Pink Vs Orange Adderall (Page 8)
UpdatedIs there a difference in the potency of the generic oval orange 30mg and the generic round pink 30 mg?
Re: Mrbig (# 135)
Where can I get them filled in Michigan? I can't find a pharmacy that stocks them. Thanks.
Re: Jenn (# 4)
The orange one teva is the name brand of those. They are shaped like a football I think they r THE best ones! but that's my opinion
Re: cmurder (# 25)
If this is a true statement then you do not have ADHD. If you have ADHD then you can tell a difference from your first prescription. That is how doctors know if you have ADHD. You respond to the medication. Otherwise, if you do not respond you are only getting high. Your diagnosis must be wrong.
For me I've found that the oval orange ones work way better. Definitely a better generic!
I found the pink round one to be MUCH more potent and aggressive. Higher anxiety, more jitters, more insomnia, less appetite. More effective, in a way, but also greater intensity which was sometimes too much, regardless of dosage.
When I alternated and took the orange one, it felt completely inert by comparison. At a later time, I weened off Aderrall completely. Then I started again with the orange oval one with a clean system. I found the orange oval one to be way more tolerable: focus with less anxiety, less jitters, virtually no side effects. While I was on the pink one, the orange one was weaker by comparison so I didn't even feel the effects. It was over shadowed by the pink one. Overall I was very sensitive to meds so I would take only 5-10mgs.
Re: Analytical Thinking (# 143)
You might want to keep your thoughts to yourself regarding this area, because everything you just typed is not only terribly wrong, it's dangerous and could give people the wrong idea... ADHD & ADD and all of their varying cousins aren't based upon whether or not the medicine "works" or not. I can't even see how you can think that with all the differences in people in general! They're diagnosed by a series of tests and an 11 to 12 point check-list now, that's been refined and worked on every yr for the past 10yrs time, w/ the child or teen patient being assessed and checked out, and then something on the lower end of the strength spectrum is prescribed at 1st., like low dose methylphenidate tablets...Coming onto a forum like this and saying judgmental things like a person just "wants to feel high" is NOT a cool thing to type, or say, & I bet you know that already and just choose to do it anyhow, etc... Again, everything you said is TOTALLY WRONG. No diagnosis is ever made by a human Dr depending on "if the medicine works or not". There are little children and teens in our Natl' kids foundation that tried 4 or 5 different r/x medicines before they found the 1 that works, so your post has not even micron bits of truth in it, so I'd not give advice out like that!
Re: Wendy (# 2)
U can get it at cvs stores, my reg pharmacy had backorder on the oval orange pills, so I had to go to a different cvs and was given pink ones, but I don't like them.
Has anyone found the generic Adderall manufactured by Mylan if so, please comment
Is Caraco generic Adderall a good effective alternative to brand name Adderall? Does it absorb into the bloodstream as well as Adderall?
Anybody know what brand of adderall generics the pharmacy carry in NYC, queens?
I know Walgreens only carry Teva. what about riteaid,cvs, target and walmart?
I'm trying to avoid the orange foot ball :-(
Re: hawlpmeh (# 150)
Hi I know exactly the situation. CVS bought Aetna recently so don' even think about using CVS. Walgreens/Duane Reade have Teva brand (D-amphedtamine salts combo). They orange oval pills are HORRIFIC recently. I asked my Dr to change me to to Vyanese (COMMENTS PLEASE)???
Re: Analytical Thinking (# 143)
Actually there is a difference between the orange ones and pink ones. Or else every person on here that has a comment would b wrong. Every person I know personally that takes this medication responds differently to orange and pink. They are not the same. I could have a prescription of the pink then get orange the next time and it's a tottaly different affect
Re: Lookingforpinkones (# 6)
My friend takes adderall and says the round pink ones take effect very quickly, while the orange ovals metabolize very slowly. So while I've been on both for 15 years and can't tell... there must be more than in Actavis at work here. Keep in mind, orally the body absorbs only 30% but up to ~75% of the drug (roughly 3 fold difference). This means one day 30mg feels like 30mg... then another day 30mg feels like 75mg, if you get what I mean. Stomach pH is the main thing determining if 30% or 75% is absorbed. A higher pH leads to the most absorption... aka taking antacids...
Re: Wendy (# 2)
The orange ones f***ing suck. They make me tired and cloudy-minded.
Re: Rachael (# 5)
The 30mg IR orange Barr Work great for me. Been on that dose for 4 years now. No problems.
Hi guys so I've been taking meds for ADHD for a few months now and started with vyvanse all the way up and it did nothing so i switched to adderall IR and now take 30mg 3 times a day. I have had the round orange ones with the u31 i think they were and now have the peach football B 974 and so far they work great...the round orange ones were horrible for me. I am constantly doing research on different generic brands and have not tried the pink ones everyone talks about. I see now they are being discontinued is this correct? After reading many posts i do think it depends on the person and how they react to the filler and have recently learned taking antacids help with absorbson. I haven't tried it yet and would like to get some thoughts on if it works and which type of antacids i should use. Other than the brands i have mentioned i don't know of any other generics out there so if there are other ones that work well i would definitely like some info on them so i can find the brand that works best for me. I think everyones opinion and suggestions are important and i know it depends on the person and how they react to the fillers but knowing all my options on brands and antacids would be great!
Re: Nancy (# 11)
Hey Nancy! We're down here in southern Florida, near Miami and we were 1 of the 1st areas to be hit by the cut off of the CORE brand pink tablets in 30mg generic Dex Salts combo (adderall), for whatever unknown reasons, the corp decided to stop making their entire line of adderall in the pink copyright color they had made for yrs., I know the 30mg pink tabs aren't avail anymore, and pharmacies here can't even order them because they stopped making them totally! I tell you what, I've had 2 HUGE brain cancer surgeries in the mid 1990's, the 1st astrocytoma surgery took 23hrs in the oper rm, and to enhance my odds at surviving the surgery, they gave me EXTREME UNCTION/LAST RIGHTS & put me into a coma for 7 months time, (LOL...To this day, some 26 straight yrs later, I don't remember a thing about the surgery whatsoever, etc., had a VERY good team of doctors!) they put me under to do the surgery Christmas Eve morning at 5am, 12/24/1992, and I "woke up" late July 1993, shocking the **** out of the Drs and nurses in the advanced NICU unit I was in (LOL), but had to spend another yr in the hosp re-learning all aspects of moving as a human, how to sit up, twist, stand, move my head, use my hands, everything!! Can you imagine being 35yrs old and monster hyper, but having the mobility of a 2 week old infant? When I finally got discharged in March 1994, walking and still alive, I was ecstatic, LOL! I was hi speed my whole life and was already hyper/high processing before then, etc., but those 2 neuro-surg's destroyed my focus and "ability to complete tasks", etc., till they started me on the 1st original generic brand of 30mg dextro combo salts by BARR way way back, they were sweetened, & scored into 1/4's with a big cross mark, & worked WONDERFULLY! (This was around like 95 or 96, etc...), the orange ones now aren't the same ones, I hear, which is a shame, then, when the feds did the big pill mill shut downs here in 2011, (They closed 44 of them in our suburb ALONE!), it got all adderall put on the "extremely restricted drug list" as from being so abused & street sold, and now FORGET IT, you can't locate them anywhere! Friends of ours tell us there are about 7 other generics made of it still, so keep looking, and good luck with your search!
Re: ADDmom (# 8)
I agree i definitely prefer the orange i don't feel any different with pink ones no energy im still sleepy
30mg Amphetamine salt comb tab CorePharma pink pills have found over the years to be tried and truly more effective. They are not a waste of my time or money. As a matter of fact, with the pink tablets I felt like I was back to being a contributing member of society. You may ask how is that? (Lol) Well for those of us with ADHD we know we struggle to complete anything from a to z without about 20 million stops in between. We will complete a task, eventually. But just not going to go from A to Z directly - So just feeling like missing the mark and not being able to get it together with any of the other medications, including the orange tablets.
Re: Wendy (# 2)
COR is the brand and they no longer make them... I’m having trouble finding a generic I like
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