Possible Allergic Reaction To Adderall (Top voted first)


I just started taking 30 mg Adderall regularly, I have always had prescription but I never really took it regularly, maybe once a week, only when I felt like I really needed it. When I did take it, I never had any adverse reactions. However today is my third day to consecutively take it and I am experiencing some side effects I never felt before. About two hours after taking it, I started itching everywhere, and the itching continued to get worse. Now I am about 6 hours in and my chest and my throat feel pretty tight. I am afraid I am having an allergic reaction, but I do not know why I would be having one if this has never happened before. I took some Benadryll to help the itching and the tightening of my chest, was this the right thing to do? I'm not panicking, but I am concerned. Let me know!

3 Replies

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The difference now is that having taken it regularly for a few days, it has had a chance to start building up in your body at a consistent level, so yes, it is possible to have a reaction in this case, even if you never had one before.


Have you contacted your doctor?

You probably did the right thing by taking the Benadryl, believe it or not, if you had went to the emergency room, that is the first thing they would have tried, also.

If it continues, or worsens, you should seek medical attention.

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I took cti103
now I have things that look like bites on my right leg and they itch. I feel itchy

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I'm on lamictal 100mlg klonipin 1mlg3times Cymbalta 40 mlg. I've been on the kps for years the Cymbalta for like a year im trying to get off the Cymbalta i feel flat over i can barley move off the couch or fo any thing it horriblrworse my eyes have been swollen extremely bad dark circles blurry vison havent been able to do anything.barley can take care of myself I haven't worked in 3 years and I need to make income somehow my social anxiety is worse than .just over all my feelings sick in a weird way can't explain .I'm not sure if my lamictal is working or making things worse. Sorry I'm all over the place I just have this fear all the time and sometimes i.even get the shacks.a don't know what to do im so scared that there's something wrong. Can you please help me under make some sense of what is going on with me phisically and mentally

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