Prolia Side Effects Duration (Page 2)
UpdatedWould like to know if anyone had side effects from Prolia but they went away - and how long did it take for that to happen?
Rose, it certainly could have allowed your cancer to happen. Prolia weakens our immune system so we catch everything that goes around. There are always cancer cells in our bodies but with a healthy immune system that invader cell is killed. We don't have that protection with Prolia so, yes, in theory, Prolia caused your cancer by weakening your immune system so it was unable to kill a cancer cell which then just grew and grew. Call the nurses at AMGEN and tell them ALL of your problems with Prolia so they can modify it or delete it. They really care.
What is AMGEN?? If possible need the number to the nurses. I will certainly call.
Thank You.
AMGEN is the company that makes Prolia and many other drugs. Just key in AMGEN in your search engine and it will take you to their home page. First find the drug Prolia on their list. Then hunt around for the phone numbers which I think were on the bottom right side. The FDA is useless but AMGEN does care about us. They cannot make changes to this poison unless they are flooded by messages from us. Tell the nurse your name, the MD that gave you the injection, when and list ALL of your side effects. If you develop more side effects, call them again. They keep files on each one of us that calls in to complain so do complain loudly and truthfully. Our MDs leave us out in the cold, but the nurses at AMGEN really care. They will also write letters to your MD.
Rose, of course it could have caused your cancer. AMGEN admits that it can cause skin cancer and from skin cancer it's just a short hop over to the ovaries. This is not to mention your immune system is very weak and unable to fight off invader cells like cancer. I hope you find an excellent oncologist and get lots of plasma that is full of immune building cells along with the proper treatment and hopefully, it has not spread to major organs. Please let us know how you are doing. Pood
Prolia has ruined my life. I know it caused my ovarian cancer which spread to my colon and diaphragm. The first layer of my diaphragm was removed and I am finally finished with chemo I have a tightness under by breast. I am going for a cat scan Aug 3rd 2015. I just pray the cancer is in remission. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS SHOT. I will keep this site informed after my scan.
Hi Rose, AMGEN is the biotech corporation that makes Prolia and many other nasty drugs. Just go to Google and enter AMGEN Corporation and you will see their website. One place shows all the drugs they make. You want to find Prolia. After you have Prolia opened, to the far right hand side it says: Contact Us. It's arranged by country with the USA first. Their nurses are so busy, you will have to leave a call back number. It will come from Area Code 919 I think. It's a toll free 1-800 number for you to call them. Also, please call and write the FDA if you are in the USA. They are considering putting stronger warning labels on Prolia. Cancer was horrid and I certainly do not want it back again. You can also order a 'Medical Warning bracelet' on line and have put on it what you want - perhaps Prolia Intolerant or something so they will never give you any more by mistake in a rare event your mind is not aware and you are unable to verbally say NO. Also, there is a huge difference between big pharma companies and biotech companies. Biotech use live animal parts instead of chemicals. In the case of Prolia, it is made from the ovaries of Chinese hamsters. Hoping you are doing much better~Pood
Hi Poodle,
I notified Amgen about my cancer and they said haven't had any reports like mine. I also called the FDA they sent me papers. My doctor and I filled them out so I am trying to make everyone aware of the side effects of this terrible shot. I had my scan Monday and will see the cancer doctor Aug 10th so say a prayer that I will be in remission. Thank you.
Rose, I'm wondering if after all you have gone through, that the 'tightness in your chest' could possibly be the infection our hearts can get from Prolia. I would certainly ask for an echocardiogram if I were you. I'm so very sorry it has hurt you so badly. The big C is no fun at any age and I sincerely hope you do as well with it as I did. 1992-Present and still cancer free here. I did call Amgen today and talked to a nice man named Mike. Their 11 month clinical trial was just a beginning for them. They are doing a 10 year trial and I am under the impression that it includes all of us who have had that dreaded injection. That's why they are keeping all of us in files with each and every problem we are having. Could it be possible that we are in a clinical trial and don't know it???? Yes, rest assured you will be in my prayers. Be well~Pood
Hi Poodle.
Who knows we could be in a trial. Thank you for your prayers, and very glad to hear you are cancer free. Tuesday Aug 11th I will see my cancer doctor about my CT scan and I will let you know the outcome.
I was at one of my Doctor's offices today. This one has a brain. I asked him if he had any idea of how quickly an immune system can fully restore itself. He went on line and made a comment -- I'm in a Forum now -- I said: Would that be MedsChat. He said yes and I said: I'm Poodle. So that ended his searching. He did tell me that the basal cell cancer that we know for sure Prolia does cause, cannot enter the human body so in Rose's case, it has to be from a weakened immune system that did not recognize the cancer cell and allowed it to grow and spread. It only takes one cell for our immune system to not recognize and kill. I tried various products with no help. Finally, I ordered specific surgical masks that do not allow any virus through the nose or mouth, that means colds, flu, H1N1 and any other virus out there cannot get past this specific mask. If you need them, they are available on Amazon made by Curad (the band-aid company). I am more than capable of using lots of alcohol on my hands and Lysol on surfaces.
I'm past 3 months and nothing has let up here. I did read an article by the National Institute of Health that stated that Prolia is much worse than they are telling us. It causes the muscles around the jaw to die so that's where that problem comes from and it's supposed to stop fractures but at the same time causes femur fractures. It also causes autoimmune diseases which was a new one for me. They also stated the bone it builds up is very fragile brittle bone so no gain. Bones are made out of more than Calcium and Vitamin D. Just had another blood test done. I've been taking 1200 Calcium with 1000 Vit D twice/day with food and my test was just a tiny bit high so apparently the recommended amount is insufficient. Amgen is only letting out certain side effects -- not all of them. Wonder when I will get well. The rheumatologist that pushed me into Prolia is doing everything in her power to prove it's me, not her beloved Prolia. "You can think what you want about Prolia". Isn't that a nice comment?? I'm considering taking her medical license away on many more grounds than just totally sloppy work on Prolia and according to my pharmacy there are many of us.
I bought some Curad anti-viral 'surgical' type masks from Amazon. They work. I went to the grocery store yesterday and am always extremely ill from being around people with Prolia but with the mask well in place I am not sick today. They protect from all flu viruses so all we need to worry about is cleaning our hands and nails very well with a good washing of anti-bacterial soap and hot water. We cannot get any air born bug, cold, sore throat, etc. I'm sure I looked like I'm from another planet but whatever works!!!! Impossible to recommend them highly enough to us in the Prolia group. If you live in a larger city, you may be able to find them in a store.
Hi Poodle,
I went to my cancer Dr. to find out about my Pet scan every things looks good for now I don't have to see her for 3 months. I will be a patient for life. I will have to see her every 3 months for about 2yrs. Then it will change to maybe every six months if every thing stays good. Thanks to Prolia I will have this hanging over my head for the rest of my life. I'm happy I am clear for now I will have to take one day at a time. Thank you for all your concern and prayers.
That certainly is better news. I don't think you will be a patient for 'life'. My Oncologist thought I was dead until I sent my best friend to him. LOL!! Why go to an Oncologist when cancer is ALL GONE? She had it easy as to where to find what she needed. I gave her all the Doctors and hospital names that she would need. She was advanced Breast Cancer but clear now. That's always such a worry - where do I go, what do they do, who does what, etc., etc. You are more than welcome for the prayers. Be well~Pood
I had my first Prolia shot in April 2015.
My jaw is sticking now.. Can anyone relate?
Happy to say now in my 5th month of Prolia, I am becoming human again and starting to schedule needed surgeries for when the 6th month is over (10/22/15). My MD Rx'd a different pain med. In the packaging from my pharmacy was a note: REMEMBER YOUR NEXT PROLIA INJECTION IS DUE ON … That will be over my dead body. I'm going to wait and someone will eventually come up with something that doesn't about kill us while it builds brittle bones. Once of Prolia in a lifetime is more than sufficient. I've even gain two whole pounds but that seems like a giant leap from where I was while in the depths of Prolia. I can see the end of this horrid tunnel now. It did cause an autoimmune disease. I don't know if that will magically disappear at the end on the 6th month or if it will take longer. Hang in there. It does get better.
Hi Poodle. Can you share AGMEN,s response to the end of the side effects and if prolia stays in the human body forever? Is there any way to take it out of the system?
RM - I am so very sorry to read your post. You should go to your dentist immediately. They'll take you as an emergency tomorrow if you say I think I am getting ONJ. They will take X-rays and visually check your teeth and find all is well. Then, have them keep feeling around with their fingers to find what muscle is acting up in there. They can find it and when they do you will about jump out of the chair. Mine said heat, No work. It needs PT. You can go to PT for dry needling to break it up or go to an acupuncturist. It seems to me that PT is faster. 3 trips and you are done. Prolia can also cause your teeth to spread out and some people here have had to have braces put on their teeth. Regardless, your dentist should be your first stop and hopefully s/he is very intelligent like mine. For Heaven's sake, please don't take this drug again! Some people have zero problems except for their immune system not working well. The remainder of us get everything Prolia has to offer and some that are not listed yet. You need to understand that Prolia is actually a chemo drug and that is why it has no many horrid side effects. Life starts getting better in the 5th month but the previous ones are living Hell. Please post back after seeing your dentist tomorrow. Also, it is proven that Prolia does not work. It builds more bone mass but that bone mass is very brittle bone so you are really suffering for zero benefit. Prolia is also not a chemical. It is made from ovaries of Chinese hamsters. Amgen is a bio tech corporation, not a pharmaceutical. There is a huge difference between them. Do not let your dentist believe this is anything nice like Reclast or Boniva. This is in a world of it's own that makes the chemical ones seem like taking an aspirin. Please post back so you can help others here too. Be well~Pood
Pood! Thanks! My motjers side effect is tingling and numbness of feet and legs and sometimes hand's fingers. They found that the sural nerve in both feet was nor respndong quite ok so diagnosed with neuropathy (peripherial). Doctors dont know or cant explain the cause, they think is random but no, it was just when she took prolia. She was feeling great and perfect before that. She wants to know when can she expect for the side effects to go away and if prolia numbs the nerve or affects it.
Amgen wrote and has told me verbally that by the 5th month I should be feeling much better, which for me is true. It is also written on their site that it can take 11 months for the Prolia to stop causing problems. If you are not better at 5, you will be in the second group that has to wait until the end of the 11th month after the first injection. If one has had more than one single injection, I don't think anyone knows. It's AMGEN Corp. Look for the drugs they make. Find Prolia and read what they have to write. It's very sad and the FDA decided the outcome would be worth all the casualties. That's us. Well, it doesn't work. It builds brittle bone so we are suffering for zero reason. When one falls, what's the difference between brittle bone and thin bone -- NONE! You are going to get fractures or breaks one way or the other.
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