Pregabalin Forums (Page 6)

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This medicine has been prescribed as one of the three drugs namely Amifru and Tryka from PGIMER,Chandigarh for my heart disease in which i am suffering from heart valve dysfuntion and symptoms like anxiety( Ghabrahat) and breathlessness. Kindly, explain me the indications and side effects of all these drugs. ## Hi Aman, I will give you descriptions for Pregabalin, Amifru (Amiloride and Furosemide), and Tarka- I hope those are the drugs you seeking information about. Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant drug used for neuropathic pain and as an adjunct therapy for partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in adults. It has also been found effective for generalized anxiety disorder and is (as of 2007) approved for this use in the European Union. Side effects: Very common: dizzin...

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What is this medicine for and are there any side effects For how many days can I eat this ## Neugaba contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain and some mood disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Neugaba details here. And you should take it for the amount of time your doctor instructs you to do so. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Pregabalin And Mecobalamin Capsules is used for which kind of diseases ## Hi, Parvez! The combination of Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant and the vitamin Methylcobalamin is most commonly used to treat nerve pain, since both have been shown to help alleviate it. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Additionally, if you have been on this medication for a long period of time, it is unsafe to stop abruptly, because doing say may cause the risk of seizures. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am a diabetic , well controlled(HbA1c-6.3mg% and yet suffer from peripheral neuritis. I also suffer from arthritis of knee joint I take pevesca plus which relieves all the pain Is it a habit forming drug.What are the adverse reactions, if I continue to take it?. ## I am a diabetic , well controlled(HbA1c-6.3mg% and yet suffer from peripheral neuritis. I also suffer from arthritis of knee joint I take pevesca plus which relieves all the pain ## There is only one drug ingredient in Pevesca Plus and that is the Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also used to help with certain types of nerve pain and some mood disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. The other ingredients are just nutritional su...

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tell me more about maxgalin pills ## Maxgalin is not a product of the US, so I was unable to retrieve substantial information pertaining to it. The US equivelent for Maxgalin is Pregabalin. This is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. The most common side effects are dizziness and drowsiness. To learn more information regarding Pregabalin, please click on the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## Why is Maxgalin 75 pill used ## What filler is used in the maxgalin 50 mg capsule? I have a dairy allergy and the lyrica capsules in the US have powdered milk as a filler. Does anyone know if the maxgalin capsules use the same filler?

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my wife suffered with herbes zoaster below her left breast and extended upto the middle cervial bone of her back. Blisters appeared and remained for 15 days and thn vanished leaving scars then and there at her back to left breast. Since she felt prickling pain then, doctor prescribed PREGABALIN/PREGATOR 1bd for 5 months with RENERVE PLUS INJECTION twice a week. On consuming PREGABALIN/PREGATOR, her weight inceased from 65 kg to 75 kg. now. Though she has stopped the PREGABALIN some 7 months back onwards, the weigh gained has not reduced. She feels her body weight and not able to walk, sit or rise up etc. Could any one suggest a drug to overcome the side effect of weight gain by PREGABALIN.


capsule ## Actually, it says Pfizer PGN 50. It is pregabalin 50mg or Lyrica. It is used for many different things. For example, my daughter uses it for prevention of severe migraine headaches. Others use it for pain control, seizures or convulsions. Look for marked sleepiness, dizziness, nausea. ## That is correct, this is a name brand 50mg Lyrica capsule. It is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain. Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Lyrica details here. Are there any comments or questions?

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Pregabalin And Methylcobalamin Capsules Uses and side effects. Can it be used for long say 3 months,6 months or a year ## Methylcobalamin is just a vitamin that's a form of vitamin B12. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. The Pregabalin, however, is an anticonvulsant. So, while it can also help with certain types of nerve pain, it is usually the part that can cause side effects. Learn more Pregabalin details here. They may include nausea, dizziness, weight changes and dizziness. And yes, some people do take it for that long, it really depends on the condition being treated and how the person responds to therapy. Are there any other questions? ## I am taking PREGEB M OD 150 since last 2 years. Is it O.K. to continue? What could be the possible side effects? I am non diabetic, bu...

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I have been prescribed Meganeuron OD Plus. However my dispensery issued me Neugaba M 75. Is it a correct substitute? ## No, they are not the same thing, at all. Neugaba-M contains the active ingredients Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin. The first is an anticonvulsant that's been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain and the Methylcobalamin is a form of vitamin B12, which can also help with such conditions. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Learn more Pregabalin details here. But, Meganeuron-OD Plus is nothing more than a nutritional supplement that contains a complex of the B vitamins. Learn more B vitamins details here. Did they give you a reason for this?

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My father has been taking Nervmax and ever since he started treatment he's been feeling bouts of extreme drowsiness, so I just wanted to know if this was a known side effect of Nervmax? ## Nervmax contains the active ingredients Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin; it is most often given to help with certain types of nerve pain. The Methylcobalamin is just a form of Vitamin B12, but the Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that can also help with nerve pain and it is known to cause drowsiness as a side effect. However, if it is that extreme, this may not be the right medication for him to take. Has he tried any others?

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specifically for what disease is this used? ## Neugaba-M contains the active ingredients Pregabalin and Methycobalamin, this combination is most commonly used to help treat certain types of nerve pain, such as that which may be experienced by diabetics. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Have you been advised to take it?

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I want know the advantage and side effect of Nervijin-P. ## Nervijen-P contains Pregabalin, Benfotiamine, Folic Acid, Methylcobalamin and Vitamin B6, it is usually given to help with nerve pain. The only actual medication involved that may cause side effects is the Pregabalin and its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more B vitamin details here. Have you been told you should take this?

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What are the known side-effects of Pregabalin Methylcobalamin-plus Capsules manufactured by Allkind Healthcare in India? ## involuntary twitching, loss off vision, epaclectic fits. ## The drug in this is the Pregabalin and it's side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. The Methylcobalamin is a nutritional supplement that's a form of vitamin B12, but it has been known to cause nausea in some people. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Are there any other questions or comments?

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what for it is given? usage ? effects and side effects? ## Pregator contains the active ingredient Pregabalin and some vitamins and minerals, including Methylcobalamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Viamin B6 and Folic Acid, though I am not sure this is a complete list. Pregabalin is most commonly prescribed in the US as Lyrica, is is an anticonvulstant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Do you have any other questions? ## any side effects for pregator...i am taking that for bone decay and back pain and for burning sensation in legs at night due to diabetics daily one at night as ypld by doctors side effect may affect eyes it is said ..i am worried as lense hasbeen implanted in both eyes for the past 3yrs bp for 25 yrs diabetic for 15 yrs age 67..male ## does it ca...

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PREGATOR dosage, indications, side effects ## im a dentist and one of my patients is taking the medicine pregator for diabetic neuropathy.i just wanted to learn more about this medicine ## pregator ## Pregator contains the active ingredient Pregabalin and some vitamins and minerals, including Methylcobalamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Viamin B6 and Folic Acid, though I am not sure this is a complete list. Pregabalin is most commonly prescribed in the US as Lyrica, is is an anticonvulstant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Does anyone have any other information? ## can you plz explain the action and side effects & indication's ?

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I am diabetic (type - 2) since last 32 years. Currently I am on Insulin. Now for last around 3 years I am suffering from Diabetic Neuropathy. My feet are affected - Numbness / Tingling / Pain etc. My Doctor advised me to take 2 tabs very day (1 each night and morning) of PREGEB M 75 but no improvement. Please advised which medicine I should take. Also please advise all the side effects of PREGEB M 75. ## I am not a doctor, so I can't tell you what medication you should take, I can only provide you with information about medications. Pregeb-M contains the active ingredients Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin, both of which are shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. However, this is not an actual analges...

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The nerves getting stacked on each other and a severe pain starts during night particularly when fan is on full speed. This is a momentary pain but very severe. One of the chemist suggested I take Nervijen-P. Please let me know the side effects of the same. ## This medication combines a complex of vitamins, which are believe to help with nerve pain, with the medication Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with such issues. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Are there any other comments or questions? ## my name is maya i am suffering from pain in elbow my doctor suggest me nervijen p after taking a pill i fill nausea &diziness

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Dear Sir, my mom was undergoing treatment. Doctor from Bangalore, India advices her to take pregabalin sustained release tablets †PREGEB OD 75 mg†from Torrent pharma and simvastatin tablets IP 20mg “SIMCARD20†from Cipla. But i am unable to find these two medicines in my locality(guwahati). please advice few alternate medicines from other manufacture.


what is the use of prevesca in treatment of hypertension with a ccb? ## Did you mean the medication Perivasc? If so, it contains the active ingredient Amlodipine, which is a calcium channel blocker that's used to help lower blood pressure and improve cardiac function. Learn more Perivasc details here.

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i am not diabetic and age is 30 years.I have muscle spasms in my right leg and cervicular area.Still doctor gave me it safe?he also asked me to continue with it 1 cap everyday till i get completely healed. ## Pregator contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain, along with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more vitamin details here. So, it isn't actually used to treat diabetes, it's just that a lot of diabetic people suffer from nerve damage and require it to treat their pain. Are there any other questions or comments?

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