Side Effects Of Neugaba
UpdatedI am having pain in my neck and right arm radiating up to my middle finger. Doctor has advised me Neugaba 75 mg. I want to know its side effect profile, because I am feeling some giddiness, and my nose is also running since the time I started taking this medicine. Earlier I was advised to take Gabaneuron, but still there was no relief in pain and even now I am feeling the same pain as earlier. My doctor says it is PIVD C5-6 and 6-7 with radiculopathy.
12 Replies
Neugaba contains the active ingredient Pregabalin. This is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain.
I am having pain in left hip which extends to feet. dector has advised neguba , ubicar, and durajoint. I feel guddiness every day and trying to find out the cause. Please advice me.
neugaba 75 what r the side effects on regular usage
my mother is suffering from backache( slip disc problem). doctors advised her neugaba but after taking the medicine her face swelled. so she discontinued the medicine. now shes prescribed with oxetol tab/ tegritol tab. could u please tell are these medicines are for the same purpose or not??
thank you
Severe left side hip pain extending to left leg. On Neugaba m 75 for the past 4 months. Is the pain due to Neugaba ?
I too am having pain in my left hip which extends to left leg. I was prescribed Neugaba m75 and took it for about 3 weeks the discontinued but again the pain started. Is it advisable to continue the medicine. Is there a permanent cure for such types of pain.
my wife is suffering from backache( slip disc problem). doctors advised her neugaba but after taking the medicine hercomplete body swelled. now shes prescribed with oxetol tab/ tegritol tab. could u please tell are these medicines are for the same purpose or not??
iam suffering from slip disc n sciatica.....took neugaba 75 for last 3 wks side effects suffering from high b.p deppression,giddiness ,high flatulence severe suffocation sweating,total loss of appetite,WHAT TO DO CAN ANY BODY ADVICE?
what are the side effects of using Neugaba 75 on regular basis @ 1 capsule a day? How long I can use it?
Im suffering from pid n adviced neugabaM75 od n taking from last 3weeks but no result.pain is continiued.Advice what to do.
I have been a GERD patient for 10 years and I was advised Neugaba M75 by a Doctor of Orthopedics for my neck pain. After taking Neugaba M75, this has started causing a severe burning in my chest, stomach and breathlessness. This is a problem I have been facing for the last month, although I have been taking antacid syrup and capsules; but there is no relief. Please advise. What should I do for the immediate relief of severe burning in my chest, stomach and breathlessness? An immediate reply is requested please. Regards.
{edited for privacy}
My mom (age 87) had a fall 3 months back. After her fall she was not able to walk, whereas she was previously walking on her own and doing her daily work on her own. She had a compression and had fractured her lumber portion of the spine. She was operated on (by using bone cement on the fractured part). After the operation she was able to walk with the walker, but she is still getting a pain when she stands up which runs through her legs. For this reason she was given pain killers to take every other day. Still the pain seems to be there. The doctor suggested Neugaba M 75 to be given at night. So last night one capsule was given. The next morning she got up and was unable to walk with the walker which she was doing before the capsule was given. I want to know does this capsule affect the nervous system?
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