Phensedyl Addiction Cure (Page 2) (Top voted first)


How to rid myself from this

47 Replies (3 Pages)

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yeah 13 yrs on the run

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piyo jio ash koro......but why phencidyl.....don't take it.....though i have been continuing for the last 14 years...its cool. no addiction is better then it. but this s**t will destroy you. i am a young potential talented person but could not do anything in my life.... just a bloody bugger depends on his wife... unable to leave this s**t .....what to do....i can give you a suggestion....take ganja for someday, whenever u need phency...u can overcome the strongest willing to get a dyle...try it...i have done and i was succeeded ...but again catch...because u know Dogs tail was never been straight...........

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i'm phensedyl addicted last 3 years..i used 1 bottle per day...please help can i cure from this addiction...plzzzzzzzzz

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how can i get phensedyl in uk ?plz let me know.

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u can think, u can advise, u can promise, u can dream BUT nothing will work at all. It is DYLE..... , it will not leave you alone.........who were with it.

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It was 1996 I gulped phensidyl first and it was half of 120 m.l. bottle. Now it is 2012; in calculation about 16 years without any break. So far once I took an intermission for 10 days but very a rare 1 day off. I have a boy aged 6 years and I am married for 10 years. I am different from other and that is I go to office regularly, take meals with satisfaction on time and go to bed in time. I got the problems such as decay of personality, prone to loan and detached from relatives. I have relation with my family members but they are not satisfied with my behavior, sincerity, dedication and responsibilities. I want quit it now at 40 years of age but I can not. It causes health hazards like headache, fever, vomiting, high blood pressure, flatulence, stomach disorderedness and frequent sleep break at night. When I take it, I become normal but when I leave it I become ill with extreme sufferings. I did not take treatment but I consulted with a physiologist, who gave me some suggestions and medicament. I threw the medicament and again picked up the bottle. I gained heavy weight having hypertension, breathing problems and snoring. I want to get rid of it because I have a boy, wife who all the times depend on me. Besides I am worsening my health faster and I am lagging behind my friends. The habit destroyed my full economical foundation leaving a huge loan with immune savings. Please help me to sustain in the life as a normal man.

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I used Phencidyl from 1993 to 2001 drank almost everyday whenever I tried to stop it only withdrawal I had was dysentery that's all I have used other drugs like heroin for 3 yrs withdrawal is very hard for heroin muscle pain , Hallucination etc thank god I don't use that stuff any more I drink wine its fine sometime I go overboard but its fine better than Dile I lost a friend because of Phencidyl he died of a heart attack How did I quit on october 2001 I moved to USA and thats it I quit.

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i started taking dyle in 92. used to drink one bottle a day then started mixing sleeping pill on it but still wasnt enough i had to smoke ganja after that. i wasnt working at the time going to college and my parents were living in ny so money was not problem but my elder sister was in charge. i became animal for the money, verbally abused my family.

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To discontinue a drug like phensedyl doesn't require any other medicine but a will to stop it. After continuation of 7-8 years I stopped it. By that time my parents took me to rehab to cure; which was much more horrific as the medicine were provided were more powerful and addictive than phensedyl. As soon as the realisation came in mind; I had stopped abusing this medicine and stopped on the following day. So far I didn't go and find again this cough syrup any more in last 10 years. I had spent hell lot of money on it. It's stupid ideas to take another drug to discontinue one. Guys use your will power; which are more powerful and effective. Phensedyl is just a bad habit not even a proper addiction. I'm sure anyone could get rid of it, if I can. None of u took more than I took every single day. So stop taking a piss and better stop drinking that s***. Good luck to you. Be a man!!!!

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im jack
leve dhaka. im 27 year old.

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My husband is going to be more addicted to this. We are married for only 2.5 years and have a little angel. I am a working women. I can run my family with my money but he claims that he feels stressed to maintain family expenses. That's why he needs a refreshment by this s*** and marijuana. I think I am going to leave him if he does not agree to stop taking those.

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addicted from 7 years... now want to quit but bad effect appear such as sleepless, dull face, etc. how can I get rid of.

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What name this magic tablet? Pls tell me bro tablet details...

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I am taking phensydyl about 20 years. I tried several times to give up that. I can not sleep hole night., it seems to me pain in knee. I did xray of knee 3 more times, nothing found. so I do realize that it is the affect of give up pheansydyl for 2 or 3 days.I took 300 ml 4 years ago, now continuing 100ml.

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I am taking phensydyl about 20 years. I tried several times to give up that. I can not sleep hole night., it seems to me pain in knee. I did xray of knee 3 more times, nothing found. so I do realize that it is the affect of give up pheansydyl for 2 or 3 days.I took 300 ml 4 years ago, now continuing 100ml. so help me to give up that.

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I am taking phensydyl about 20 years. I tried several times to give up that. I can not sleep hole night., it seems to me pain in knee. I did xray of knee 3 more times, nothing found. so I do realize that it is the affect of give up pheansydyl for 2 or 3 days.I took 300 ml 4 years ago, now continuing 100ml. so help me to give up that.

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hello everybody ! I too was very much addicted to phensy. But now after 12 years of consuming it I want to get rid of it and we all know the reason. Will those tablets be available in pharmacy? Is prescription needed for that ?
Ill try to enquire in medical shops here at Tamilnadu. If it is possible to leave it I will be the happiest man in this world as I can face and solve any other problem.
Lets get out of this habbit and also help all others who are addicted with or without their knowledge and make total India Phensedyl Free ..

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How can I find the medicine Subutex (Buprenorphine HCL)? Please provide the information.

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My name is anik.I had been addicted to Phensidyl for about 1 years.It is very good felling.but it damged in our body.I can not live whitout it.So please help me budy.....

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Can you share the prescription with us?

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