Plavix And Leukemia (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Is there a connection? My husband received 2 stents, one in October 2008 and a medicated one in November 2008. He was then placed on Plavix. In November 2009 he was diagnosed with AML leukemia, he passed away 6/2010 at the age of 56. There was no obvious reason for him to get leukemia, it is rare for someone that young to have AML. We know that his heart disease was genetic. He was very health conscious, always ate healthy, exercised and was in great physical condition. I have read little tidbits about Plavix causing bone marrow damage and am wondering if there are other Plavix patients that have or had Leukemia. Thanks, Chris

98 Replies (5 Pages)

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My mom had a stent put in on October 2013. She went to the doctors and had a blood test. The blood test showed that she had a benign Leukemia. We are going to take her to another doctor to have her tested. My mom was put on Plavix. Ever since she was placed on Plavix by her heart doctor. She has been going down hill. She has rapid weight loss, nose bleeds, having problems breathing and now signs of Leukemia. Before my mom had a Stent put in, she was 100% healthy all blood tests were normal. I believe Plavix has definitely given my mom Leukemia. It's very scary to see a healthy normal person wither away to losing over 20 pounds in two weeks. Short term and long term, Plavix is giving patients Leukemia, why are they prescribing this drug to normal healthy people? Someone needs to do something about this. Plavix needs to be taken off the market. Instead of this drug helping people, it's killing people. It's killing healthy people. I'm wondering if the Government has something to do with this drug in eliminating the population of people with heart disease. It's 10 months that my mom is taking Plavix. My whole family is very upset by this. I don't want to see my mom died. How are we going to help my mom survive?

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HI Jody,
Our stories are very similar. I keep hoping they will pull that drug off the market. Thank you for sharing your story.---Chris

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Oh my gosh Janet. I am so sorry. I hope her doctor can find a different med to put her on. Please keep us informed. You are in my prayers, as is everyone on this site.

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That's because allot of people are not reporting it, my mother died of very low hemoglobin she bleed, she took Plavix had anemia doctor ne3ver said anything, my dad has Leukemia he has been taking plavix for 22 yrs. Plavix side affects are dangerous.

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Lisa, You are right! I hope everyone that reads this message board has or does report their case...Please!

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I started taking Plavix in 1990 for stents. 22 years later my cardiologist decided to stop the Plavix abruptly. A month after stopping Plavix I was covered with a rash that would not go away.2 months after stopping Plavix my fingers were turning blue and very painful. I had no circulation in my hands and almost lost my fingers. Shortly after that I lost all circulation in my right foot and had to have it amputated. During all this I was diagnosed with CLL leukemia. I believe the Plavix caused the CLL. And stopping it so abruptly caused all the other problems. Has this happened to anyone else who stopped the drug?

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Hi Chuck, I have not heard of that happening with Plavix but I have not heard of somerone being taken off it so abruptly. I wonder what his reason was? I am sorry to hear about the CLL. I pray that you will be able to beat it! Thanks for writing on the board---Chris

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Hi Chris,
Thank's for getting back to me so quick. My Doc. felt the Plavix was not doing anything for me. I was taking it for blod clot prevention after my stents were put in. I have 13 stents and the last one was put in 7 years before I stopped the Plavix.

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Keep us informed on what is happening with your CLL. Best wishes to you--Chris

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Good morning everyone. My after in law has been on Plavix sever years and was just diagnosed with Leukemia. For him, this is a death sentence because he is 87 and won't be able to do the chemo or radiation.

We need a laywer!!

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Thanks for the info. I have received a lot of radiation over the past 18 months. Diagnosed with lymphoma 1/16. Have had 3PET/CT scans. 20 radiation therapy treatments. Several CT scans. Numerous x-rays. In 2010 had 6 stents placed, under flouroscopy. Have been on Plavix since then. All makes me a bit nervous.

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Hello. I live in the UK and my husband died of AML in Jan '13 after being on Plavix, this has destroyed me. He was on a trial for this God forsaken drug and when I rang the doctor in charge of the trial he laughed and said I was talking rubbish so if I was talking rubbish why had he felt it necessary to warn Harvard something or other in Boston that my husband had died of leukaemia. To the day I die I will blame this drug.

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My husband also took Plavix and died from AML at the age of 54

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Re: Ruth (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

My husband was 54 and I know in my gut Plavix killed him. His cardiologist committed suicide and his family doctor prescribed it for years and I don't think it can be taken that long. My life has been ruined :(

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Re: Sue G (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

Me too! I know in my gut it was Plavix! So do my children.

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I have been reading and studying natural approaches to various health challenges we face. I will be glad to share some of what I have come accross with you and a couple of web sites if you are interested.

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Chris could you find me on facebook Penny copen Shaffer I am interested in speaking to you

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I took generic plavix after medecaided sent for 7months......I felt sick my wbc 6.9 went to.1 the doc said it was not plavix so I took my self off and went up to 5.0 he said I was going to die ....I take one whole asprin I'm still here and it was the left widow maker the buy stock on this meds

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