Prepopik Laxative (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Has anyone in the US used this yet for colonscopy and what did it cost?

297 Replies (15 Pages)

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I have had 4 colonoscopies in the past and was happy to hear about this new product. After the first packet (6pm) and I drank 6-8 ounces of water bc nothing was happening . I got alarmed in the morning as I had a tiny bowel movement the night before. I only woke up in the middle of the night to pass all the water I drank. I was instructed to take the second packet in the morning at 7am as my colonoscopy was scheduled at 1pm. After an hour of taking the second packet, Prepopkit finally kicked in. I did experience a mild stomach ache but for a very short time. Quite frankly, I was worried when nothing happened the after taking the first packet 12 hours earlier. I read the reviews and thought, what a waste of time . My patience paid off after drinking the second dose. You MUST wait for the 2-3 minutes for the contents to dissolve before drinking as I failed to do that with the first packet. I definitely would use this again!!!

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Due to family history and diverticulosis and one bout with diverticulitis, I have a colonoscopy every 3 years. I always dread it to the nth degree as the first 4 times it was so invasive, blew up my hemorrhoids and virtually I would get so sore I usually ended up crying and sitting in a warm sitz bath after the ordeal was over. This time, Prepopik was prescribed so I armed myself with prep H suppositories to try to keep from being sore...I started at 230pm with the first packet dissolved in 5 oz water, followed by 40 oz of water. I am so amazed as this stuff thus far has not made me the least bit sore or uncomfortable. I take my 2nd dose at 8p, then the 24 oz water. I've drank coffee and tea intermittently. I paid $75 for the RX and if I am not sore at the end (no pun intended) it is worth every dime. Bathroom visits have been about every 45 minutes...I am beyond appreciative of this product.

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I started Thursday evening first dose 6:30 pm second dose 11:30 pm
First dose did nothing, second dose did nothing .. I was cursing this product out by 2am.. Thinking What a waste of money, time, loss of sleep, and a sick day for my procedure the next day.. Anyway guess it heard me cursing at it...5 am the movement started and finished by 8am , only went 3 times total and I thought it wasn't enough, and also went one more time at the facility as I was being registered and still didn't look completely clear.. Got home ate,etc, etc,... Midnight rolls around and now having diarrhea again?? I was like , now it decides to work?
Well again kept me up because I went 3 more times after that, with cramping and the noises associated with I would say I'm clear enough... It is now Saturday morning and just had another one, so I figured let me write about this.... Why is this stuff still in my system? And why does this work so slow? Honestly I think I would prefer to use what I've used last time... Yes it was gross, but immediate and no aftermath... Technically I'm on day 2 of having diarrhea.... Unacceptable and such an expensive product

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I tried the prepopik for the first time 2 weeks ago. I was excited before trying it because of all the positive reviews I read online before taking it. I had first dose at 4pm ( instead of 6pm ) because I just needed to get it over with sooner than later. In about an hour, my stomach started rumbling. It took perhaps 2 hours for it to take effect. I was very pleased and surprised with the the taste of product - something kind of citrusy / lemony. Best product I have ever tried. I have tried many horrible ones, from drinking gallon of what seemed like salt water, the phosphosoda, the pills, the osmo prep. I have been a colitis sufferer now for about 25 yrs. and colonoscopies are as routine for me as eye exams, unfortunately. Finally, something new on the market that really did not make me gag. I made a few trips to the bathroom and had my second dose at 3am. Took maybe 2 or 3 more times to go and really empty out but I was clean enough for my 9:30 exam. I only had gas problems that day and stomach did not bother me or cause me any discomfort. Not going to be afraid of future colonoscopies from now on. Good luck to all !!!!

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Used Prepopik yesterday for today's colonoscopy and all went well; this prep is a huge improvement on the older gallon-of-horrible stuff prep. I took my first dose yesterday at noon, drank a lot of water afterwards (more than the 5-8 oz. glasses suggested) and had results about 2 1/2 hours later. Second dose was at 6 pm, I drank water until 10:30 (also more than suggested)and I finished the clean-out around midnight.

I could not keep the older prep down but had no issues with Prepopik, both because of the improved taste and the smaller volume of solution that I was required to drink. I did feel a little nauseous after the first dose, but I think that was because I drank a lot (3 large glasses) of water right away and therefore had a huge volume of the stuff in my stomach. I didn't have this problem after the second dose because I drank water more gradually. I also brushed my teeth right after drinking the second dose and that helped to get rid of the aftertaste; the solution tasted to me like baby aspirin when I was drinking it but the aftertaste is less pleasant.

In any case, this was pretty easy and the results were good. I do think that the success or failure of this prep lies with the amount of water you drink after you ingest the solution, because the medicine cleans you out by drawing water into your colon. I'm a water drinker in any case and I probably drank twice the amount recommended. In any case, my doctor was pleased with the condition of my colon and best of all, I got a clean bill of health!

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Hi I'm about to embark on this colonoscopy journey and, you guessed it, I'm scared! My doctor prescribed Prepopik and from reading the majority of the reviews posted here, it seems this one is the least traumatic so I'm very thankful for that. My worry is this: On the day of the colonoscopy I have to be there by 7:30 am. My prep starts at 5pm (start with the 5 ounces of Prepopik and then five more 8 oz of liquids every 30 minutes after that) and then I do another prep at 2:30 am with taking another 5 oz of Prepopik and then three 8 oz of liquids every 30 minutes after that. So that puts me drinking the last liquid at 4:00 am....I live about 45 minutes away from the surgery center for the colonoscopy. Has anyone had bad experiences with just trying to hold it while riding to the surgiery center? This scares me more than anything else about the entire process. How can I ensure that I make it without having to go all of a sudden?

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Yes, Carol and all, it finally did work. Took 4 hours before I started to go to bathroom, using the Prepopik. Went to bed at 10 and woke up at 1 a.m. and spent the rest of the night on the toilet. Took second dose at 6:30 a.m. and more bathroom runs. Doctor was running late so didn't have colonoscopy/endoscopy until about 1 p.m. I was so very weak and exhausted, I told the nurse to please add electrolytes and sugar and an anxiety drug like Xanax to my IV as I waited for the procedures. The anesthetic called propofol is wonderful. It took me 4 days afterwards to finally recover my strength and finally go to the bathroom again and return to my usual schedule of working out daily, etc. There were some biopsies taken; I am awaiting the results of inflamed areas in the tummy and my beloved hiatal hernia which may be growing and that's what gives people GERD (reflux). Not fun to be in your seventies. I am grateful but it's not always fun physically.! Thanks for all your posts.

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I am having my colonoscopy tomorrow. Did the first split pak. I didn't mind the taste, however it is taking all I have not to vomit. No cramps just nausea. So far seems to be cleaning me out . I wish I could eat a cracker!!!!

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Well I am glad there are so many helpful posts about Prepopik here. I am sitting here waiting to feel the need to go to the bathroom took my first does almost three hours ago. I have been drinking clear liquids all day.

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Just a followup:
My initial dose kicked in 9 hours after taking it. No cramps. No bloating. No sudden and panicky need to race to the bathroom. Best of all, no having to down a gallon jug of salted bathtub water! It was so pleasant that one should be forced to use PEG 3350 anymore. To put it simply, it's cruel and unusual punishment.

Final note: my colonoscopy notes stated that cleanout was 'excellent'.d

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I am glad that someone posted back with the pricing information, as I was unable to find it, since this is so new to the U.S. market.

But yes, that price is much better than many of the others and it seems many people have trouble properly using some of the others to get the desired results.

Learn more Prepopik details here.

Carol, how did the procedure go?

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LOVED prepopik. Compared to others it was the easiest to drink. I drank at 6 pm and 2 am for my 8 am procedure and my Gastro said I was squeaky clean. I have found my new prep of choice as I have to return in 5 years!!! Thank you prepopik makers!!!!

I only paid $32 with a coupon I printed at the manufacturer's site

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Do both doses the day before. I would start the first one at noon. The second at about 6 pm. It took about 6-7 hours for my first dose to kick in. After that I was done by bedtime, about 10:30 or 11:00. Keep drinking fluids all day.

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This will be my third colonoscopy and my first endoscopy and the first time for the Prepopik. My co-pay was $60 and I would have gladly paid $100 for this. I can't believe how well it works and that I don't have to drink that other stuff. It's doing what it's supposed to do and I'm getting ready to take my 2nd dose. Look, these tests are not exactly a day in the park so anything that makes it go smoother, is worth whatever the price is. I'll never stress about going through this again. Small price to pay I'd say.

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Thank you Michelle. I just took the 1st dose and was not bad at all :)

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Took the medication exactly as written. First at 5 pm. Nothing happened all night. The. Woke this morning at 5 am took second dose. Again here it is 8am and still nothing. I am on the phone right now cancelling my procedure. Total waste of a day. And based in what I am reading. Sounds like I will end up on the toilet all day :(.

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I followed my split dose prepopik prep to the T. I also was on a low-residue diet the week before....ate lightly starting two days before....the prep was absolutely no problem. Just came back from my colonscopy was successful, but I was told it wasn't completely clean. The nurse told me I could eat immediately, but don't go crazy. Had some powerful gas pains, but recovered. After eating my ice cream 'reward', I ran right back into the bathroom and eliminated like a cannon. My question: how long does prepopik remain active for? My last dose was early this morning at is now 3pm. Is it the prepopik still working in my body?

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It doesn't work that fast on everyone. It is the best ever though but I did want to let people know it is rare to work that fast so they don't get worried.

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I had my procedure yesterday. First I would like to say do not be alarmed if the product does not appears to be working. It does and it will. Second start early and take the next does 6 hours later. It took a couple of hours for the first dose to kick in. My appointment was 7:30 am. I took the final dose at 2:00am. Prepopik works so well you need more time or you might find yourself stopping at McDonald's before the procedure if you know what I mean. Finally regardless of how well it works I think it is OVER PRICED. I live in the Chicago area. The price was $123 at Walmart Pharmacy. With BCBS and a 20% coupon from their site online I still paid $36 out-of-pocket.

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I should include that I am a 105lb 28 y/o female

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