Private Methadone Doctors (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hello. I am a 26 year old male who has been struggling with opiate addiction for about a decade. Recently I tried the suboxone program which helped to a degree, but meds were way to expensive as well as the Drs appointment. So I am looking for help with my disease and I would like to know if methadone is the right route for me to go. Thanks

56 Replies (3 Pages)

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Where do you go and how much does it cost I'm trying to get help for my wife

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Hi, my name is Chris. I am looking for a doctor in Mobile, Alabama who writes methadone... I used to go to the clinic but I changed jobs and I can't make it to both places at once. If you have a doctor I can use it would be a life saver.. {edited for privacy}. Thanks.

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Please don't! This is a horrific drug to become addicted to. The clinics (for our son) are very expensive ($200 every 2 wks).... that's $400 a month!

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Sweetheart you are only deadly sick because you have to have 24 preferably 48 hours of methadone out of your system before you can go to Suboxone or it makes you deathly ill, yes, but methadone is the worst. You need to get switched to Suboxone. They will help you do it the right way so you're not sick, I promise. You have to try again girl. Methadone is the devil. I've been addicted to opiates and methadone cuz I just need something for the pain.

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Re: Patty (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Not true not true they can prescribe it for severe pain management.

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Re: Bella (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, my name is dave. I was an opiate addict for 16 yrs. I went on methadone from 2008 to 2009 then I jumped off 75mgs N THAT'S NO BULLS***. I spent 12 days s***ting, urinating and screaming like a little kid. 2 months ago i f***ed up my back. Now i have a disc bulge which is pinching 2 nerves that run down my leg. I've had 2 Ct guided injections that didn't work, I'm on painkillers that don't work and I'm in & out of the hospital. I need a dr in the sunshine coast area in Australia that can put me on a low dose for my pain. I always tell the drs my past and im sick of being treated like i dont find pills addictive. I have had a few ms contins and I tell the drs if i want to get of i wouldn't f*** around with s*** tablets. I was in the hospital last nite and they just gave me panadol then kicked me out at 5 this morning. Can someone help me please? I'm laying here crying now. I'm 42 yrs old.

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I am coming 2 UK in few weeks, from Serbia. I am 9 years on Methadone (100mg), diazepam (1-1-2), clonazepam (0-1/4-1/2). F11.22 and depression F... Now, as I am about to get 6 months visitor visa, and I am comming with lets say 1 month methadone supply with all needed papers. Is there a way to get my methadone treatment continued after I get out of medication, I am ready to pay visit for prescription and GP or wathever sa well for medication. I plan to be in Dorset, Poole.

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Re: Chris (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever find any luck finding a doctor? I’m in the same boat as you.

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Re: Kimberly (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

There are a few I’ve researched about. Have you found any?

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Re: Bella (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

Is he a good doctor? Or just out for the money?i would like a doctor that is understanding and not automatically judging.

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Hi did you have any luck in finding a doctor in Poole or Dorset I am in the same situation and don’t want to have to travel to London. I would be so grateful if anyone knew how or where I could get a private script from urgently.

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was on it 6 yrs. and had no problems. Subutex was used in rehab for 6 days...and by Lord God...had no bad detox at all. I slept, ate, acted normal in living... To me it's the best thing for ONLY THOSE WHO DEEPLY NEED IT, FOR CHRONIC PAIN, AND ACUTE, BAD EVERYDAY PAIN.... I was in a childhood car accident at Wendy's and then many years with domestic abuse my husband used me like a punching bag as I said six years. I went off of it no problem but unfortunately because of the pain and I did try other things I made the choice to come back on it. It's the best thing. The best choice. Plus they don't just prescribe you the medication, you must go to groups, you must take your insurance and you get lots of counseling on the medication if you go to the right place. So don't be afraid. I live an everyday normal life. I'm 61 years old. If I'm not busy I get a little tired but otherwise I'm nice and healthy. I'm not saying this for these young kids that continually like to use for their own reasons. This is for when needed it'll drop the b****** today or doctors that prescribe methadone with regular testing and groups. Thank you.

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Kim, I hope you never suffer a house fire, again, but just in case there would ever be another emergency that causes you, or anyone else to be without their needed medication, there is a solution available.

If that type of thing happens, you can go to your nearest emergency room, when you are suffering the withdrawal symptoms. I suggest taking whatever proof you have that you were under treatment, such as a report from your pharmacy, or doctors office, as well as something from the authorities showing what happened, which in your case would have been a fire report.

Such tragic accidents do happen and the doctors in your nearest ER are aware of this and can usually help. They will not do so for people that do it all the time, but if you have the proof of what happened and it's just a one time thing, they usually will.

They will especially do so, if you are in withdrawals, because when someone has been taking Methadone for so long and is without it, they could be in life threatening danger, so the doctors have to do something to help you.


Are there any other comments or questions?

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Looking for help finding a doc for pain management..Methodone...I have been on them for 6yrs now and my doctor moved out of state but referred us to another doctor who closed up after 2 months leaving everyone stuck...please help and just point me in right direction.... I know it's a long shot and no one seems to wanna truly help out but I hope someone eventfully does

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thats a lie. drs can write it out of their office for dependency

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Could you give his practices name. I need a dr to help me.

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