Prolia & Hair Loss (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've just recently had my second Prolia shot. So far so good...a little back pain. I continually have stress fractures on my feet and have also taken fosamax. My current problem is hair loss & I wondered if anyone else was having that problem?
I am shedding like a dog. I hate to shampoo my hair because it looks like I am a chemo patient with what comes out. I did have lovely hair before Prolia but not now. Not listed as a side effect but it is true.
I was reading the post on 11 Feb. 16 & was surprised to see it was my own, with the exception of some of my words rearranged. The hair loss is definitely from prolia as I stated. It is a shame that Amgen omits it from the side effect list. I am now @ 6 months, 3 weeks, & 3 days & the pain & hair loss have not let up. I again reported it to the FDA & plan on reporting it for the 2nd time to Amgen. My next step is placing a Warning ad to all women contemplating the prolia injection. Hopefully we can save some poor sole the misery.
I am starting the 5th month after my first injection, wont do it again. Loosing lots of hair, glad to know I'm not the only one. Wonder how long it will take to leave my system.
Hi Gracie, when you look at the active ingredient in Prolia it is the exact same as in Xgeva. Xgeva is for chemotherapy. Hair falls out completely during chemo. We are receiving lower doses but still getting many of the same problems. Does that help answer your question? When you stop the Prolia, your hair will return to normal as it does with chemo patients. I'm not happy about it either and am definitely refusing the next dose on October 22. It has tinkered so much with my immune system that I now have an autoimmune disease. Be well~Pood
Hair loss is a side effect of Prolia! Same thing happened to me so I got busy to find out why. The other why is: Why doesn't Amgen list it on their website? Look up National Cancer Institute, then cancer drugs of which it lists Prolia & Denosumab as CANCER DRUGS! You can search further & both are found in chemo drugs as well & as we're aware, chemo drugs cause hair loss. It says that it will grow back in 7 or 8 months @ 1/2 inch a month. Big deal, what do we do in the meantime - wear a wig - That's not my style. I took a print-out of the National Cancer Institute to my doc & believe me, from the look on his face he had no clue about it. Needless to say I just got a blank look. The docs should educate themselves first & foremost. If anyone is considering this inj. - do your homework before making such a critical decision. I did it once - but NEVER AGAIN!!!!
Yes, after my second shot of Prolea, I had two UTIs, fatigue, huge bumps under the skin on my face and all over my scalp, an array of unexplained symptoms like peripheral neuropathy (not diabetic), and my hair is falling out to the point where I am getting bald spots. Horrendous drug-never again. Can 'to wait for it to leave my system!
Hi Gracie, I had my Prolia injection April 23rd 2014, three years later I'm still experiencing hair loss, terrible jaw pain with infection in my gums. Unfortunately I spent alot of time getting to know my dentist and now my periodontist. I now have to invest in invisaligns to correct my teeth so as to eat without pain. I lost approx. 45 lbs. I wish you and everyone on this forum all the best.
I had my second injection in June of 2015 and I didn't connect the dots until now that my hair loss is due to these injections. I've been trying to figure out what was causing it, thinking my hormones were the problem. I turned 53 in June when I had the second injection, and my hair was coming out in amounts I'd never seen before. I've been trying all kinds of different shampoos and conditioners, oils, vitamins and supplements, etc...and spending lots of time and money on this and I finally figured out it's the Prolia. My skin is itchy, my scalp is red, and I've had lots of breakouts on my face, too, and all of this wasn't happening before I started taking Prolia injections. I'll never take this drug again. I hope it's out of my system soon and my conditions return to normal.
YES! I had one shot of Prolia and my hair fell out like crazy. It's time for my 2nd shot and Im not getting it until I see if my hair stops coming out.
I have had my first Prolia injection about 6 weeks ago. I am 60. I also have some hair loss but I attributed it to a new hair dye I used. But thinking about it, it may well be from the Prolia. I also have chronic minor headaches each day. I will be weighing all the pluses and minuses to determine if I will take my 2nd dose in January.
I've had 3 prolia injections and I am experiencing hairloss.
I don't think I'll go for the 4th injections. I don't feel comfortable
being a guinea pig in the last phase of prolia's drug trial.
Amgen, the manufacturer of Prolia, states that at the 6th month mark it should be all but gone in our bodies; however, there are certain things that can apparently last 5 more months after we reach the 6th month mark. They don't state what 'they' are though. One would have to call the nurses at Amgen to find out if what you are experiencing after the 6th month mark is definitely from Prolia. I believe that it will take some time for our immune system to be working again 100%. My 6th month is this Nov. 5, 2015 so I'll be able to respond better after I get past that date even though I am close. I'm very impatient about this in my body! I want it gone NOW! Be well~Pood
I have had my 2nd Prolia shot. Someone recommended an antihistimine the morning of the injection and drinking a lot of water. This may have helped because I did not have all the itching I had with the first injection nor did I get the headaches. I still have some hair loss but I am very careful when I wash it, trying not to pull on the hair as I wash. So far, so good!
I am now about 2 months past the 'magic day'. Hair loss is finally letting up. I will still need dry needling to break up the muscle bands it has caused. First I had the cataract it caused removed and just got home from a total hip replacement. I still have the muscle pain and the autoimmune disease it caused. Seems as if I can tolerate more wheat than before so that one may be letting up some. There is life after Prolia. I have gone from 165 lbs. down to 108. BAD DRUG! Believe it or not the Prolia muscle pain is worse than a total hip replacement. Amgen is also now writing that one needs Prolia for TEN years for it to work. No Thank You!! Hope you all get better faster and remember to stay away from this poison. Be well all~Pood
It's the end of August and my hair is falling out despite being careful! I love not having the backaches but I may have to stop this drug by not getting my third injection!
I too have had vast hair loss from prolia. Prolia is a cancer drug & as we are aware, cancer drugs cause hair loss. You can find additional info on the National Cancer Institute's website about it being a cancer drug & about the hair loss that goes along with it. I am now 8-1/2 months post prolia & my hair loss is slowing down some, but only after my doc gave me a script for prednisone has it slowed down. My Dr. is filing an adverse effect report on all of my suffering these last months to the FDA on my behalf & in turn I am staying in close touch with Amgen (Maker of prolia) & the FDA by phone, email, & in writing as well, as I want this info for my personal records. I have even gone so far, that I have contacted both of my insurance companies & attempted to stop them from approving this inj. & save a lot of women from suffering & the companies money.
A really interesting thing happened with my hair loss I think is important to share. First and foremost, the hair fall and shedding has basically stopped! I had posted back in April and it continued to get worse, to the point where I couldn't shampoo bc I would end up crying looking at my hands covered in hair. It consumed nearly all waking hours. My thick, long hair had become disgusting and my fear of baldness was a living nightmare. I was SURE it was the prolia; although many people did not have my experience.
Now to rewind, my acceptance of osteoporosis was a hard pill to swallow- I am an active 32 year old, was a runner, and had been sidelined horribly by a misdiagnosed spinal fracture that doctors thought was sciatica. Months of that torment, than came the decisions of medication- tried fosmax and it made me sick, another mental and physical torment I had a horrific time grappling with. Now some six-seven months later my hair is coming out in clumps and I'm beside myself with the fear of being bald and losing my "identity" of the girl with the waist length thick curly hair. BEAR WITH ME HERE.... Went to my doctors, all my blood work is okay and finally my dermatologist calmly and reassuring presents this common hair loss ailment to me that he has diagnosed me with: telogen effluvium. He helps me to understand that several months after you experience a trauma (emotional, physical, etc) it can shock your system and in doing so it actually causes a majority of your hair in the growing phase to go into the resting phase and SHED AT ONE TIME. The only thing to stop it is to remove the stressor and mine previously was the injury and the diagnosis of osteoporosis but now it was the horrid fear of baldness... Once I whole heartedly came to terms with the fact that I was NOT going to go bald and it was a bodily reaction, my hair literally STOPPED shedding. It was mind numbingly incredible. Sorry for the length of this post but I thought it so important to share my experience. It does get better and the hair is growing back.
Are you feeling better in the 5th month? Amgen told me that I should start feeling a lot better at the end of the 5th month which is Sept. 22 for me. I can tolerate this with a lot of narcotics for 6 months but at the end of six months I want my life back. I don't know if it is possible as some people here are still having immune system problems 18 months after.
I am having numerous and debilitating side effects after my second shot of Prolia. It has zapped all my energy, given me aches and pains and I was surprised to read about hair loss, because I have it big time. This is a horrible drug. Does anyone know if all these side effects wear off after the 6 month period.
Sharyl (# 221) --
I've contacted a local Attorney that specializes in malpractice and drug reaction cases. On our initial conversation he thought it would be a legal suit, and now he believes maybe it would be best for individual cases. I will update everyone on this thread once we get this together. Until then hang in there. My wife has nearly all of the same side effects. God Bless us all.
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