Please Help I Live In Ventura County California And Need A Doctor (Page 2)
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I am 60 yr old female with Fibro since 1985. In January of 2011 I was diagnosed with MS and have severe leg pain (I need a walker to stand up). Since losing my job I am seeing a County Clinic Doctor who was giving me Vicodin ES 3x's/day. I told her once that I ran short due to breakthrough pain and she immediately cut me back to one regular vic a day!!!!!!! and gave me Elavil, Lyrica, Neurontin -- I am having so many side effects I don't know what meds are causing what........I need help, a liberal Doctor who will help me thru my daily pain. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer my post........thank you. Sue

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Hi Ash. Can u post the info? I have fibromyalgia and CFS and I just moved to Ventura. I was on 40 mg. day for pain. Thank you!

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What is your email? Your help would be much appreciated. I have a few from a friend but id like my own legal supply.

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Hi I'm in need of help with aniexty but I have trouble getting my doctor to budge because I am on concerta with propanol .
I've taken klonopin b4 and know it works

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Hey in a recent car accident looking for a family practitioner to help with pain. I live in ventura any way I could get the name of that doctor from you by chance??

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Hey please contact me too with that dr info. I've had chronic back pain for 6 years and my dr had me on 6 norco per day then suddenly cut it to 2 per day because he feared the DEA and wanted to fly under the radar. I'm suffering as a result. Please contact me. I live in vta county

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Hey there, I have chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia, depression, terrible menstral cramping, cysts on the ovaries, and have just been recovering from two torn acl's. I am at the end of my rope as far as pain goes. I even went out to get H and suffered the consequences with having to come down from that s***. I just moved back into Vta, my hometown and cannot find a doctor that will even consider helping with pain except for the few (10 to be exact) Norcos prescribed once a month. I also have to have a root canal today in Oxnard. I am extremely desperate to find something on a regular basis. With back surgery that went awry and with my knees I can't exercise as much as I would like to. I do not want to turn to street drugs again. Help me please.

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Hey dude would like the info for your connect on the doc. try to get back to me. {edited for privacy}

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Hello my name is Jose and i'm messaging you about the great place your talking about in Ventura county? Please msg me back the info or exact address, or if you can call me at {edited for privacy}

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I would really like to know where I could get some Xanax. I have severe pain issues that are not really being that either, but I have COPD and all the doctors out in California are scared to prescribe anything that has any effect due to this. Before I moved here from North Dakota my doctors were efficiently handling my pain and anxiety issues. I don't understand why California doctors are so scared to prescribe anything. I've had panic disorder since I was in my 20s and I'm now 52 and had the panic disorder long before I had COPD. Any information would be extremely grateful. Thank you God bless

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I don't know what the best way to contact you would be, text maybe. {edited for privacy} I would love to get this information for this doctor

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Hey I need help with a script and saw your post online. I live in Ventura if u can help in any way! Thanks :)

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Well I really tried to Make it work but they won't let me give u any of my information and I don't wanna post my drs name online. I wish there was a better way.. I'm sorry u guys

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It blanks it out, but if u can write me I can give u his info :)

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Hey there how do I privately contact u? I don't want to post the dr info on here but I will send u the info privately and anyone else who is near the ventura county area. I tried posting my email address but it won't show because they edit it out. I truly do understand how much pain u are in and I'd love to help guide you to the right doctor. {edited for privacy}. I hope that I can make it work somehow but if not please let me kno if there's a special way to do that. Hope u can get back to me some way.

Editor's note - We apologize, but in order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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If you could let me know this place that would help me so much as I am trying to get off opioids and on suboxone to help me through withdrawals. Thank you

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Where is this place?? If you could write me back so I could check it out I would really appreciate it, thank you

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Hey there I can't imagine what u have been going through. Have u ever tried methadone? It helps very well for chronic pain. I know of a great place you can go where u will get methadone, Xanax,klonopin,ambien,adderall, suboxone strips and I think some other things as well. I don't like to put the name and location on here but if u email me I can give u the information. It's {edited for privacy}. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain and If there's anyone else in ventura county who are in pain or have anxiety issues I know the perfect place to go that's local to us and I can guarantee u wouldn't have a problem there. Feel better everyone!

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Well I am lucky as far as having a understanding dr
I have been on all kinds of meds for pain like neuron tin elivil muscle relaxers and even oxy but did not want to be on that all she also gives me norco which is more
Opiate and less aspirin them Vicodin it works very well
They said I can have 6per day so keep talking to a dr and just tell them you need more then one per day that is rediculas and does not last all day just a few hrs so I feel for u. Also mixing herbal remedys and precription drugs are not always a good Idea please keep us posted and will keep you in my prayers

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I have had fibro since 89. In addition to the stiffness, and tenderness all over my body; I had severe and multiple muscle spasms. I had been being treated with relafen and all the antinflamatories, tranquilizers and antidepressants, and flexeril. A doctor in 95 that dealt in pressure points told me to take 1000 mg a day B12, calcium and magnesium, valerian root and St. John's wort with an 81 mg. aspirin, and acidophilus. This helped more than everything else I had been taking and rarely do I need anything else.

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An a ncient herbal tea can aid:in pain relief is known as St. Johns Wort or Yerba de San Juan. Boil ithe stems and leaves for more than five minutes, strain, add a drop of honey or drink plain. Four or more cups a day helps. Pray

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