Private Methadone Doctors (Page 3)
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Hello. I am a 26 year old male who has been struggling with opiate addiction for about a decade. Recently I tried the suboxone program which helped to a degree, but meds were way to expensive as well as the Drs appointment. So I am looking for help with my disease and I would like to know if methadone is the right route for me to go. Thanks

56 Replies (3 Pages)

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Gd for u from uk got clean and soba 17 year ago relapsed after ten years the last 7 has been stop star very painfull still attend 12 step mtgs and never though my life wud go back to how it was day at a time. But well done on sorting ur life out keep ur sprit on fire. Gb

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why do you jump in with the same reply constantly??????? There are doctors that can make it work on paper if they care an know your not an i**** and need help. So your brother is a doctor, whooppee....... Take a chill pill. Some people just need pointed in the right direction, and I certainly wouldn't post the Docs name and info, do it privately. I happen to know this for a fact, not lately but it does happen. I haven't needed one until recently. So now I'm here doing some reading.

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I live in Homer La. I need a pain management doctor that will prescribe methadone. I have louisiana medicaid. I have a cage in my back and i go to Applegate Recovery now which costs $275.00 which i can not afford anymore and subboxone just doesn't relive my pain like methadone does. Please help me if you know a doctor in minden la or bossier city la. Thanks {edited for privacy}

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Can you get it from a Private doctor bc I'm in pain 24/7!! & That's the BEST thing I have ever taken found pain!! It lasts longer also!! Please, Any information that you have would help me VERY much!! Thanks So Much!!

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that my friend is no lie. Dr.'s are no longer allowed to write methadone for anything but pain and it is very regulated, they only write the 10mg. tablets in subsequent doses as needed for pain but are no longer allowed to write the wafers,liquid,methadose forms.

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Hi , I'm Rick I've been band from atods sunshine coast and I need to find a doctor that can script me pain relief due to a near broken back . I'm on a waiting list for operation but will take about 5 yrs for that so I badly ,need a doctor that books ,are not full that I can get help from hangen out and pain so if anyone can help with information to a doctor that might help please e-mail me. Thankyou. {edited for privacy}

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Hey...does anyone know of any doctors on Long Island that prescribes methadone and hopefully takes Medicare?...I've been on it for years now after being on other heavy duty pain meds due to back injuries from a MVA and terrible arthritis and it has helped...all of sudden this past week when I went to my doctor appt. he said he couldn't prescribe methadone anymore out of the blue...I'm guessing he had problems with other patients or something but left me with no options...he's always been kind of a nasty jerk lol, and I have never been in trouble with meds and never run out early or anything like that...PLEASE HELP ASAP!

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hi! my name is jennifer and i am going to be 28 this year..last october 4th was my 2yr anniversery at the methadone clinic...and i would recommend this to anyone who has an opiode dependency (over suboxin.) i am a 10yr. opiate vet.& currently i am@150mg/day and along w/GREAT counselors & staff the methadone clinic has made all the difference in my life

I used to be an IV user somewhere around an approximate $200/day(like 500mg shots/ get the picture..& thats just one single shot..i reapeated this like 4-sumtimes10 times a day.) for just ME!! i was miserable hit rock bottom and lost everything(but my husband..and hopefully some sence of dignity was still hiddin inside me). Him and I found a clinic & have been clean since.You have 2B dedicated & willing to need to be patient and allow yourself time to adapt to the methadone and find your theraputic dose(thats whut they call it)but when you do..its a wonderful outcome..i have my life back, i mean its been 2yrs & STILL counting, however, i am just now re-learning about me! who i am, where ive been, where i wanna go, & so on and so forth.You must be willing to re-build yourself.. everything!-again..and all it takes is that one moment of "IM DONE!! I CAN DO THIS! I WILL DO THIS!!"and BAM!! take a look at what you've done!! :0)

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Thank you Verwon for the advice...I hope I dont ever have a fire again, lol, but if I do I will definately go to the ER if it takes the Dr. that long to get me another script!!

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That response is for Red 215.

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Dr.s can not write out prescriptions for methadone out of a private office for dependancy...It is against the law..My brother is a dr. so sorry to tell you but they can not. They can only write it for pain control. I do not know where you are from but if there is a dr. doing that he or she is doing so illegally. I have been to many dr.s who did not want to do it period just because it was methadone and I was in a car accident with a spinal cord injury with my right leg still paralyzed and spent 1 month in the hospital after 10 hours of surgery on my back and then 2 months in a rehab to try to learn to walk. Sorry to tell you but they CAN NOT.

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Are they any doctors in the birmingham AL area who will prescribe methadone?My doc left his practice and i had to struggle to find a doc who charged me 300 only to reduce me 100mgs.I am in legit pain---very bad car accident,right arm almost amputated,right foot almost severed completly. I am also osteo-artritic in my arm,foot and hip. Please help. I need a good doctor who will help me get back on the doses my previous doctor had me on. Thank You,Please Help

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thats a lie. drs can write it out of their office for dependency

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Kim, I hope you never suffer a house fire, again, but just in case there would ever be another emergency that causes you, or anyone else to be without their needed medication, there is a solution available.

If that type of thing happens, you can go to your nearest emergency room, when you are suffering the withdrawal symptoms. I suggest taking whatever proof you have that you were under treatment, such as a report from your pharmacy, or doctors office, as well as something from the authorities showing what happened, which in your case would have been a fire report.

Such tragic accidents do happen and the doctors in your nearest ER are aware of this and can usually help. They will not do so for people that do it all the time, but if you have the proof of what happened and it's just a one time thing, they usually will.

They will especially do so, if you are in withdrawals, because when someone has been taking Methadone for so long and is without it, they could be in life threatening danger, so the doctors have to do something to help you.


Are there any other comments or questions?

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Methadone is one of the cheapest pain meds out there, I have been on it for 7 years and it is very hard to come off of. I had a house fire and had to go without for almost four days and thought I was going to die. From the pain and the withdrawl. Unless you get it for pain you will have to go to a clinic. Doctors are not allowed to prescribe it for anything but pain. I hear clinics can be expensive, but if you are spending the money on drugs anyway this would be a much better route, good luck

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Methadone does help many people and it can be cheaper than Suboxone, however, you will more than likely still have to visit a doctor or clinic regularly.

The main drawback to Methadone is that it can also be quite an addictive substance and people that is use it usually end up requiring a lifetime maintenance dose of it, while Suboxone can be slowly tapered and enable the person to eventually become completely drug free.

Have you tried consulting a doctor for advice?


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