I was getting the 30mg Orange Adderalls for the past 2 years, and now all of a sudden my pharmacy has only been getting the pink ones, but the pink ones seem to give me really bad anxiety! Can anyone tell me y this is happening? ???
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waiting Says:
I have recently switched to the 30mg pink adderall. It does not work as well as the 30mg orange ones before. I know the difference is the manufacturers, but what makes the difference in the fillers used to where I have no energy? I can't concentrate....this makes no sense if it is supposedly the same medication essentially. If someone has insight on why-please explain.
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ADDmom Says:
I am prescribed 20MG twice a day. I prefer the orange over the pink. When I take the orange my energy level goes up, I focus better and it curbs my appetite. I notice none of this when I take the pink. The difference in the two are the manufacturers.
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David Says:
Top Answer
Hi Wendy,
When you switch brand names or manufacturers, the drug itself doesn't change, but rather the binders or fillers that they put with it.
Certain "inactive" ingredients (which may or may not be present in each brand) are actually detrimental to how the drug is metabolized and used by your body. So it's possible that you may respond favorably with one medication and not the other (even if they are the same drug and same dosage).
Orange 30mg generic Amphetamine + Dextroamphetamine tablets (imprinted b 974 3 0) with a National Drug Code of 0555-0974 contain the following inactive ingredients:
NOTE: Shire US Inc. also had a round orange 30mg brand name Adderall tablet (imprinted AD 3|0) with a National Drug Code of 54092-0377 (now discontinued); so it's important to verify where your brand or generic Adderall is coming from in order to best compare/contrast any differences.
I hope this info helps! Have you had a chance to take either of them yet?
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Nancy Says:
I have a problem with the Orange 30mg Adderall. It is very chalky and dissolves in my mouth half way before I swallow it. It also does not work as well. It sometimes makes me irritable.
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Wendy Says:
I have taken both the oval orange and the round pink 30mg generic adderall's. I prefer the pink ones but i"m having a hard time finding the pink ones, any suggestions on who has the pink ones?
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al Says:
Does any one know where I can get my adderall script filled? please help I'm in metro Detroit.
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Lookingforpinkones Says:
Interesting, I'm trying to find out the same thing. My doctor who is prescribing me this, is telling me to make sure to get the pink ones and not the orange, due to metabolism. Everywhere I have called has the orange (Barr) not the pink (I think Core Pharma). I'm in Albuquerque NM, and supposedly Smith's carries it, but when I called they dont have 30mg.
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oldschool Says:
I just recently found out that my insurance offers mail order prescription, even on Adderall. I've done this before about 5 years ago and they mailed me 3 months worth at once, I didn't have to go searching for my prescription anywhere and get treated like a drug addict by ignorant pharmacy workers.
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Verwon Says:
Who are the manufacturers? What are the markings on the tablets you're asking about?
The colors don't really mean anything, so no one will know what specific ones you're asking about just from stating the colors in your post.
I've been on Adderall for past 8yrs. My dosage is 3 30mg IR tabs a day. Here in Mass, there are basically 3 choices we have... CVS carries the round, orange tabs, which I think are the weakest, then Walgreens carries oval, orange tabs (teva) which are not bad, but I highly recommend Rite - Aid as they have the pink round tabs, which in my opinion, are far stronger than the other 2 I mentioned here. It also increases my libido 100 fold. Does anyone else have this side effect?
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KingB Says:
to be honest sometimes I wonder about the difference as I have have noticed a vast difference in addy 20s pink to orange to white... the white ones i just found out about and for whatever reason, not only do they work better for me but I never feel jittery as I would most often on the pink ones... just focused, happy, and winning. Still I think these companies should have to share filler information with general public. I was trying to research this the other day and the company that made the new white ones had where you had to prove you were a doc to see what non-medical ingredients are in my own damned medicine... was more than angry at that. lol
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POE Says:
I made an error in my post; the colors reversed. Sry, my fault.
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Jane Says:
Anybody ever taken the yellow 30mg? Had my Rx filled yesterday and looked today they are yellow and not pink. Never seen yellow before
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TDMayhem Says:
In my opinion, the Round PINK adderall are BY FAR the best available. Followed by the orange ovals, or "TEVAs" then lastly and rightfully so cuz THEY TOTALLY SUCK, those gay assed orange rounds. Hope this is helpful.
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Ryan Says:
I have always taken Teva's IR 30mg (for over 6 years) because I found Corepharma to be very weak, as well as most other brands
Yet, just --very recently-- the quality of Teva has changed. Teva is the orange "football shaped pill
My last two refills were absolutely horrible.....,and horrible is an understatement
Anyone in a similar situation care to comment?
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old school Says:
I have been taking Adderall 30mg tab. (The orange footballs) for about 13 years now, I'm 37yrs old. A couple of years ago I moved from one part of the state to another, and ever since I moved I have been having issues with my Adderall prescription. Having moved I no longer had a guaranteed prescription at the pharmacy. Which is the reason that I have had the misfortune of trying these "other" generics besides the ones manufactured by Barr. First off, "Activis" is a joke, in my opinion it shouldn't even be on the market as Adderall, since the formula they use is different than that of Adderall. In my opinion the Orange football by "Barr" work better than the Orange Round Original pills (the Brand named) The footballs are more solidly composed, the brand named pills seem to crumble apart almost immediately upon putting it in your mouth. I do strongly agree that it must be how well the pill is made and the binders used to make the pill. For example, I tried the pink pills and I got night sweats and felt nothing while I was awake, which I am assuming that the pill is active when I was sleeping. I tried talking to my doctor about that and she disregarded it and said that I need to start lowering my doses, yet it never happens with the Orange footballs made by Barr. Before I moved I was on a higher dose of Adderall (90mg a day) now I take 60mg a day and it is not the same. I loose my focus early in the day, and if anything comes up to delay my day, I loose an entire day. I have actually seen the book that the pharmacist orders from, I once had the pharmacist hand it to me and tell him what to order. It is crazy how much one generic varies in price versus another. The pink pills, the round orange pills(generics) are cheap imitations of Adderall and the pharmacy will order the cheapest available so that they make more money so refuse these "non-working" generics and maybe the pharmacy will get the hint and stop being so greedy, at the expense of our mental well being.
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FDA eatnuts Says:
Been prescribed two 30mg adderall a day for two years..so...here are short facts from my experience...
PINKS are the best ones, most energy, more focus, more of a kick with some mild negative side effects.
TEVA - ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, accidentally got once and suffered the whole month, made me tired, and felt like i was withdrawaling.
AUROBINDO - better than teva, nothing close to cor pharma, bunk to me.
SANDOZ - trash / mixed reviews about them, depends on batch & 20s or 30s, not worth the risk.
Whatever u do don't get teva footballs or ull regret that 100%. Don't let pharms tell u there all the same either. Binders and fillers affect each person differently. So try them all but try COR PHARMA FIRST! (IMO). I also take each dose with 2,000mg of calcium carbonate. (Antacid) increases effectiveness, not by a great degree but noticeably. Hope i helped someone.
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Sabrina Says:
I find the 20mg adderall to work well for me. It makes me thirsty, and clench my jaw but I am very focused. I wish it were still easier to get RXs in CT
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Hayden Says:
Hi, As mentioned, the different fillers in the drugs from different companies can be metabolized differently by different people. My wife and I have been on Adderall for over two years and for that time we have been on the generic 30 mg orange oval pills. Only recently when we moved to a different town, all the pharmacies here have the pink and orange round 30 mg pills. And both my wife and I hate them. They are not even closely affective as the Orange Oval Pills. I take two 30 mg pills a day and even then, I feel as if I have take one 10 mg pill. Hope this helps!