing to help me with terrible symptoms . Not like he had any reason to lie and he was VERY knowlegable about prolia . I learned more from him than the doc that gave it to me . Unfortunately after I had started shots . If I had the 1200 cash for 1 hour to be in it , I would have . GOOD LUCK

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Indeed. I'm terribly sorry to hear of your Bride's suffering. I watch as my wife tries to help me along after my issues with Prolia, I can see the frustrated pity on her face in her inability to help. I wish you and your wife all my best and may God bless you both, always...

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Sorry about your wife, but you are right in saying it's POISON !!! I don't know if a hyperbaric chamber will help any of her problems she's having. Did a doctor suggest this to you ? If so, it's quite interesting ! I would not take PROLIA ever again, but I have to consider taking RECLAST again, as it has been 4 years since I have used any med for osteoporosis. And I'm shrinking inheight and have broken all my ribs and bones in my toes & feet. So i hope RECLAST doesn't do any damage to me, b/c that is a cancer drug, but given in smaller doses to us.

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My wife has been suffering from the following symptoms for 20 months. Severe hives, itching and dry skin, swollen face, aches and pains, eye floaters and chills. These started after her 3rd Prolia shot. She had no idea what was causing it and went to the er several times, an allergist and various doctors. When getting her last Prolia shot last month she read the side effects and realized that everything she has suffered with for 20 months is on the side effect list. We are considering a hyperbaric treatment to quickly remove the Prolia poison from her system. It is amazing how quickly doctors prescribe these poisonous unproven drugs. We are not guinea pigs.

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Hey Anonymous,
I can only assume by your questioning and the fact that we're talking that you too have had much suffering in your life as well. I'm terribly sorry for your pain, as I would not wish the circumstances which bring us together here upon anyone, much less someone as nice as yourself...
I've honestly no idea from whence to derive truthful answered as opposed to those given us by others with their purposefully misleading and/or deceitful answers, told to us mostly by those who need to recoup the research and development dollars spent to first create, then "insure" the pharmaceuticals are approved by the FDA. I have lost all trust, confidence and respect for these who deny the most obvious side effects, claiming them "impossible" until the empirical evidence and medical testing is so undeniable that they fold and confess "off the record" only to have the conversation heard and verified by many...
It's a dishonest world, our Dr's have been every bit as ill informed and misled as we patients, however if we speak out with the slight piece of truth we've become privileged to, we are discounted as lunatics and personally, my credibility and integrity were called into question. It was at that point I became so incensed and angered by the denials I found a medical professional willing to hear me and act. This led to the entire staff at the Oncology Center becoming aware of my personal side effects and adding the most unbearable of them to their own in house documentation as well as their Patient Information Sheets handed to each and every prospective Prolia patient for their own concideration prior to the actual injection.
The side effect of most great importance to me of all I had was the nearly immediate loss of my wits. Within days of the injection, I had begun to lose focus and concentration abilities. Approximately 10 days after, the confusion that set in was so intense I could not finish a sentence if in fact I was even able to get the thought verbalized before it was forgotten. I was however more than aware of what was happening to me and it was even more pronounced in the looks of fear, sadness and pity I received from my Bride of 25yrs and my family, as they watched in horror the once intelligent, highly educated writer/author I am simply fade into nothingness. No longer able to answer even the most simple of questions, the frustration was most disconcerting and frightening, as I did not know at that time if this debilitation was to be temporary or if I were to be permanently only a shadow of my prior self.
I'm grateful to God the side effect was temporary for the most part when after nine weeks I was once again able to cognitively function. The side effect had been fading slowly however I've never before known the Hellish confines of a mind nearly completely lost, taking all I am with it.
It's been nearly five months now since the injection. I still have what my wife and I have come to call "Brain Days", though we were never given an explanation other than dehydration as a possible cause for this incredulous issue. These " Brain Days" are rather few and far between now, perhaps twice to three times per week I'm at a loss for clear thinking. Dehydration I assure you has never been, nor is it now an issue though the electrolytes in Gatorade were a help in overcoming the longer periods of complete confusion. These days I might even have a partial "Brain Day" with the confusion not setting in until mid-afternoon. For this I am also grateful.
Unfortunately, the only bone growth to be found is in the form of multiple and severe stenosis within my spinal canal, now placing great internal pressure on the spinal cord from C-3 through C-7, an area that had not been effected by the Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis prior to August according to the most recent imaging. The films from August clearly show what had not been in just May, again, prior to the late June injection. I sought out bone growth and that is precisely what I got. Perhaps I wasn't specific enough with exactly where we'd wanted it. The bone density tests still show my hips at only 27% ...
This is where our need for an impractical sense of humor is supposed to save us from depression. Fortunately, my sense of humor and my faith remain in tact.
Although you and I don't know each other, I will indeed be keeping you in my prayers. It would appear my prayers for others have done far more good than my prayers for myself so it is to that end I have committed myself.

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Benny: So sorry to hear of your suffering. I agree it is upsetting when you contact Amgen and all they do is take reports. I have also had conflicting information from Amgen. Where can you get the correct information? The doctors are ill informed and don't know what to do when you complain about side effects. No safety net! I hope you feel better soon.

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I've contacted Amgen, I've also been lied to by these people about the side effects I was suffering and made them concede to them as being "possible but highly unlikely" even though I had fair warning from a Medical Professional And a Written Document Specifically Stating That It Was A Side Effect. Don't be fooled by the people who won't look you in the eye when discussing any side effect you may notice. Bother them incessantly via this link's contact info and you Will be successful: ( I told them my next calls would be to the local and Natl media outlets if I wasn't called back and/or taken seriously. My particular issue was serious confusion, days at a time. I've multiple posts here since my injection in July of '14, perhaps looking back through them may be of help to you personally. I sincerely hope you are better soon and blessed incredibly for your suffering.... ~Benny

To Report Adverse Side Effects or Emergency Issues: 1-800-77-amgen / 1-800-772-6436 or 805-447-3505 or Corporate Headquarters at 805-447-1000

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Apparently, no one really knows what percentage of people on Prolia are having these severe negative side effects. What percentage is acceptable? It does appear that it is too high a percentage and unfortunately it may be only through a class action law suite that the answers will be found. If you are having these terrible side effects then that is one person too many.

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I am not sure who told you it remains in the system for 6 months BUT they were wrong !!! I do not know about your son's condition but I think most of here are for osteoporsis. I worked in a DR's office so I know very well to read patient info on new meds BUT also trusted my Rheumo doc and nephrologist. For just this reason I am looking for new Rheumo doc. I won't be a guinea pig ever again !!! I am not interested in sueing, but I do hope I can help prevent 1 person from going thru the hell N back I have been thru. Congrats to you and your son that this drug has helped.

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Prolia only stays in the system for 6 months, hence, getting the shot every 6 months. My son has been on bisphonates since he was in the trial study when he was 9 , he is 30 now. He was put on IV Pamidronate as an experimental drug, if it hadn't been for this drug he would have never been able to walk. He has never had any side effects, likely, never have I having been on the Prolia. No one shoves the shot into your arm, you take it willingly, maybe try reading, a lot of reading up, on the drugs before you take them. Everyone seems to be suit happy anymore. I am surprised that drug companies even want to develop anything to help anyone.

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I know that Fosamax has side effects but as for Prolia, I have experienced none, I have been on this drug 2 years now. I honestly am having a hard time because I haven't been able to get it. I have a deep wound on my shin that is having trouble healing, my rheumatoid doctor thought it was best to postpone the injection until I heal. Now that the benefits of having this injection have worn off, I am back to the constant pain from old fractures, its harder to move and just getting through everyday living activities is hard for me. I hate to say I am dependent, but, I would love to see it remain available to those who want it.

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I know in my case I have only one functioning kidney and this was only drug approved for kidney disease . Anyone else that has taken this shot and suffering have kidney disease ?

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I am very lucky to have been approved for this shot by my medical, the only side effect I would say is it does lower the immune system and it takes considerably longer to heal cuts. I currently cannot get it because of a deep cut in my shin that is refusing to heal. But, knowing that, I have had no side effects and my pain is considerably less. Being off for 2 months past my shots due date, I am suffering in pain and daily chores are pretty hard. I suffer from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, I am a type I. My son has been on bisphosphonates since he was 9 starting in a trial study, he has this also, and he has had no side effects from that either. Maybe people might be sensitive to the drug. But, as for me, I am thankful I have it,

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Yes, this definitely needs to be done. Main thing to do though is someboyd get a Class Action Suit going! I will join, just let know! Mian thing is to stop anyone else
from using drug. My Dr. never said anything about side effect just gave me brochure. Did not research it as far as this blog at the time. If you know anyone with same medical issues that might possibly be a candidate for using it, spread the word. You may lose a Dr. but if they are that uninformed then let them go!

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Call Amgen / Contact FDA. Keep writing letters, making phone calls and tell all your doctors of your Prolia experience. Send update letters to FDA and let them know of your progress and suffering.

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I agree with you. I have necrotis of the jaw and if you open my mouth you can see exposed bones. And I don' t know how this is going to end. I have been diagnosed officially diagnosed with ONJ drug induced and this drug is Fosamax and Prolia. My body aches. Continue. I have better days than others. It is very sad.

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I have not written for a while as I don't beleive that justice will prevail here. It is unfair to so many innocent victims that are suffering greatly and, in many more cases we probably will never hear about because they have no voice. It is terrifying to know that so many people lost their ability to live normal lives because of the permanent damage of this poisoness injection on humans' bodies immune system. I have received a single injection of PROLIA on May 24, 2013 simply because my annual routine bone density result showed some signes of osteopenia. I had no idea that this could ruin my normal active life for such a long time. Although the horrible severe intensity symptoms that I have described in my comments several times in the past on this forum have lessened by now, I continue suffering periodic attacks of this poison that took a hold in my body. Every 3-4 weeks I become very ill, loose energy, can't sleep at night because I get pains in bones and muscles in different areas all over my body, gastroenterological inflammation. Also, the floater that had appeared and remains in my eye shortly after that injection gets more bothersome during these periods, which last about 10 days each. I no longer trust doctors, as they really don't understand the damages of some drugs that they are prescribing to their patients. The apology from the doctor that I received, reporting it to FDA and AMGEN is not a substitute for my lost good health and my normal life.
I am terrified to know that this poison continues being injected into others, feel sorry for all those that suffer and for their families that witness the suffering and don't know how to help their loved ones. I am trying to do everything I can to overcome the damages that I suffer from this drug and hope that some day these attacks will stop coming back and torturing me.
I sencerely wish all the best and relieve from suffering to all victims of this horrible drug. If there would be a Class Action Law Suit, I would be glad to participate in it to get justice for victims.

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Thank you for this question. I asked several months ago on behalf of my now 69 year old sister, Unfortunately, she lives in Canada with socialized medicine and consequently government controlled lawsuits. As a U.S. Citizen I am very confused by the power of the drug lobby to keep this dangerous drug on the perscription pads. My sister had 3 treatments and is now over 6 months without and has experienced most pf the negative ide effects described We only prey that she live long enough to recover some quality of life. Unbelievable in the U.S.A. !!!

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So with all the posts here about the dangers of
Prolia, how do you go about filing a class action suit? I had an injection on 10/6 and I sm nauseous, I cannot bend down on my right side and the psin ishorrible to live with. I am an avid hiker, 57 years young and gor the first time in 21 years, I could not go out with my dogs. Why hadnt a suit been filed yet? I am dumbfounded as I saw side effectson this and other threads thst hsve taken women's lives away. Something needs to be done now. on

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