Inactive Ingredients:
- Silicon Dioxide
- Anhydrous Lactose
- Magnesium Stearate
- Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Sodium Starch Glycolate Type A Potato
Ref: DailyMed
Just found on the ground in my son's room and want to know what it does to you?
sorry to bust on someone but that antidepressant has drowsiness as a major side effect...making it a downer. kids sell downers at school and say anything about what actual chemical it is. they are after the side effect not the labled use. hope this helps you nip a problem in the bud before the experimentation goes further. plus thats a brain chemical that has had research done that suggest that when given toyoung people it actually increaces depression!!! if it were my child i would be very very concerned. best of luck to you
PLIVA isnt a bad depression pill... if anything it wouldnt even do anything to him.. if u start seeing xanax and valium on the floor. THEN you have a problem. I wouldnt be to worried over that particular pill.. i also dont have children though! so the best of luuuck to you.
You're right about the fact that this drug with it's original intended use as an antidepressant could be very dangerous to a child, even under the care of a doctor I don't find treating a child whose brain has yet to develop fully with any type of antidepressant a credible thing except in extreme cases where actual harm may come to them or others. I do find it a little hard to believe kids are taking this as a recreational drug as it is not classified as a narcotic such as ambien or Xanax, which when taken in large doses do have narcotic type effects. Trazodone has been prescribed to me as a sleep aid and the effects were not something I would seek for fun as a person who had at times taken other drugs such as ambien and Xanax recreationally, but I did find I slept like a baby on Xanax and felt so much better in small doses such as 05 to 2 mg, but if you admit to any doctor you have abused drugs ever they will never prescribe anything that could be abused. They do however love to screw with your brain chemistry with severe antidepressants without hesitation. I found the trazodone a very rough drug that gave me little sleep, and a bad day the following day. I have suffered from extreme bouts of insomnia (up to 4 days with almost no sleep at a time) due to abuse suffered throughout life from my first memories, and no reason to believe the abuse didn't occur before memories. I would first find out if this drug was prescribed to your son, I'm not sure at what point parental consent can be ignored, but if not and he is taking it for recreational use, well yes that would be cause for concern on two fronts, one the severe side effects that antidepressants can have on children as this gentleman stated, and secondly how anyone of his peers could convince him that this is a recreational drug that people take for "fun", because I don't know any effect that this drug could ever have on most people that would be considered "enjoyable". Because I am desperate for sleep and doctors can't seem to prescribe anything useful because of fear rather than what's best for their patient I am taking it again at different dosage to hopefully find a balance, but I don't expect much. I hope for the sake of the poster of this question their kid doesn't find any enjoyment in this drug, because he is messing with his fundamental brain chemistry with a substandard antidepressant.
Xanax is a benzo and ambien is a sedative, or more specifically a GABA. So if you're talking either or both with hopes of opiate or narcotic effects then you're going to be disappointed. And trazodone is none of the above... it's an anti depressant or really a phenylpiperazine antidepressant. But it can help with insomnia like xanax and ambien can, and it can also help with anxiety, like all benzos.
I am so with you in everything you said. In fact verbatim word for word. I have been seen by doctors since age 6 for my chronic insomnia, in fact im on day two right now. Nothing works for me either, exception being xanax, but it only puts me to sleep for 4,5 hours. Im at a loss here as well. Im now age 44, btw
It is a prescription drug. Illegal to have if it isn't for him prescribed from his doctor. Used often when an addict is coming off meds. Ask questions, check his pockets, have a conversation, provide a drug panel. Don't ignore.
I have severe insomnia and these are one of the few things that'll actually put me out. They cause (me personally, everyone reacts differently to chemicals) EXTREME drowsiness. I take one SIXTH of a tablet (1/2 of one triangle) and I need to be IN BED. I'd be more worried about what it is causing your son to believe he needs these. Good luck.
To dak, who said it isn't a bad depression pill...1) it IS a pill used to treat depression - look it up (Trazodone) and 2) he doesn't have any kids like he said. So I wouldn't be listening to him! ANY prescription pills you find that are not prescribed are cause for concern! One pill can lead to another to another. Take it from someone who speaks from experience.
Does it have the same effect as xanax? I don't want to take them unless they're the same as my old pills.
Re: Debbie (# 10)
I just found this in my daughters stuff, we are moving and I was packing.. I don't know what this is?
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