Phenobarbital Shortage?? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am having trouble getting phenobarbital from the pharm due to lack of supply. Anyone else having this issue?
I've been checking with my Pharmacy and West-Ward since October. The latest is that the 15mg, 30mg and 100mg will be started at the end of March or early April. The 60mg will start in February. They keep changing the dates but this is the first schedule I and the Pharmacy heard of. Hope this helps.
I am having the same problem with 30mg Phenobarbital. My local grocery store pharmacy said it will be in stock in May?? i really cant wait til May for this. I need it like tomorrow.
I went to my new doctor as the regular dr has retired. He suggested I take 16.2 mg
SEVEN times a day.......I call that OD and trip to ER if Im lucky enough to survive.
What are the manufacturers doing to us? I take for seizure disorder as well.
Caz! You can do one of two things. Choose to be victimized or choose to be powerful. I know which one you are choosing..sitting and waiting for a seizure is not your choice, You know full well there are other places to get the PB from. So call around and get some. You do not want to die, do you!? No! Nor do any of us. You cannot depend on one place to fulfill your needs. They do not have your PB, OK?? End of story. Now you go to work and find one that does! The pharmacy is not responsible for you. They can only dispense what they get.
Their cupboard is bare, so I know you will not moan and get into action, you and you alone have control of your life they are not Mommy and Daddy! And they willI not have the seizure,,just you. So, I know you do not want that, correct? here is a number for you to call to get PB delivered to your door by mail. 1-877-877-9700 life extension pharmacy in Florida. Hours M-F. 9-6. sat. 9-2.
My dog received a script from local pharmacy for Phenobarbital 30mg and there's no Lot # or Exp date on the script? Does anyone use this drug? If so have you recently received a script and what was your lot number and exp date? Is this medicine still good ? Should I give it to my dog? If someone can lmk if they've recently picked up a script and what info was on it I'll be ok giving it to my dog... please reply
First, change your doctor. If you where controlled with phenobarbital and phenytoin, stick with them. Topamax is good but not for everyone.
I used Phenobarbital for 40 years and its the only thing that controlled my IBS and now I cannot find it, this Bentyl crap is what I get and the side affects is not comforting and it does not work like the Phenobarbital at all, FDA lies of course again. So what now? Its 2015 and still no word on the return of the one medication that worked for me and having a normal life. Who out there can tell me now what to do. Cause these doctors I have don't get it. Are there any New answers of when the Phenobarbital will return to the Market ????
Phenobarbital is available. It's ridiculously expensive for a generic, but target pharmacy and cvs Caremark both carry it.
I too have been taking PB for 30+ years. Until the past six months, I have never had a problem getting my medication. I take the 32.4mg dosage, and have to search from month-to-month for the medication. For the one who said, "Keep a cool head, and just pick up the phone and call around," keep in mind that some of us work 75 hours per week and are limited by our time constraints. Also, you can only transfer a prescription one time, then its back to the DR. for another RX even though you still have 5 refills remaining. It is frustrating, but it is what it is . . . . We must all grin and bare it. Don't worry, President Obama will take care of this for us--he has made healthcare sooooooo much better! Sorry--enough said.
Shadow, the same thing just happened to me. My dog has been on pheno for about 10 years. It was $10.50 a month until a few years ago. The price started creeping up. Last month I paid $40.50 and today it was $92.50. WHAT??? Like you said, this is nothing but greed.
Caz, 16.2mg seven times a day ? that sound dangerous. 16.2 twice a day is 32.4mg. Get another doctor.
I had a pharmacist at Wallgreens tell me they had a back order. I tried another and another pharmacy. I prayed to God for help. CVS called me to help with my meds.
I have been taking phenobarbital for at least 60 years, and it has worked great in conjunction with Dilantin to control my seizures. Now the pharmacy says none of their suppliers have it. I need this medication if I am to function on a daily basis.
My local CVS doesn't carry it. Went to a local mom & pop drug store where I was able to get it but instead of taking 3 30mg, I had to get a prescription for 1 97.2mg. Okay, I could dal with that. Then they can't get that either. Transferred prescription to another and yet another, this time to Walgreen's. I can only pray that they were being honest when they said they have the 97.2mg in stock. Not bad enough? CVS is now having trouble getting my phenytoin sodium 100mg (Dilantin). I am definitely not anxious to have another seizure, after 20+ years of being seizure-free.
Apparently there is a complete shortage in SA for both humans and animals (my Black Lab needs 230mg per day), there is a paste available but now this is also in short supply. I'm trying to source from the UK but this is proving problematical too.
Wish I had an answer for you. I took take those same drugs, and they have totally controlled me seizures for well over 20 years. No way will I switch! Lately I did have difficulty finding my phenobarb, but luckily got it at Walgreens before I ran out. I don't know the cost these days, my medicare advantage plan covers all my meds.
There is no shortage. The problem is greed. The bottom line is always MONEY.
Suggestions for a similar drug: Levsin or Librax...However, the prices on these have gone up too...just not quite as high as donnatal.
I have also been on Phenobarbital for over 60 yrs. It helps better than any medicine I have taken, yet if I miss a dose I usually have a seizure.
Is that why the price has gone sky-high? Maybe that is just an excuse. Being the only provider could be making them very greedy!
MORE expensive? I was quoted $350 for 30 pills. I just couldn't afford that. But, the Levsin & Librax aren't as good.
How can you help?
And, for how much?
I'm just curious, as I cannot pay what the pharmacy quoted.
I'm not on this medicine but my brother took it years ago for epilepsy. Luckily he "grew outside of it" as a teenager and hasn't had a seizure in over 40years after having grand mal seizures 2-3 times a week for over 4yrs. I read the posts out of curiosity as to why such an old medicine would be in such a short supply. My opinion is that since PB is a scheduled drug and has potential for abuse, the DEA is putting pressure on drug companies and drs as well to make/prescribe drugs that are less likely to be abused. Just my opinion as I have seen it happen w/ other medicines I take.
I hope this can be of help someone out there.
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