Plavix And Leukemia (Top voted first)


Is there a connection? My husband received 2 stents, one in October 2008 and a medicated one in November 2008. He was then placed on Plavix. In November 2009 he was diagnosed with AML leukemia, he passed away 6/2010 at the age of 56. There was no obvious reason for him to get leukemia, it is rare for someone that young to have AML. We know that his heart disease was genetic. He was very health conscious, always ate healthy, exercised and was in great physical condition. I have read little tidbits about Plavix causing bone marrow damage and am wondering if there are other Plavix patients that have or had Leukemia. Thanks, Chris

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My father was on Plavix for 1 yr after a stent placement. He had been off Plavix for almost 1yr and was diagnosed with MDS in Feb 2015. It rapidly turned into AML and just passed away in April. My father was the most active, healthy 81 yr old. no other risk factors except age. Hiked, Biked, Skied all winter and played tennis 2 times a week as well as a very healthy diet. I definitely think Plavix played a roll and I will not be surprised in several years that this drug will be pulled.

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Hello Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I am still looking for legal suits on Plavix causing bone marrow cancers (MDS and AML). But for now I encourage everyone to report all information to the FDA. This can be done online. It's called the MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form on the FDA website. We need to let the FDA know that Plavix causes bone marrow cancer not just bleeding risks.

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My husband had taken plavix for approximately 2 years due to a TIA. In October of 2015 he was diagnosed with AML leukemia and died in December of 2015. Why is this drug on the market? I have researched the web and seen volumes of message which describe similar situations of plavix and AML. If this had been acted upon perhaps my husband would be alive today. Please let us get this awful drug off the market to save other lives.

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I did fill out an FDA report back in 2010 right after losing my mother. I have heard absolutely nothing back, not even an acknowledgement of receiving my complaint against Plavix. Please everyone, file the complaint to the FDA. The more of us they hear from, they will eventually have to look into this.

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Hi my name is Pat my dad has been on plavix for a long time and now has developed AML also I velieve we need to contact someone to begin to look at this maybe the drug companies need to be sued it is the only way they will make changes, any thoughts?

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My mother also suffered a major heart attack in May of 2008 and a medicated stent was inserted. She was put on Plavix in addition to a full aspirin everyday. The following year, 2009, she saw her cardiologist but he DID NOT do blood work. Go Figure. In March of 2010 my healthy, beautiful, active, fit 75 year old mom suddenly became weak and developed a severe nose bleed that would not easily cease. She went to her general doctor who immediately ran blood work and she was then rushed to the hospital with extremely low platelets and red blood cells. A bone marrow biopsy two days later revealed Acute Myeloid Leukemia. I have felt all along that the PLAVIX cause my mothers leukemia. In early June, my mother lost her brief but horrendous battle. jThat July, I filed a complaint with the FDA regarding the fears I had of the PLAVIX not being monitored closely, and also that the doctor had her on the drug for 2 years when it was stated on the PLAVIX website that 6 months to 1 year were recommended. I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe this dangerous, powerful medication and not be required to do followup blood work.
I asked all of my mom's doctors during her treatment if the PLAVIX could have caused the leukemia, and their response was "no, it only affects the platelets, not the white cells". I don't believe the doctors were lying, I believe they are misinformed. This drug is dangerous and needs to be very closely monitored. I will never have my mom back, but I hope that soon they realize the danger with this drug.

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I suspect Plavix caused my father to get acute myeloid leukemia. He had a medicated stint, but not due to high chloresterol. The Dr put him on Plavix for 5 years...he was not feeling well for the last 4 months and went into the hospital with some kind of stomach virus to find his platelets were too low. Drs immediately took him off Plavix. He was scheduled for bone bioptsy but ended up in the hospital again feeling very weak. They did the bone morrow bioptsy on Mon, found out he had AML on Wed and he died on Mon. He had been healthy, and I never believed he should've been on Plavix. Only one doctor would not deny it could've been the Plavix...I think most doctors do what the drug companies want...

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Hello Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I have looked for legal cases regarding Plavix and can only find cases for bleeding issues and not ones for causing bone marrow changes that turn into blood cancers like AML. I'm still looking and will reach out should I find anything. Best of luck to you and your husband.

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Hi Stephanie, I agree with you 100%. I'm still looking for info as well as legal cases. I will post on this site should I find anything and I ask you to post as well.

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I Think it does need to be looked into. My email address is [email protected] [1] . Feel free to contact me.

[1] Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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I believe that the doctors are taking the stance that if the patient doesn't show any adverse effects from the PLAVIX, then they just keep them on it. They treat it like its a statin drug, when it is a very powerful medication that alters the blood and HAS INDEED caused neutropenia, leukemia, low platelets, overall low blood counts, etc. My mom was never exposed to benzene or any other chemical tied to causing leukemia. She never smoked, nor was around people who did. She had inherited heart disease which cause a heart attack and caused a stent to be inserted in 2008. For the next two years she was on PLAVIX and no followup blood work was done for CBC. In March 2010 she was diagnosed with the AML and on June 7, 2010 she was gone. We need to sound the alarm on the misuse of PLAVIX. Doctors are not following the drug manufacturer's recommendation and it is dangerous!

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This post sounds like you are speaking exactly of how my mothers story went, only she was gone in 10 weeks. She was on the PLAVIX just under two years, without being monitored, and diagnosed with AML which took her life in 10 weeks. You are right, the doctors must be required to closely monitor their patients on PLAVIX. Maybe then, the blood changes could be caught in the myelodysplastic stage, or even earlier and not be in full blown leukemia.

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CH in MN,
My mother took Plavix for 5 years after having 2 stents put in her heart and 1 in her kidney. October 25 she died of MDS, myelodystplasitic syndrome related to leukemia. Her blood count was down to 3. In MDS the bone marrow no longer produces mature red and white blood cells and platelets. She died just 3 weeks after being diagnosed. (I posted my story earlier.) If you read some of the other posts, you will see that your experience is not unique. My mother was 81 and while it may seem she had lived her life, she was active and doing well up until just a few weeks before her death. I don't understand either why this complication of Plavix was not discovered earlier. She was having regular blood tests. She did have anemia and was taking iron. But I don't understand why she wasn't examined more closely to see why she had the anemia. Now I know...check your prescriptions for the possible serious side-effects. Take care of your health without drugs as much as possible. Eat healthy foods and exercise. Drug companies cannot be trusted and doctors are educated to prescribe drugs.

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Oh Penny, I am so Sorry. I absolutly agree. I am hoping that all of our stories will get someones attention.
Your family is in my prayers. Hang in there.---Chris

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My father was diagnosed with AML-M6 and think Plavix was the cause.
Good luck with your treatment.

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Hi James... I am so sorry to hear this. I wish someone would listen to us. I believe that the plavix is altering the bone marrow and allowing Leukemia to grow. I have no medical background but there sure seems to be a connection to me. Good luck with your fight. Never, Never, Never give up and keep praying.

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Hi Sue,
I would never want you to stop taking the med without talking with your doctor but I would like you to find answers to explain your white count and the way you are feeling. Kee after thise doctors girl! Good Luck. Thank you for the prayers.

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I'm sorry to hear about your Mom and wish you both the best. This boggles my mind. My Dad Is in a similar position. They had him on Plavix for years and last year he stopped it on his own. Now he's been diagnosed with MDS and has significantly low platelets and red blood cells. I suspect this was caused by the Plavix. Are there any legal suits? This drug should come off the market.

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My Dad also took Plavix after a stint was placed, and he died of AML! He did not have high cholesterol, so I was very concerned why his doctor put him on this drug, and in fact, I didn't realize he was taking it because we had a conversation about not really needing to be on it...we felt like an aspirin a day would be enough to thin his blood for the stint. But evidently, he decided to do what the doctor said, and now he is gone. I do believe Plavix gave my Dad AML, and only one doctor I talked to would admit that Plavix could've done this to my Dad...the rest of them deny, deny, deny! Beware of Plavix!!!!!!

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What is the name of the law firm? My hubby is 53 and has been on plavix and now has AML. I would be interested in contacting them. I tried to post my email it is {edited for privacy}. Please get back to me if you can.

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