Pink Vs Orange Adderall (Page 10)
UpdatedIs there a difference in the potency of the generic oval orange 30mg and the generic round pink 30 mg?
People keep describing the meds by shape and color. But, different brands have the same shape and color. And color can be different within the same brand depending on strength.
Drug lookup tool. Can identify almost any pill. The Labeler / Supplier might not agree with the label. For example, Brand NorthStar has 2 formularies. One is made by Aurobindo, the other sun pharma. (Not sure if it still sells the one made by Sun, but have seen the Aurobindo one). They come up as Sun or Aurolife (American subsidiary of Aurobindo) in the lookup. has a list of 245 pill images for generic Adderall, most with a picture.
Re: HCStymie (# 181)
This site also has a couple of lists with pictures in case anyone wants to compare.
Re: David (# 1)
100% correct.
As a Master Chemist I can answer this.
It is that you are experiencing a sensitivity (which is more common than not) to the fillers aka binding ingredients.
It’s expected that absorption is the same among all people which is simply not the case.
It’s just a matter of which one works best for you.
Re: DrMerritt (# 164)
Wow, I believe you. I have been in on Adds for only about 3 years. I take a total of 30 mg a day (which I see in comparison to some it’s not that much, not judging at all. I just thought I was in a high dosage) and have only had it filled at Walgreens. I get 30/30s oval orange (Footballs), split 1 in half in am one in early pm, literally changed my life. As an African American Male, mental health and the idea of something being wrong and needing to seek medical attention for that mental health issue, well that’s not something highly talked about. However since I have took steps to improve my wellbeing I have only taken the “Footballs” unfortunately, for the month of November, I was given some Pink E 345 which I was told were the exact same… THEY ARE NOT. I don’t feel them working which makes, not function at my best and what’s more I actually do worse because, I kill time completing mundane task, which I usually do as I am waiting for my usual peep. Disappointingly I’m just not motivated to move past those time wasters, because my peep up feeling never comes and the desire to do what I know I need to do, it never arrives. It really sucks and unless it’s something another person has experience with, it’s really hard to explain how you feel and you come off as a lazy ass. So thank you for taking the time to explain, I not only fully agree but I can affirm that what you said is correct and I will be going back to Walgreens immediately.
Re: David (# 1)
You were right except that the potency can also be different. Generic medications are legally allowed to be up to 20% different in strength from the name brand, either stronger or weaker. So if the orange ones are 20% stronger than name brand and the pink ones are 20% weaker that’s a huge difference in efficacy between the two.
Re: cmurder (# 25)
My own doctor doesn’t agree with you.
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