Prolia Issues And Side Effects (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am not going to have my next shot of Prolia due 11 June. I have already had two injections and lately have suffered horrible side effects such as terrible constipation, leg and foot cramps, skin rashes, stomach pain,etc.

I also found out that Prolia works by stopping the body's own bone production, causing old bone to become denser. This results in probable fractures due to old brittle bones, Prolia also causes low calcium levels in the blood, a weird side effect seeing it is supposed?to strengthen boned!

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Lizzie (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

A good resource is the Better Bones Blog. Yesterday it reported on a study out of U of Washington listing the top 7 risk factors for Osteo related fractures.
A low bone density alone was not one of them. Also a European study indicated history of falls as an indicator, not simply a low bone density. Perhaps this information can help you evaluate your.
need. Be well.

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Hi, I just started Prolia on Wednesday 8/12/2016. I had a routine checkup before the injection. I was fine health wise. I had the injection that afternoon. As the day went on I started to feel with flu like symptoms which lasted till the following Monday 8/17/2016. I called my doctor and she informed me that I should not have had that serious a side effect and to take mega dose "1,200 calcium" a day. Now I am concerned about kidney stones. "ONE DOSE MEDICINE DOES NOT FIT ALL". I may not take the next dose in Feb. 2017. We are all getting old, there will be different benefits to this stage of our lives. These medicines are just a "bandaid" to prolong the aging process, some are helpful some are detrimental. Choose what is best for you or none at all. GOD BLESS!

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Had prolia shot dec 9th and started bad skin rash very itchy. Went to derm gave me
Oinment, didnot help. Then had second shot june9th still have bad itchy rash!

I need to go for my next shot in December May pass it up,
The itchy is unbearable at times.

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Suzi~Prolia makes bones denser is true but it is not new bone. It's old bad bone that it is manufacturing in the body and the second you fall, the breaks will be as bad or worse than with NO Prolia at all. Prolia is not the answer to osteoporosis. There are older medications that have basically zero side effects that work very well. Even Amgen knows Prolia is not what it was supposed to be and is busy cooking up a replacement for it. I hope this answers your question. Be well~Pood

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I have posted about this before, but I am experiencing memory impairment. Right now, it is especially acute.
This drug makes me feel like my body is being crushed;. I guess my brain is too. Although I will not take
another dose, I am stuck with this for some time. Now it is resistance, Yoga for Osteoporosis, other exercise, and an alkaline diet.

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Yes, a few days after getting my prolia shot I developed insomnia, vertigo, and confusion. I was extremely fatigued, and almost lost my job due to poor memory. I could think of no reason for these problems .Then a friend, who knew that I was being treated for osteoporosis, suggested it might be prolia! It's been 2 months since my shot. My insomnia seems to be getting less severe, and my concentration is returning. No more prolia for me. I would rather have a broken hip than a crazy mind

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I hadn't attributed the Prolia to my sudden loss of hair. This really explains a lot. So many side effects. As I stated in another post, overall I've guess I've been fortunate to have "mild" side effects but I think I will try another form of treatment, probably holistic.

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Jan~did your Dr. ever test your immunoglobulins? It is reading to me like you may have a slight case of Celiac Disease. Prolia is a disaster because it brings out things in us that we never knew we had. It's a special blood test that goes to a totally different type of lab than ordinary blood tests. My iGA was 64 which is a HORRID number so my Dr. started working with an immunologist to get me back to 'normal' again. This is one test everyone on Prolia should have in my opinion. It's much better to be safe than sorry. Pood

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I'm 80, active, working, etc. and just told I have Osteoporosis. Just recovered from surgery for Ovarian Cancer and finally feel really good again. Dr. wants me to take Prolia and I;m terrified of the side affects. I've had TMJ and dental problems for years and am very concerned, but also worried about not taking something if it can really help bone density. I'm wondering if anyone had improvement in their density in say a year or two?

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Re: Gracie (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

In my experience, I had recovered from major surgery, was finally enjoying life, when I took Prolia. A big mistake !
It took everything out of me. It has been baby steps recovering from it. The pain, weakness, fatigue, itching, brain fog, and I could go on.
Instead, I have explored alternative options such as : anti inflammatory diet, supplements , resistance exercises, yoga, especially Yoga poses for Osteo.

I have not fully recovered, and may never.
Never will I take Prolia, or any other drug

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I had improvement in bone density but question if the side effects are worth it - these new biologicals haven’t been around long enough to prove they are safe

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Re: Anni (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I don't believe the FDA is interested in anyone's misery.

I too am a chronic pain sufferer, and Prolia only increased my misery too.

Never will I take another dose of Prolia or any other drug.

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Mason (# 64) --We do not choose to take it. It is forced upon us by our medical community. Look at the side effects which include death. That's something to be concerned about in my point of view. You simply do not know what we are talking about I am sorry to say. Please find a better place to focus your views because males can easily get osteoporosis too. Medical Fact! Be well~Pood

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Re: Mason (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

You sir, are a troll! The other words I have for you I can't type in this forum. My health issues are not vanity. They are serious and continue to be. I already had a laundry list of health conditions I was dealing with before the Prolia, as many here were as well.

Your kind are not needed or wanted in this forum.


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Re: Sal (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

I think a lot of it is the problem reported to the FDA. I had one a week ago and called them and they immediately sent out paperwork and requested photos and that I keep one tablet of the drug on hand for them to examine. This they cannot do with Prolia because it's already injected into us. I don't think they paid much, if any, attention of my problems with Prolia which were many.

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Mason (# 64) --

Well since you are unattractive, that's the reason you are here? You are only an internet troll that needs to be deleted by the moderators.

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Lizzie (# 67) --

It's okay. I just reported him to the moderator. He, with his posts, will soon be out of here. That is why we have the 'REPORT' option on the threads. It's supposed to keep the bad actors out and he certainly is one.

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Nikki (# 69) --

There is an option we have here to keep bad actors out. It's on the thread at the far right labeled REPORT. I used it and suggest the rest of you do too. The Moderators will ask why and we have to tell them. He has not written anything utterly suspect to cause a Moderator to go thru his posts.

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Re: JenjiOz (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

My experience was similiar. I never could wear wool next to my skin, but with Prolia, I couldn't tolerate cashmere. Finally now, 15 months post injection, I can wear cashmere again.

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Oh my goodness DJ I suffered only 2 nights with shortness of breath and heart flutters. Never thought about it being prolia. Thanks for posting

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