Phentermine Side Effects (Top voted first)


What are the side effects of phentermine?

75 Replies (4 Pages)

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I also get mouth and tongue sores when taking Phentermine. Is there a reason for this and any way to avoid it?

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I just started taking Phentermine yesterday and I have been notified of the possible side effects and am watchful. The funny thing is I am just the opposite...I am tired and no energy. Does it take a while to build in your system. I felt more energetic before I started taking it. Diana

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I am wondering if anyone on this Phentermine has had the side effect of blisters on your tongue and sore throat? I just recently started this medication and i am wondering about this If anyone knows anything about this please contact me.

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I just started taking phenternmine and first my throat started hurting, then my tounge started feeling weird, then blisters on my tounge!!!

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I started taking phenermine a week ago and so did my brother, he lost 10 lbs and is not hungry and has more energy. Me I am still always hungry, no extra energy and have not lost any weight. How long does it take to start working? I have been waking up at least a dozen times at night even though I take it early in the morning, that is the only effect I have.

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I too am having sores and the tongue problem please let me know if you have any good advice

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I started on phentermine about 3 mths ago and after a few days of taking it I had several sore blisters on my tongue! In the meantime the doctor called me to inform me that I had Lyme disease and to stop it and start antibiotics so I finished those this past weekend and started back on my Phen and my tongue is so sore I can hardly talk! It is extremely pAinful!!

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has anyone had the roof of there mouth been hurting when taking phentermine it hurts when i eat or drink anything.

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Did anyone respond to this post? I'm experiencing very dry mouth - no matter how much I drink and my tongue has little blisters on the tip. I know it's from the medicine because they went away when I stopped taking it for a bit. I love the suppressant effect but not the sores on my tongue

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This is my second time on phentermine and lost 86# in 6 months the first time. This time I have side effects. 3 weeks of taking it and I have the dry sore tongue and it's making it hard to concentrate on much else. Today I started getting tiny blisters all over my body. And noticed a painful, tiny, white bump on the inside of my lower lip. Pretty sure there are a couple bumps developing on the outside of my lip as well. I am also 5'9" and 220# so I really worry that side effects will cause me to discontinue the pill and I will not make it to a healthy, comfortable weight.

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My friend said it was crazy on her heart. Ricci, did you notice your heart beat was affected at all?

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Yes I do have irritation on the sides of my tongue. They are white sores. They aren't blisters or anything bit they are very uncomfortable. I have no idea what they are but I know I only get them when I take the diet pills. Also the pill seems very acidic, like a burning senation that lasts only the second or two between when I place it In my mouth until I get a drink of water to swallow it.

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Is it normal to have a red hot tender face and ears while taking Phentermine?

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does anyone know the scale to indicate the recommended dose?

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I have been taking phen for a about a year now and have a week off it now and then, but every time I start taking it again the 3rd or 4th day I will get blisters on my tougue an thy will go after a little while I have had a 2week gap recently but even when taking phen I'm still getting hungry.

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are you rubbing your tongue against the back of your teeth subconsciously? I am having terrible side effects. I just started yesterday for ADHD and fatigue, at 10, i've been cleaning house and fluttering around since then and it is 4"17pm here so over 28 hours. I am told this all goes away after about 3 weeks. My doctor has me on zanax and celexa too. I think he may have told me to start those first, then the phentermine/

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Carla, is your tongue still swollen? I haven't read all the side effects of phen but it sounds like you're having a reaction to it. Have you ever had this happen w/ this med? is there someone there w/you? and for the fruit, I would not eat the more acidic ones as they are obviously not being very nice to your dehydrated & swollen tongue. Right Now, try & drink large glass of water & continue drinking lots everyday. please let us know ure alright...swollen tongues are scary!

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The tongue, throat, & mouth pains are caused by involuntary sucking and movement in the mouth. I have taken phentermine several times and this ALWAYS happens. I actually only needed to lose 12-15 lbs for my wedding, and I never lost a single pound! I took 37mlgs a day!!

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Side effects are dry mouth, restlessness, anxiety, all in all not to bad considering the weight loss and increased energy - but watch for mood swings

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a common side effect is dry mouth which cam cause blisters or other problems due to the lack of moisture and growing bacteria in the mouth be sure to drink tons of water and that should help aid the blisters also dry gargling salt water one or twice a week to help killing the bacteria and brush your teeth often.

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