Private Doctor To Prescribe Methadone Instead Of Clinics In Fort Worth Tx (Top voted first)
UpdatedI took Hydrocodone for pain for several years and became very dependent. I have been going to a Methadone Clinic now for 2 years and it saved my life. I have led a productive life since. I take care of my parents and they both are bedbound. It is getting so hard for me to go to the clinic daily. Does anyone know of a private doctor in Fort Worth Texas that subscribes Methadone? Thank you for your help
I dont know what methadone clinic you go to, but if your clean and just using methadone you get to take months home at a time.
I would like to know if anyone uses a private physician that dispenses Methadone,out of his/her office, in Houston, Texas area? Going to a crappy daily dosing facility and these losers act like its a probation office or something! What the heck? Why treat ppl badly when they willingly walk into your old crack house turned clinic & pay you for a service? Does this make sense? NO!!!!! I need to Gina private setting w a real dr that dispenses and I don't have to go EVERYDAY like some kind of felon!!!!!
Re: Alan Houston Tx (# 60)
Maybe that is true for you but not all. I’ve been a chronic pain patient for many years and prescribed methadone 16 years and it works for my pain better than any other pain medication I have tried. I have tried them all...
You should not have to go to a clinic daily after two years, unless you have illicit drugs in your UA's. You should have a monthly pick up after 2 years on a methadone clinic. Get an state advocate if your clinic is screwing you around. Read your state and federal regulations for methadone clinics. What I am telling you is the truth.
I was attending the clinic only 3 times a week by 6 months, once a week by 9 months, every 2 weeks by 1 year and once a month by 2 years. This is per the federal regulations (42CFR). Some states further restrict takehomes & require longer times in treatment before receiving certain amounts of takehome doses, but in NO state will you still be attending the clinic daily after 3 months unless you are having illicit substances appear on your drug checks.
Methadone can not legally be prescribed by a physician for the maintenance treatment of addiction. The only way it can be prescribed by a private physician & filled at a retail pharmacy is if it is prescribed for the treatment of chronic pain.
I encourage everyone to look for the truth, facts & *credible,* accurate information. I've read a lot of misinformation and half truths in this thread.
Zac T. BA, CMA
Certified Methadone Advocate
{edited for privacy}
I go to my neurologist , I do receive methadone for pain monyhly.
Suboxene is not really working for me. I guess i need to get back on methadone. That's just the way it is i guess, as much as i hate it. Any suggestions? CHRISTOPHER would appreciate it.
Hey it's newsunnn again, I wanted to add that I am unable to take to an.allergy
If you are being prescribed methadone for pain management then you wouldn't be attending a methadone clinic (opioid treatment program). Clinics can NOT do pain management - they treat opioid dependence only by federal regulations. Methadone in the treatment of chronic pain is prescribed by a private physician and filled at a retail pharmacy.
I am a methadone patient and I'm tired of paying $300 a month at the clinic, CDHS. The bad part it feels more like probation than a clinic and I do my program right. I just need a doctor that prescribes it. I have mri's for proof of herniated disc. I'm in the Grand Prairie/Arlington area. You would be saving a life by just helping me find a doctor. {edited for privacy}
Re: Chris1 (# 17)
I totally agree with you. I used to go to a methadone clinic for 3 yeas. I woke up 1 day and told myself to get off of it....I did, but it was the worst drug to come off of.
It's all about the money to these clinics, and their goal is to keep you on it and increase your methadone as much as they can.
Just sad
Re: Chris1 (# 17)
Methadone is the only thing that worked for me. Ice tried suboxone,abstinence,and others.But it was methadone and GOD that pulled me out of the depths of opiate abuse. Ice been on methadone for ten years and although ill be on methadone for the rest of my life. At least I could live without the he'll of getting money everyday. And for that I am thankful for the mgmt.
I am a combat wounded marine Khe sahn viet nam..right hip is blown to hell..I am wife and I just retired....I was given drugs from the time I was wounded.and used street drugs after discharge. H. and methadone..I was in life mag in 1971 july 23 we will be on the road until dec.2014. I need a dr. to fill my meds as we travel. when are they going to lighten up on the ones that have been on meds..for years..chad
Chad - Your clinic can request an "exception" from the state and federal authorities to get you up to 30 days of takehomes over and above what you normally qualify for under the regs when you're traveling, have business, etc. You can also go to CSAT's OTP Directory and set up guest dosing at clinics along your journey...but I agree we need to expand OBOT (office based opioid treatment) with methadone for long term, stable patients. Currently OBOT is only offered in NYC and one in Baltimore despite being allowed under the new federal regs for methadone since the early 00's.
There is doctors in Arlington and dallas I just moved here three weeks ago and already found a doctor that Prescribes suboxone in Arlington I have a appointment today they do not want to see any body on that medication to go with out it good luck
If you are in Texas and have been on Methadone 2 years, you should be going once a month. Usually the way you have to still do daily is if you had a positive U/A for other drugs. If you have a prescription, that does not count as a positive U/A. I started getting weekly take homes by 4 months and biweekly at 6-9 months. then it jumps to once a month. The methadone clinics in Texas are HORRIBLE!!! All the other states know about it, too. My clinic up north even had aerobic daily if we be in it. They had group counseling and individual; counseling and they act as if they REALLY CARE plus, it's very professional and you feel like you are in a doctors office not a crack house. I don't know why Texas does that but Texas has a bad enough reputation for being a bunch of uneducated rednecks. (I'm a Texas so I don't agree, I'm just stating facts) and all the other states know of Texas reputation for methadone clinics. They need to open a Discover House in Texas. They're great!
Hi I just moved to the area and I've been on methadone for about a year-and-a-half and I work construction I have to start work real early and going to the clinic every morning to get my dose is being a pain in the butt so I was wondering if you knew of any good doctors in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that prescribe methadone I do have insurance any additional information would be helpful thank you
LOOK!!! I'M TRYING TO HELP EVERYBODY OUT THERE TRULY IN PAIN.... HERE YOU GO: Dr Holleman in Tyler, Tx. He prescribes methadone, suboxone/subutex and fentanyl patches..also he's cool with marijuana on a u/a. $350 first visit. $155 after..... Dr. Weedman in Texarkana, AR. Just across border is $200 first visit. $100 after. He will prescribe oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine and dilaudid. Not cool with anything coming up on u/a. And downside is you have to get your rx filled in AR bc that's where his license to practice is.... Dr. Barroga in Dallas. He offers the full range of medication treatment options except methadone. $400 first visit. $300 after. You will be taken care of here. A lot is offered. Like $20 toradol and b12 shots. But he is strict as far as u/a's. They are not random. They are EVERY time. And you cant fail for marijuana or anything.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
She's going to have go daily for a period of time before they'll give her weeklies or monthly. I'm on monthly's but I've been going to methadone clinics for eternity it seems. But it keeps me straight and I've been employed at the same company for the last twenty years. It's not for everyone but it works for me.
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