Pregabalin Forums (Page 2)

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What is Mahagaba M -75 used for? ## What is the use of mahagaba-m75? ## Hi Tanvi, Can please provide more information about what the pill looks like (I.E. color, shape)? This way I can better help you locate a description. Is Mahagaba the name of the pill in question? ## Mahagaba M-75 is widely given for neuropathic pains like lower back pain, cervical neck pain, herniated nerve, disc compression, nerve compression, diabetic neuropathy, any other neuropathy, parkinsons, epilepsy and all nerve or neuro transmitter related problems. It has Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin which are potent nerve vitamins and are completely safe. It is also prescribed for tingling and numbness. ## DR SAYS ITS A STERIOD PLEASE SUGGEST ME REGARDING THE SIDE EFFECTS OF THE TABLET ## what are the side effect of m...

10 REPLIES Updated

For muscular pain/ neuropathy ## I'm taking Methy Preg tab at bed time as prescribed by Doctor for last 3 days. However, I feel drowziness in the morning hours and vomitting tendency and I'm 46years of age suffering from spondalities. Kindly suggest. ## This is a combination medication containing Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin, the Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Learn more Pregabalin details here. The Methylcobalamin is just a form of vitamin B12. And this can be side effects of the Pregabalin, but they should wear off in a few weeks, after your body gets used to the medication. However, if they are causing you a severe problem, or don't ease up in a few weeks, you should speak to your doctor about them, bec...

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I am suffering from peripheral neuropathy in the legs for which Pregabalin75 is prescribed one per day.Is this OK and if so for how long should I take this drug and what are the side effects ? ## Yes, Pregabalin is commonly used to treat many types of nerve pain. As to how long you should take it, only you and your doctor can decide that, but it is not a cure and most neuropathy will require some type of treatment all the time. Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and blurred vision. Read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## As per the Doctor,s advise I took Pregabalin 75. After taking one capsule I developed severe dizziness so I stopped the drug. But the effect has not disappeared even after 10 days ## My experience with Pregabalin 75 has...

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i have tingling sensation, and can not sleep at night, so the doctor prescribe me this tablet of megabid me 75. after taking it i feel drowsy and head spining sensation is that should be. ## Pregabid ME contains Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin, it's used to help treat certain types of nerve pain. And yes, the drowsiness and dizziness can be side effects of this medication and they should taper off in severity in a few weeks, as your body gets used to the drug. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## i get pain which somtimes move or occurs in a day or after a week may be frequent and it moves above chest to shoulder and i feel uncomfortable and not so painful..MY ESR IS 11 AND DOCTOR HAS PRESCRIBED ME (PR...

8 REPLIES Updated

Nervigen injections re being prescribed to my father (ge 65yrs), dibetic patient and currently having pain in the leg. I wanted to read about it more. ## Nervigen-p is not available at kolkata, please help me find the substitute medicine. ## I have no way of knowing what is available there, have you tried asking your doctor or pharmacist for an equivalent medication? Nervijen-P contains the medication Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant used to treat nerve pain and the vitamins Methylcobalamin, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid and Benfothiamine. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. ## Does its use in the long run badly effect the liver? ## My surgeon prescribed Nervigen to promote healing of cut nerves after surgery. i forgot to bring it with me on a ...

6 REPLIES Updated

Can you get Pregabalin with g30/500 written on it? I have capsules in my home that say g30/500 & I was told they are Pregabalin. Could you let me know if that is possible? They are red & white capsules. ## I have the very same tablets with G30/500 printed on both ends (red and white capsule)... They were sold to me as pregabalin but I googled them and can't find an image of them anywhere. If you find any more info on them please tell me what you find out about them.... Thanks. {edited for privacy}.

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I am now staying in Qatar. I was taking Pregabalin 75mg (daily twice)brought from India. Now I ran out of stock of this medicine. What is the substitute medicine available in Qatar. I am a diabetic patient 71 yrs old , taking the pregabalin 75mg for neuropothic pain. ## Pregabline 75 mg daily my husband is taking and now in Qatar what may be the alternative medicine in Qatar for pregabline

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I am having pain in my neck and right arm radiating up to my middle finger. Doctor has advised me Neugaba 75 mg. I want to know its side effect profile, because I am feeling some giddiness, and my nose is also running since the time I started taking this medicine. Earlier I was advised to take Gabaneuron, but still there was no relief in pain and even now I am feeling the same pain as earlier. My doctor says it is PIVD C5-6 and 6-7 with radiculopathy. ## Neugaba contains the active ingredient Pregabalin. This is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. ## I am having pain in left hip which extends to feet. dector has advised neguba , ubicar, and durajoint. I feel guddiness every day and trying to find out the cause. Please advice me. ## neugab...

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I've been on pregabalin for 3 years now for fibromyalgia but I'm use to it or maybe the half life isn't enough, I'm on the max dose of 600ml a day even though I know of 2 other ppl who was on 900ml of which I'd of thought risky for the doctor as 600 is the legal amount. Ive got my pain appointment on the 18 the of July and in the UK I'm not sure if roxycodone, oxycontin, hydracodone would, 1, be prescribed and 2 im aware of half life of some of them as I'm prone to taking more than 600ml pregabs if I'm in pain only because I'm aware that zopiclone or benzos stop you from withdrawing if i m running short of them. I don't tell the doctor this as they just think your undermind them. It would be a great help if anyone could advise me what would be helpfu


I took these to help with sciatic nerve pain but my legs have since swollen to at least 3 times their normal size. Is this down to the pregabalin? ## It is possible, according to NIH reports. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and mood swings. However, such edema could possibly be dangerous, so it would be best to have it checked out to be sure. Are you on any other medications? How long have you been taking Pregabalin?

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in which disease this drug is given ? ## Pregabid contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, it is an anticonvulsant, which is used to to treat epilepsy, certain types of nerve pain and as a mood stabilizer. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, weight gain and dry mouth. Read more: Are there any other questions? ## Please intimate whether pregabid 75 and levipil 500 are required to be taken simulataneously?Are these for the same ailment? ## Pregabid 75 is used for which age group and if 25 year old girl take this medicine

3 REPLIES Updated

What is difference between Maxgalin 75 and Maxgallin ER 75. I took first one for more 3 months. Later Dr changed to ER 75- I do not get any relief. I feel my leg fingers tough from inside but out worldly these are normal with all movements. I feel fingure toes burning all the time. I am a diabetic of over 20 yrs but it is under control. Here Doctor has given me Elcafort and above Tablets but no relief. ## Maxgalin contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain. Learn more: The difference between the two you mentioned is that the second one with the ER designation is a time released formulation. Have you talked to your doctor about it not helping? It may not be the right medication, or the right dosage for you....

7 REPLIES Updated

give information ## Gabalin contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that has also been proven to be effective at treating certain types of nerve pain and some mood disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Gabalin details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi I've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I'm female, 54 years. I've numbness, needle like painful sensation in my feet that aggregates at bed time. My GO has advised to take Glucophage 500 and Gabalin 75.

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what are the side effects of 150mgs if taken twice a day with 2 co-codamol 4 times a day? Would it make you slur as if drunk and always tired? ## These effects could be caused by a combination of both of these medications, though they have also been known to cause these types of symptoms in some people, when used alone. Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain. Its normal side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight gain. Learn more: Co-Codamol contains Paracetamol and Codeine, it is a narcotic pain reliever and its normal side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, constipation and drowsiness. Learn more: Have you or the person taking them, consulted your doctor about this problem? ## Spinal Stenosis.leg pain esp whil...

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i am taking the above 2 drugs for the last about two months. I am diabitic for the last about 25 years and with good control over my sugar. I have a sedentary lifestyle. How long I have to take these medicines. I feel sleepy and lazy all the time. ## Which other medication are you taking? You only listed one. You should take the medication as long as your doctor says you need to continue doing so. The NIH lists the typical side effects of Pregabalin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight gain.

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Above is salt names,is marketed as MAHAGABA-M75 in INDIA,want to know usefulnes of medicine,same prescribed by Ortho for acute Leg pain. ## I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE DOSAGE , SIDE EFFECTS AND BENEFITS OF COMBINATION OF PREGABALIN AND METHYL COBALAMIN . ## I am 62years old. Doctor prescribed Pregabal M for ache in the small of my back and stiffness in the back of the thighs, back of the knees down to the ankles. What should be the dosage and for how long it should be taken? Does it have any side effects ? ## First of all, I would like to state that ALL medications carry the risk of side effects! Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to be effective at helping certain types of nerve pain. This combo doesn't appear to be available in the US, so my information on it is...

13 REPLIES Updated

My mom 74 years of had a fall and has nerve pain. So doctor has prescribed pregator. Is it safe and how long she may be asked to take it. She takes after food ## She should take it as long as her doctor deems it appropriate for her. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight gain. How is she doing on it? Is it helping her?

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HI, IAM APERAMEDICAL PERSONS, MY WIFE HAS DAIBITIC AND SO THAT WE HAVE REMOVE HER LEFT KIDNY BEFORE THREE MONTH AGO. OUR PHYICYAN RX. PREGABOLIN WITH METHYALCOBALAMIN TAB. 1 O.D. IT IS SAFE TO CONTINUE LONG TERM TREATMENRT PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWER. THANKS DEPAK PATEL AHMEDABAD. 06.07.2013 ## side effects of nermax -pregabalin ;methylcobalamin capsules prescribed for back pain for a diabetic patient . ## This tablets I use one time but 7 tablets once a time what it causes plzz send me the answer ## For spondyoisthesis at L4_L5 Dr has prescribed Nervmax for 30 days @1/day..but at the same time Dr has advised to reduced weight adv suitably...ambika She is58

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What is the difference between Preglobin-M capsules & Gabastar-M tablets? ## Preglobin M contains Pregabalin with Methylcobalamin, and Gabastar M contains Gabapentin with Methylcobalamin, according to NIH drug indexes. However, both are used to treat the same conditions. The side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight gain.

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Can pregabalin help with opiate withdrawal? ## Hello, Cris! How are you? Yes, some doctors have been using it to alleviate the rebound pain, depression and mood swings that can occur with opiate withdrawal, but you should only use it, if your doctor has instructed you to do so. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Pregabalin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Yeah I stopped taking 50mgs methadone when my doctor who put me straight on 300mgs of pregabalin 2x a day for severe anxiety. At first after detoxing from 1ltr vodka day they were strong. I had no withdrawals off methadone, felt great and slept 16hrs a day, but now I'm hooked on pregabalin and it is worse than methadone or any opioid I kn...

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