Post Harvoni 2 Months & Still Feeling Intermittent Symptoms
UpdatedI get fatigue and brain fog but not nearly as severe as with hep and less frequent also itching all over continues intermittently. Anyone got a clue re; these issues, the Dr, just kinda says 'duh'.
15 Replies
Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing symptoms 2 months after stopping Harvoni. I hear about this sort of thing happening with other types of medications as well, so personally, I don't think it's very unusual. Probably quite frustrating more than anything, being that it's taking so long to leave your body. I really feel for you. From what I've researched, the half life of ledipasvir (one of the primary active ingredients in Harvoni) is right around 47 hours. It's hard to know how much of this medication might've accumulated (overlapping its own half life) throughout the duration of your treatment... but one might speculate that this lengthy half life could be part of the reason why your body is still leveling out or fighting off certain symptoms. This is just my theory being that fatigue and headaches are listed as common side effects of ledipasvir. I hope that you continue to notice relief every passing day.
Thanks for your input. It just so amazes me how little drs know re; hep c, I get more real and valid help on this site then from my dr. Bless ya all. Also, pls note symptoms are continuing to diminish re; fatigue, yahooo, but the brain fog/memory, etc are still impacted. However, I have expanded my research to international and learning there is real issues re; hep c impact on brain cells, but Im still researching to get a clear understanding.
Good afternoon Blipette. Thank you for the kind words. It's very encouraging for other readers to hear that your symptoms are finally subsiding (despite taking so long).
And I totally agree with you when it comes down to how little doctors actually know about the medications they prescribe. It's almost a crying shame, especially since they've gone to school for so many years.
On another note, I too have read about Hepatitis C being related to neuropsychiatric symptoms like brain fog. Perhaps the following links from can assist you in further research and gaining a better understanding of what's going on:
Please feel free to post back with any updates or progress on how things are going.
Have a wonderful day!
Well, given that the med field is obviously under the 1%'s control, I have expanded research internationally. One clue the NCBI is not totally objective or honest is the keep referring to drug users, fact is there's probably at a 1/2 million who got hep from the medical field, ie , it took yrs for them to officially announce that sterilization did not kill the virus and required new needle usage. I personally believe I got the hep from a vaccination I had. Also, so you know, it is not so much that dr's dont know much about hep meds, its that they dont know alot about Hep C itself. Which is alarming given it is so pandemic. I am now researching more international research sites, as I believe most of the US ones have real bias, (maybe due to Rockefeller's influence in Med research, mmmm
You have a really good point about certain US sources potentially being biased due to the heavy influence of big pharma, rockefellers, banksters and so forth attempting to fulfill their agendas against humanity… I'm also a believer of various conspiracies surrounding the inhumane & potentially life threatening vaccinations being pushed on our society, so I wouldn't doubt it at all if the Hep C turned out to be related.
If you don't mind my asking, have you managed to locate any other credible resources/journals/university studies/etc outside of NCBI (or NIH) on the international level? I'm interested in expanding my foundation for research as well.
My husband took Harvoni Feb 2015 thru April 2015. In September post the treatment, of which no Hep-C evident, he started having bouts of clay/white stools. The frequency has been increasing and now today May 1, 2016 he is 10 days with clay/white stools, nausea, pain in upper right abdomen going around side to back for two days now. He had an ultra sound of liver, gall bladder, and pancreas,
and the only thing they said about that was no gall stones and maybe because his liver looks fatty he is producing intermittent sludge. Called liver specialist office nurse called back and said no one else has said they had those symptoms so don't call us, see your primary dr.
Sounds like similar symptoms of mine. Have upper right pain under breast area radiating to back. Been in hospital 2 times in May of 2016. Hospital Drs. said I had Pancreatitis on first admission. On 2nd hospital stay were not so sure. Said it could be muscular skeletal. Also have diarrhea last 5 mos. Had every test imaginable while in hospital but no answers. Results all came back negative for concerns. Did Harvoni 24 wks. Jan to June if 2015- felt OK after but think I'm having post side effects from the treatment now and it's getting worse instead if better.
Many of us are experiencing long term side effects. You may want to google and Harvoni to read about full disclosure by the FDA.
When I first contracted Hep C (I've NEVER used needle drugs, etc., either!), a dear friend whose uncle created New Body products (herbs for treatment), suggested I take megadoses of dandelion capsules, and drink dandelion tea as dandelion helps boost/repair the immune system. I regularly took 10 capsules of dandelion, 3 times a day. It helped a lot! Itching subsized and I had more energy. (I agree with you regarding big-pharma! Your comments helped me accept why my administering MD does NOT answer ANY of my questions.) Thank you for sharing info! Take care.
Hi hun, thanks for your post. I have so many doubts about this drug after 6 months of sticking needles in my stomach. How could anything go wrong? I had a chinese doctor that I could barely understand. He said some medications I could keep taking and by the grace of god my oxycodone and opana and xanax got me threw it. I couldn't stop crying. I cried 15 hrs out of the day, my body hurt, felt like someone had a blow torch on me, my brain was on fire, my skin omg it felt like I was doused in acid. I was in pretty good shape, only I had a freezer fall on me and messed my back up so bad that if they operated I had a good chance of being paralyzed and the doctors thought at 46 I was just too young to be paralyzed. It was like a 75 percent chance. Needless to say I'm in my middle 50s now, still on pain pills, asking when will it be time to operate. I'm tired of living on pain pills. Anyway I got off track. He told me I would lose minimal hair cuz I have really long hair, but I had hair up to my knees. I cried. So finally it was time for my first inj... Omggggg I had died. I'm on fire in the tub in november with ice cold water just crying my head off. Omg all these years I never knew what a headache was until I got that one. I was sure I was going to die. Then this doctor was sending me to get blood work 3 times a week. Wtf dude. Only place I can move to is the bed and toilet.
Well after the 6 months I had been wondering how long this medication remains in your body. I asked 4 different doctors and not one could come up with an answer. Now here's the good part, I beat it, it's gone. I had to pinch my skin to see if I was still alive. I made it for 18 months and I didn't have any energy at all. I stayed in a doctors office. I would tell them I'm weak and tired all the time. I lost my job and I had a job that I could only dream of getting again. I went from 6 digits to disability. Pygusses ruined my life and after the day I heard that doctor say sherrie your hep is back and it brought a friend with her, mr hep b with it, my life will never be the same. A week later I got some more good news, you're diabetic.
Plz don't put your faith in these doctors that don't know s***. It's a guessing game. Well they're not guessing on me anymore. Diabetes doesn't even run in my family. Now I'm walking around with a stomach that looks like I'm 10 months pregnant, which my tubes are cut, byrned and tied and had an ablation. Smh. Well sweetie I'm so sorry you went threw this. I will keep you in my prayers.
Hi there. I am on my 3rd 28 day course if Harvoni. I think I have had cold like symptoms from early on. Anyone else ?
Has anyone experienced severe stomach bloating and weight gain?
Yes I had really bad itching. I tried a few soaps with olive oil and it helped alot. also i used organic coconut oil and it helped me
Nancy here..72 yr old. Finished harvoni 5 days ago after a 3 month treatment.....A little fog has lifted this morning...Was encouraging. Only negative withdrawal symptoms so far are the brain fog....Trying to retrieve the odd word...Have to track what I'm doing...Keep stronger focus....I've appreciated slowing down and lowering my self-driven stress and expectations. I've learned some stuff. My friend who has been off a long time says I will pop back...In time. Be patient and keep up the healthy lifestyle. I'm juicing, exercising and not driving myself so hard. My sleeping habits need to be cleaned up. I push it. I was off magnesium and some of the green supplements I took for the duration of the treatment and it seems as if the magnesium in particular has enhanced my rest and improving my alertness since I started taking again. I feel blessed that the patient access network helped fund my treatment....Kisses to them!!!
Look into Tesla’s situation while he was alive. Electromagnetic frequencies are suffocating us. There wasn’t any predetermined research on this stuff we are buying and allowing to get in our bodies. Do you know if anyone tested the reaction we would have if we saturated ourselves in this? The doctors aren’t up on this information then want to deny it’s possible. Yet they can put a defib on someone and electrically restart a heart, and they can shoot someone with a taser and drop him to his knees. Anyway, I could rant on and on and possibly not get posted because we aren’t supposed to know or question if something is going on in regards to technology. Because it’s invisible we don’t give one thought about it. If we did, we’d be enlightened. But electricity is invisible and we know it exists. Do you live near smart meters or 5G? It’s just worth looking into.
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