Inactive Ingredients:
- Anhydrous Lactose
- Silicon Dioxide
- Magnesium Stearate
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
- Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato
Ref: DailyMed
What are white and small pills with mb1 on them?
please tell me what this pill is..found at my mother's house don't know what it is. doesn't look like any of...
Oblong large white pill with L484 ## L484 is Acetaminophen 500 mg (NDC 30142-0484 among others). Acetaminophen is common...
I need pictures of all pills with abbott logo on them ## That would be a lot of work for someone. You never said why you...
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What are three toned capsules that are dark pink, light pink, and yellow, with the letters BARR 323 on them? ## Your cap...
I found a pill has a line in the middle on one side and A M B E E on the otherside please help ## HI, Gabby! I'm sor...
I found this pill in my house a white oblong pill with 084 on one side and APO on the other ## Hello, Marie! How are you...
Found a white oblong pill with I 9 on it in husbands pocket and need to know what this is. ## You're actually readin...